Good replies all,

As some others have said, to me, its more about a shifting focus. Yes have some fantasy in there, aka EQ style, but lets make that secondary to a great cyber punk like game.

I don't want GvE excluded either. I don't want to see neutrals squeezed out, and the game reduced to space opera like Star wars. Don't misunderstand me, the struggle SHOULD be there, but so should an entire spectrum in between.

If they are dead set on focusing on that dark fantasy style, guess I need to roll a cenobite, I mean nanomage NT. *chuckles* What the heck. I did play EQ for quite sometime.

I really have nothing against fantasy. My concern was having AO reduced to even bolder black and white, removing the grey in between, and changing the primary focus to fantasy like EQ.

I like AO alot and won't be leaving for star wars. If I have to swallow 'the force' and space opera, it will be cyber punk style at least.

Thanks for all the input.