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Thread: fix mission entrances in milky way

  1. #1

    fix mission entrances in milky way

    either make mission entrances work by proximity or fix the shepwrecks down there.

    that place is really cool and sci fi but searching for 10+ minutes to find the entrance to the mission is really putting a downer on it.

    i have lost count of the number of missions i scrapped because the ship hull is so dark that you have a hard time locating the entrance even by daylight.

    "that anything goes" - i have entered through holes, the exhaust pipes and through the obligatory airlocks - does not help locating the entrance at all.

    *edit: update the mission entrance was indeed bugged as the called ark could not enter as well.

    my point is that i only take missions in places i know with my yalmless guys for the fear of being raped by some uber boss god mob camping the zone like a grid hogger in mmd and now only take missions to places i know with my yalm users because others might be bugged anyway.

    these morale sapping bugs will kill of ao.

    container gremlins, missions being lost, mobs falling into the clipping and being gone forever, camping, pet pathing, line of sight/cast bugs, shops being useless - these things plain out suck!

    i could care less for pvp and i am pretty patient when it comes to content and balance but these things will one day drive me from the game i love.*
    Last edited by Blackwing; Nov 21st, 2002 at 14:15:42.
    sept 03 - the day ao was keeled by sl.

    gone now. byebye.

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