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Thread: Vamp's 2 pennies and making cash, etc.

  1. #1

    Vamp's 2 pennies and making cash, etc.

    Salutations to all of my fans, followers and loyal devotees.......... as well as the enemies and assassins who undoubtedly outnumber the aforementioned......

    Just here to kill some time and talk to you about how I feel about the excess cash/equip that a lot of people, including myself, have. As well as what we should be doing with it, in my humble opinion. Please, after this point, take everything I say with a grain of salt. Don't flame for me having a different outlook than you please, I wouldn't do that to YOU guys

    To kick this shindig off, I think I should first explain my current economical state. Well, to be perfectly blunt, atm I have in excess of 75,000,000 credits at my disposal..... That sure looks like a whole lot compared to when I write just 75m, doesn't it? Now, this is obviously a considerable sum of money! Tons of people have way more, but nobody goes around calling 75,000,000 chump change, from what I know.

    For a very long time I was overtly poor..... even destitute..... I was just starting out in September of 2001 and I was such a gimp. I couldn't make cash for the life of me, and that's what earned me the title of Rubi-ka's most Infamous Beggar for quite some time. I had some pretty sleazy beginnings on my old melee Soldier, indeed. Well, I'm not going to bore you all with my past..... BTW, presumptuous of me to say "all" and assume a bunch of people are actually reading this?

    The fact is, I would not have one-tenth of the money and other commodities that I do now, if not for the good people I have had the pleasure of sharing my gaming experience with. I mean, how else can I guy with a lvl 80 Fixer main get 75m or more? Well, I could have blitzed for it.... but I have taken that road before and it is a mind-numbing one with no little Mom's Diners along the way to pick up coffee, hehehe....

    OOf..... where am I going with this.... sidetracked again......

    Okay. Well, all this is not to say that I haven't worked for a good deal of my money, because I really have. The thing is, you really need to have money to make more of it. So, after a friend of mine gave me 999,999 credits one day so that I could actually afford some equipment after having sworn off begging.... I decided I'd put that money to use.... I watched the economy closely... this was several months back.... I noticed two items that I could buy low and sell high..... the first one was cheaper at the time, and that was the Wen-Wen. This is back in the days when Wens showed up as huge boxes with skulls on em. People loved them for the novelty of it. So I picked a few up cheap and sold em off. Then I used that money to buy Pioneer Packs and sell them higher, etc, etc.

    The whole money making scenario is extremely easy in some ways..... But as I said, you need cash to start with. That's why I don't just give cash away, and now I can really get into the topic of this whole mish-mash....

    On RK, it seems people hate beggars. I can understand this 110%. These players find it unfair to have to give away for FREE what they have seemingly worked so hard to achieve. Regardless of whether they need their money or not, they horde it away. I strongly disagree with their decision... and that may in fact be my downfall.

    You see, ever since I've found what I consider to be great wealth, I've decided to help other people who aren't as extremely fortunate as I am. I don't hate beggars. To do that would seem almost hypocritical. Indeed I don't like to give what I have away for free, though. So that's why I always take something back. Everytime I see someone in need and I have a shadow of a chance of being able to help them, I jump at it. This doesn't only apply to cash money hola hola bling bling glitz glammor donations of creditional proportions, but in simple manners of advice... but we're talking about the cash here, so stfu with the advice and emotional moments, Vamp!

    When someone is new, or not even new, and confused as to how to make it out alive in our often scary RK economy, I'm quick to the draw. I'm very apt to donating a good amount of money to these people, but I always make sure I get back what I want... and that's the assurance that I have taught them a lesson. Before I give anyone any large amount of money, which is often -_-;;, I also give them a looooooong talk and answer all their questions on how they can amke their own money. I'm always realistic with these individuals and I always do my best to make sure they understand how to use what I give them so that they can be self-sufficient in the future. Much like the old saying, "Give a man a fish................... Teach a man to fish........."

    I mean, explaining to someone how to make their own money isn't so hard. And giving away a little money is even easier. So I can't fully grasp why these people are so terribly cold to people in need. Come on, without going to extremes, your average beggar is just a person like you or me, but without money. Hell, giving out a good lesson and a few creds can be fun, and if you do it well you get a new friend out of it.

