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Thread: Notum Wars - Buy or not Buy?

  1. #1

    Question Notum Wars - Buy or not Buy?


    I hear how now testing the Notum Wars.
    I found very few official infos. Can build towers, landcontrol, new yalm's.

    I try collect many infos about notum wars. I hear in game many thing, and i have no clear idea.
    Can any1 help me?

    My problems:
    1} Towers
    I hear how the a guild can build limited QL control towers, and when build many 30-40 support tower, cant demolish for just one guild members.
    When i not buy first time the booster pack, never can get place for my tower? The little guilds are disbended. And just the big guilds can survive?

    2) Money and market
    The towers product money. Can get easy. I think 1 item what i can buy now 20 mill, after the Notum Wars maybe 40 mill. Or we can just trade items for item? (i not will how this game same as Diablo with only item tradeing. "Where is my Stone of Jordan?" )
    When any1 have no Booster pack, cant product money, then need more time blitzing for money, how can buy a item?

    3) PvP
    What is new in Notum Wars, just the PVP?
    I cant make team mission, need leave the team and run to my tower when that is attacked? The Notum Wars is PvP based game? or have any other good. ( I not like the PvP, that is not balanced and i always lost. (How can deprive me a Trader with 650nanoskill, when i have 1500 Nano Resist? - just Poetic Ask. i very n00b in PvP) )

    4) New things?
    What is the other new things?

    Any1 say to me : Good the Notum Wars buy buy.
    I dont know what i will do. Help to me please.

    Gimp forever!

    Rubi-Ka2 :
    Proud member of Alpha Omega
    Characters: Toldix/Enf, Liliom/Doc, Almos/Fix, Toldixmp/MP, NToldix/NT, Vazul/MA

  2. #2


    (btw, in the following post i have absolutely no clue what i am talking about so a lot of it is wrong, tys)

    Check out AO stratics, it will change your mind. They have Beta screenshots and people have played it talking about saying how much they love it. About the big guild vs. Little guild thing...Little guilds won't disband because they have an option to participate. If they want to stay small but still particpate they can from alliances with other guilds. Also you must no that team PvP is very different from dueling. This hopefully won't be pointless PvP just to get a title. I didn't understand your question about the economy. About leaving your team to defend isn't required but you will be getting bonuses so you should try to keep it. Also new are the voice commands which they also have at AO stratics. I can['t wait until it comes out (pre-ordered it a while ago). Seriously though, check out some of the stuff at ao stratics...actually i go there right now and try to put a link up in a sec. So to some this up i would definetly say buy.
    It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.

    Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind
    -Jack Handey

  3. #3

    Talking here

    here is the site

    Also i forgot to mention that in the polls section there is a poll about this and last time i checked it most people were gonna buy.
    It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.

    Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind
    -Jack Handey

  4. #4

    Release day. Oh yeah.
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

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