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Thread: Drop ma req of the ma-only bow in 14.6..

  1. #1

    Drop ma req of the ma-only bow in 14.6..

    Isnt the luvin of the MAs ended yet, is they need to be better and better every patch? MAs are not the only one that uses bows, for MPs (hello, remember theres a profession called MP) the cheapest skill is bow, some of us use bows for primary weapon not a thing that used when rooted, and you give us crappy melee, ranged energy adding rings and items. That MA-only bow is good with its damage, modifiers and dmg type. I was thinking about switching to reet-tech xbow from schuyler, but you made it 67% rifle, 33% bow in 14.6 so it is not very viable because now i have to max rifle for good attack rating. Good thing you increased that you increased the damage output of some of the bows but they still have crappy quivers like 3!

  2. #2
    Bow-bump. Give us choice.

  3. #3

    Cool I agree

    I really like the look a suttlety of the bow it would be nice with a wider real choice and this new bow looks like a nice alternative and it's white

    I guess it's thought for MA's because of the high crit, but I' not sure that many will change to bow. Sure we will see a lot in the beginning, but in the end, I think most people chose the MA profession, becauce they like the idea of close combat and fist-fighting

    In conclusion: I WANT A WHITE BOW!!! *Sob*
    "is there anyone on this ship who remotely looks like Satan?"

    Pluspol - NT
    Ozon - crat

  4. #4
    I chose the MA profession because, even though my personal preference is to play a "spellcaster", they're usually fragile, and I wanted a character that could survive while I learnt the game. So I chose a fighter-type, MA due to my friend already playing one and raving about it

    I'd love to go Bow and, if I can find one of these new bows, I probably will (especially if Bow buffs come into the game).

  5. #5
    Too many profession restricted items, level restricted and self only nanos are ruining this game. I thought AO is meant to be a skill based game, not a EQ clone.

  6. #6

    Re: I agree

    Originally posted by Ozon
    I really like the look a suttlety of the bow it would be nice with a wider real choice and this new bow looks like a nice alternative and it's white

    I guess it's thought for MA's because of the high crit, but I' not sure that many will change to bow. Sure we will see a lot in the beginning, but in the end, I think most people chose the MA profession, becauce they like the idea of close combat and fist-fighting

    In conclusion: I WANT A WHITE BOW!!! *Sob*
    A white bow to go with that GORGEOUS chocolate complexion, just like an uber hot oreo cookie *drool*

    /letch mode off

    Yeah, less profession restricted items. This is limiting diversity in this game!
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Warfang
    Too many profession restricted items, level restricted and self only nanos are ruining this game. I thought AO is meant to be a skill based game, not a EQ clone.
    This is a class based game. The skill system is used for variety among the members of a class. UO is a skill based game, AO is not...well kinda, but not really. I mean no matter how skillfully you chose your skill path, your NT will never be able to cast Mongo Slam.

  8. #8

    Easy answer!

    If you want to use the MA-only bow, roll on MA! You'll be much happier playing an uber char, anyways. Funcom has a reason for making each class attractive to you -- you play more. You play more, you pay more. Pretty crazy notion, eh??

  9. #9
    nodrop item after 14.4 almost = not drop from beatable mobs .........

    These item in db is just use to make us waste more time/ money on this game becasue FC found they start lose players.
    forget that bow , and think about why west wind katana still only exsist on test server
    Kill ma in pvp will not be looked as farming pvp title
    No dangerous, no exception gogogo

    crats what r u waiting for ?

    171 soldier
    200 ma
    174 NT ( leveling )
    83 doc

    I am in China now . no AO this month .......

  10. #10
    WWYD - What would YODA do?
    Fluxlee - Martial Artist
    DeltaFlux - Bureaucrat
    I'm A: Chaotic Good Drow Fighter Ranger - Follower Of The Spider Goddess Lloth
    Ultimate Techno!
    "And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIiIIIGGH"
    Strong Bad Action Figure!
    From a scale of one to awesome , I'm SUPER GREAT!!
    March forward! Not backward, upward, not forward and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!!
    Veteran of a thousand Psychic Wars
    Powerflux - Future pilot of a Galaxy-Class Drop ship

  11. #11

    Re: Easy answer!

    Originally posted by Captain *BLEEEEEP*
    If you want to use the MA-only bow, roll on MA! You'll be much happier playing an uber char, anyways. Funcom has a reason for making each class attractive to you -- you play more. You play more, you pay more. Pretty crazy notion, eh??
    I play a MA.... two, actually.... and no they don't use a bow, because guess what - fists do more damage and their init isn't bugged.

  12. #12

    Re: Re: Easy answer!

    Originally posted by reality
    fists do more damage and their init isn't bugged.
    Most bows are having their damage upped and inits fixed next, which will benefit anyone who uses bows. There's a chance you'll have to IPR your init, depending on if you spent the IP and what bow you use, but your weapon of choice will serve you better after 14.6 (provided your WoC is a bow )

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