    The lesson in it self involves the basic lay of our economic land, how to obtain resources at low prices and subsequently sell them at a higher price. I try to educate a little bit of math in their to, to help them figure out what is actually worth selling/buying. But.... the MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE LESSON is to teach these people to pass on the knowledge they obtain, if not with a little bit of money to give them a jump start.

    Just to clarify a coupl'a things:

    1. NO, I do not give handouts. I only give things to people if what they need is small and I know that they are unable to obtain it. There's a few other rules, but blah blah blah...

    2. YES, I do teach my Economic Lesson to every person who begs to me or is confused, unless they're obviously just somebody's alt and are too lazy to take a transfer from their 200 Enf's huger-than-thou's bank.

    3. YES, I REALIZE THIS SOUNDS LIKE CRACKPOT-AND-A-HALF ADVICE especially since it's coming from ME, a guy who is definitely not self-sufficient himself. I mean, to be realistic, I actually need the help of 8 or more people to buy my GA MKII (which I have yet to obtain). These people only help me because money isn't so important to them in this now item-based economy, and because they know I help people and because WE ARE FRIENDS.

    4. YES, I am aware that the above goes all over the place and may sort of sound like a pyramid scheme since I keep using the words 'lesson' and 'cash'. and yeah, sry for the caps.

    lol, my next pyramid scheme will be open to all attending Fixer Con 2!
    Vamp CAN and WILL teach you how to make FAST CASH! I can and WILL teach you how to make FAST CASH by placing tiiiiny ads on the forums and shopping channels!!!

    ugh, k, if you wanna say anything, go ahead. sry if that was a little hard to follow. my mind goes 100x faster than my typing.
    Pfft, the GMs and ARKs aren't rid of me yet! Back for a third round, in this corner, we have Vamp. Weighing in at a buck-fiddy and lovin' all the bitties.

    Donations to the "Why Did Vamp Give All His Gearz Away" fund are now being accepted. Either that, or a friendly hello.

  2. #2
    nice post mate, i've almost read the whole thing ;p

    seriously i got only 2 words to say to any low level omni who wants to make money.... Med... Suits... Buy them for 5k, sell em 20k in newland/tir.

  3. #3
    What can I say ...
    Having just come over to RK1 from 2 I was absolutly struck dumb at the cost of services and items. Been beavering away to doing the usual Beam/ Battlesuit/Decus coat selling (always at a reasonable price (paying 300k for a qlty 50 coat are people MAD!!) c'mon 100k is fine for the amount of work you put in to get it)).

    Still if you run a seminar for "Basic Cred making on Rubi Ka" I would be more than willing to attend .. perhaps we could sell tickets ;P
    Promoo - Agent, Clan on Rimor
    Still alive but now dressed in spandex and called Big Gun in CoH
    Keeper Of Tiggy

    Happy Tree Friends - The best animation on the web

  4. #4
    I agree with you on the desire to help out others in the game but...


    I can't go anywhere without the beggars harrassing me now. I give people money/items all the time, but usually in the guise of selling something. I'll never forget the lvl 15 soldier who i ended up paying to take a nova i had after we bargained on price for about 20 minutes
    If someone you don't already know randomly walks up to you and asks for credits or equipment do us all a favor and put them on ignore. Do you want someone on your team who wants to watch you kill the mobs in a mission b/c it would just be too boring to actually kill them himself? I mean he plays for fun, and tedious tasks like killing mobs is boring. If you were a good person you'd do that for him too...

  5. #5
    Hehe, thanks for the feedback.

    Nice to see some diversity on all of our opinions on the matter.

    BTW, I don't put anyone on ignore.... well..... just one person. But fyi, they weren't a beggar.
    Pfft, the GMs and ARKs aren't rid of me yet! Back for a third round, in this corner, we have Vamp. Weighing in at a buck-fiddy and lovin' all the bitties.

    Donations to the "Why Did Vamp Give All His Gearz Away" fund are now being accepted. Either that, or a friendly hello.

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