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Thread: Make Crat charms check vs. caster's Psychology skill instead of an arbitrary number

  1. #1

    Make Crat charms check vs. caster's Psychology skill instead of an arbitrary number

    Funcom, please explain why there is a maximum Psychology score each (stable)charm nano can work on.

    If it checked against the caster's Psychology skill it would give us a reason to actually out IPs into it! You could even make it (Psychology *70%) for lower charm nanos up to (Psychology*100%) for highest charm nanos, if you are worried about us buffing our skills too much.

    But making it a static number which cannot be exceeded by that nano just doesn't make much sense at all. The charm nanos become useless before the next one (about 15qlvls higher) is available.

  2. #2
    Two minor points.

    1. Crat charms check against Psychic, not psychology
    2. One way to extend the use of your charms is to use Drain Psychic on the Mob first.

    I do agree with your basic post though, a hard boundary on the nano doesn't make sense in my view either. I'd much prefer that as the level of the Mob more exceeds the level of the charm, the charm is resisted more. Lowering the Mob's psychic would increase the likelihood of a successful charm, and raising the Crats Psychology would also.

    Rumor has it that raising the Crat's Psychology (not Psychic) already does increase the likelihood of a successful charm. But the hard limit on the Mob's Psychic still stands of course.

  3. #3
    Yes.. that uber 12 point drain really helps when Im trying to crowd control Pest camp.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Stah
    Yes.. that uber 12 point drain really helps when Im trying to crowd control Pest camp.
    Hehe, yeah, its a trick that's only of real value in the early levels when the difference in Psychic levels of Crat nanos is 20 or so. It allows you to extend your reach a bit between nano upgrades.

  5. #5
    Oh yes, I see that you are right about it checking against Psychic, not psychology like I stated earlier.
    Now I have to wonder why it checks against psychic and NOT psychology, this is making less sense by the minute!

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