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Thread: Reduce the price of nano chargers at least 50%

  1. #1

    Reduce the price of nano chargers at least 50%

    Why can't Funcom make nano chargers a reasonable price!?!

    This is insane that Doctors cannot even earn enough money in the early game to keep themselves equipped. It would take about a second to change 1 line of code to fix this. C'mon guys, this needs to be fixed.

  2. #2
    I would rather have a Doctor only skill that made the Doctor get more out of Madikits / Nano kits / Stims - They are after all masters of the body so they should get more out of them
    Alex "Cado" Portello - Atrox Enforcer
    Lakisha "Sheelai" Thompon - Solitus Doctor
    Al "Asdur" Orender - Solitus Martial Artist

    I have no nose .. I peeked on Ani while she took a shower!

  3. #3
    The higher your comp lit is the cheaper things are on vendors, I was looking at a yalm one day with my 700 comp lit, and a level 65 MA with 200 comp lit was looking at the same thing as I was, and he commented that the yalm cost him like 5.6 mil, and on the same vendor it was showing up as 4.4 mil on my screen. So the higher your comp lit is the cheaper kits are


  4. #4
    The original point still stands though. In relation to their income, low level Docs spend a sizeable chunk of cash on rechargers every team mission or outing. Sometimes, if the looting is bad, or the mission doesn't complete or is xp only, you can lose money on the exercise. No other prof has that problem.

    The cash problem for Docs is heightened by the fact that they are dependent of others to provide loot. 90% of the teams I've been on, *never* share loot they get from chests. They may post it, and you can ask for it; but they don't distribute it. If you want it just for cash, then the looter is going to raise a fuss. Its not worth the hassle. In the end, the Fixers and the Agents walk off with the lion's share of the loot.

    My point then, is that Docs, especially low level Docs, need a break on the recharger costs. I'd also like to see Doc nanos significantly reduced in price. In relation to Doc income, these items are way too expensive.

  5. #5
    Learn to blitz.

    Docs (with a fixer runbuff) are just about the best blitzers in the game.
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  6. #6
    i would argue that NT's also have that problem with nano chargers.
    Spewing truth from every orifice.
    Fixanox - Member of Eternal Fury.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Kenlon
    Docs (with a fixer runbuff) are just about the best blitzers in the game.
    I can well believe it. In my own particular case, though, I haven't raised B&E because I spend my IP on nano skills, comp lit, and the like, so blitizing is out of the question as I'd be stuck at the first locked door.

    Its also kind of odd that, as a Doc, you'd be deriving your primary income from activities more in line with Agents and Fixers.

    That aside, what it means is that as a Doc blitzer you'd first, have to plan on blitzing as your income source and treat (blue) B&E and runskill as a primary IP targets. Which, second, means you'd be less effective in specialty buffs and doc tradeskills. Its not a tradeoff I'd be happy with, yet it sounds like it could solve a good chunk of the income problem for docs.

    Having said that, blitizing doesn't address the problem of the original poster, that is, the cost of nano rechargers. Docs, and as Cronos indicates, NTs as well, are dependent on nano rechargers, and consume a disproportional amount of their income on them. You'd think that all team members would more or less have the same order of magnitude costs to complete a mission. As a level 120 doc, I can spend 100K easy on nano recharges per mission. How much do my enforcer, MA, and soldier teammates spend? Nowhere near that. That's the issue.

  8. #8
    Getting them in missions is fairly easy.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  9. #9
    Enforcers, MAs or Soldiers don't get to be *the* make or break member of the team in hard situations.

    Needing money is just one of the harder parts of playing a doc.
    I find it worthwhile.
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

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