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Thread: Why are IPR points limited?

  1. #1

    Question Why are IPR points limited?

    I mean really, why is this a limited option?

    is it so uber bad that people can adapt and change?

    its not like you can OE or something since you have to remove all your stuff.

    I fail to see the "IPR points should be limited" argument. Someone tell me why its good that this option is limited or what would be bad if it was a "IPR-all-ya-want" world.


    Why did i post that on this forum? because i want to make a suggestion that IPR points to be limited, but not w/o hearing some people argue about it...

    please dont flame me im fragile :P hehe

    /// halofire

    Halofire Stuff

    Ogiebogie Stuff perks


  2. #2
    Actually that makes alot of sense. I don't see how this is unbalanicng. Good idea IMO.

  3. #3
    everyone would be the same, all ranged people would use whatever was "uber" that week.

    Too many cookie cutters.

    The game was intended to NOT have them, they gave them out for people to fix themselves due to nerfing and people abused that.

    "reset" buttons for toons is BAD unless the dev's ruin you with changes.

    Why not just have cheat codes if you want infinite ipr

    /set skill x max
    /reset skill x
    /set max damaeg
    /set profession
    /set level

    wow that was fun! can we play again?

    by being able to radically change your character at will you DIRECTLY EFFECT OTHERS. In a solo rpg it is ok, your changes dont effect everyone.

    I suggest you get Star wars jedi outcast, great game, sounds like it is more your speed.

    we were not intended to be able to change skills... INTENDED... it is not how the game was envisioned, or designed.

    You work hard, you get skills, and you try out some things that nobody does, if it makes you Uber then EVERYONE will just do what you are doing. It allows for no strategy or uniquness, both of which I value as a paying customer.

    Infinite IPR = Twinks Online

    I could just use an IPR, get all the nanoprogramming I wanted, make my own implants, then get some trade skills so I can make my VE and armor. It reduced player interaction

    there are a few reasons. I will think of more if you like
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  4. #4
    well okay, that thing about the nano progging and stuff is really a good point.

    im not saying i would like to IPR all the time, im just saying that it would be nice to change and try new stuff.

    but i guess that all the proffs would do a flavor of the week thing.... which sounds really boring.

    ah well.. this is why i ask

    just another thing

    "Infinite IPR = Twinks Online "

    Anarchy Online = twinks online
    even with out the IPR hehe.
    nothing wrong with that though, .

    BTW this post doesnt have anything to do with the fact that some people might have lost alot of IP with some item nerfs (even though i FEEL for those people really much... )

    maybe there could be a system of gaining more IPR after you spent all of em then? not so you can farm em but something inbetween. though alot of other people might have better ideas but though.

    thanks for the input...

    / halofire

    Halofire Stuff

    Ogiebogie Stuff perks


  5. #5
    Yazule, not saying we should get infinite IPR points, but IPR doesn't make cookie cutters as much as no IPR at all.

    Who would, afterall, take a risk of using a weapon that has not been prooven effective when they could just use what everyone else is using and be safe?

  6. #6
    well I see many variations of weapons out there right now chris, but given a LOT of IPR you bet everyone would be gunnin for 2he (EQB anyone?) in teh enforcer arena.

    I see many 2he,2hb,1hb players out there right now. I see doc's wit rifles, shotties and MA, I see LOTS of variance.

    If everyone could switch at any time then everyone would end up with the same "best" weapons, all but the "role players"... err do role players exist in AO? have yet to meet one in game.

    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  7. #7
    Originally posted by Yazule
    everyone would be the same, all ranged people would use whatever was "uber" that week.

    Too many cookie cutters.
    Wait....isn't that already happening??
    .: Naraya :.

  8. #8
    There is no question, unless you actually have a template planned out in advance and stick with it for most of a character's lifetime, 15 reset points per character is a very slim margin.

    Changing, for example, from dw'ing 1he to pistol for an adventurer can eat up quite a few (initiative needs to change, lose the primary attack skill, probably brawl, fast attack, sneak attack). That's five right there. Better be happy with the switch, better hope no fundamental game mechanics change for the remainder of your lifetime, and you definitely don't have room to experiment with anything else, or make any errors.

    What's the big deal with allowing the flexibility for experimentation? Some people actually enjoy character development and trying new things.

    What makes for the most cookie cutter characters is the total lack of variety of solid choices for equipment, not that people are all sheep.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Yazule
    well I see many variations of weapons out there right now chris, but given a LOT of IPR you bet everyone would be gunnin for 2he (EQB anyone?) in teh enforcer arena.

    I see many 2he,2hb,1hb players out there right now. I see doc's wit rifles, shotties and MA, I see LOTS of variance.

    If everyone could switch at any time then everyone would end up with the same "best" weapons, all but the "role players"... err do role players exist in AO? have yet to meet one in game.

    And before we got IPR everyone, and I mean, everyone, was using the same exact thing.

    PS: Newbies who didn't know better don't count.

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