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Thread: Who wants xp for killing mission mob pets?

  1. #21


    Razas got the best solution there.

    Or just make MobPetCast =< 1
    and quit making things so difficult :/

    Give us XP too... this only makes that crawl to 200 slower, harder, more dangerous, more awkward and more boring...

    XP-less pets dont add to game they take away from it severely.

  2. #22


    So why would pet farming be undesirable? A mob is a mob. Kill it, get experience, move to next mob. Does it really matter whether the next mob is the same as the last or in the same room?

  3. #23


    This one gets a bump from me.

    Haven't tried it with my fixer yet, I've been camping for a tim scope...but my weenie ma goes into a mission, that she used to be able to roll through, and if the first room is engis, gets stomped.

    Not just runs in and out. Not slowly works them down. Gets flat out flattened. Even chain casting heal and pumping first aid kits, she can't take out a single thing before dying...on the same ql mission where she can take out three enforcers in the entry without dying, 50% of the time.

    Don't get me wrong, I love having pets to fight. It adds a lot of flavor, and requires technique. But there really does need to be some limit on the power, and group. Count them as two mobs in the loading process, or something, so we see two engis in a room that we would see four nanotechs, or something like that.


    The fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you.

    The uber gimp, now in accessible goodness:
    Gimp gimp gimp

  4. #24

    Green pets? Try yellow to red for me

    Bump. XP for pets or no pet classes as mobs.

  5. #25
    Actually, I just did a ql 50ish mission with my fixer, and got xp for killing the MP meatball. Unless someone picked a lock while we were killing it....But i'm pretty sure it was XP from the pet

  6. #26
    Better suggestion:

    Nerf XP & Levels altogether....

    Whenever you kill something, do something, or make something that would previously give you XP....give IP instead....then lets talk skill-based game....
    .: Naraya :.

  7. #27
    NPC pets should give experience (first pet only to prevent farming)

    I don't know how long or if pets should be around much after the death of the NPC summoning them though.

    I think NPC pets should definately be tweaked a bit. Because right now they are not ready for primetime.
    Fear is the Mind Killer.
    You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?

  8. #28
    Nope, no xp for pet slaying. Tune the pets correctly and it won't be a problem.
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  9. #29
    There should be some kind of reward for pet slaying, or there should be no pets at all. If they really plan on keeping pets, then the damn things should stop attacking as soon as they lose their master.

    My thoughts on this are, pets for NPCs are following wierd versions of our rules again, in that pets typically go until the end of the current fight before stopping. If the master dies, the pets have already received their attack orders and continue doing so until one of the combatants dies.

    If that is the case, it must be dropped. NPC pets should not be attacking after the master dies, because, well, it's cheap. If they must stay, give them a reward of some kind or make them stop as soon as the master drops. Shouldn't be that hard to balance these out, really.

    Though I also like the nerf XP/Level idea, too.
    Rhiannon "Krystanova" Pourier
    Xenobiologist and Explorer, 179 Adventurer
    Explorer 100%, Achiever 53%, Socializer 47%, Killer 0%

    Visit Faunlore: Rubi-Kan Wildlife, the Anarchy Online bestiary!

  10. #30

    Simlpe solution

    Just give us more xp for killing the master! Like when i play my clan char we all get very happy meeting a OT fixer, double xp

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