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Thread: Community Update - Nov 26

  1. #1

    Community Update - Nov 26

    Time for a little update.

    The process of bringing in new players to fill the empty seats has started, and I hope to have everybody in by the end of the week. Some basic discussions about the program has been started, and as soon as everybody's ready, we'll focus on profession issues.

    Part of the invitation e-mail, to show what the program is about:
    The Professionals is a program started to provide profession feedback from the Anarchy Online players to the AO dev team, and to ensure that the most important profession issues get looked into.

    The players involved in this program will participate in discussions with each other and the Funcom Community Team, and together decide on the most pressing matters with professions in Anarchy Online. Each of the Professionals is expected to participate actively, and maturely, in the discussions on behalf of their profession. Funcom is expected to start discussions, fuel them when needed, and to provide answers on the most pressing matters. At least 3 answers to specific questions should be provided from Funcom each week, but this is an absolute minimum.

    The participants should be known and respected by their profession community to such a degree that the community will trust them to do their part well, and of course have a genuine interest in speaking on their profession's behalf.
    If anybody has any questions about the program, feel free to contact me.

    Patches and Notum Wars
    I have been extremely busy with patches and preparations for Notum Wars launch lately. Some of this work you don't see a lot of, but it takes quite a bit of time. What you have seen is probably the patch notes, which I now have the responsibility of writing, based on the patch info I get from the dev team and QA. If you have any feedback or questions regarding patch notes, let me know.

    I also have a short description of the new in-game voices to write up before Notum Wars launch on Thursday, so that's gonna take some time tomorrow.

    Bulletin board and IRC
    My activity on the bulletin board varies with how much other work I need to do. IRC usually ends up as lowest priority. Even though I often log in, I seldom have time for much chatting.

    The bulletin board has my almost undivided attention on patch days, and the days after, putting most other tasks aside. This means I often have to forget about the bulletin board for days afterwards, to catch up on other stuff. I still browse it, and have people notify me of important issues. I just don't have much time for replying (takes more time than many people think).

    I'm considering setting up a specific day of the week for IRC, like a community chat day or something. This way people would have a day they would be sure to find me there, and be sure I have nothing else that has higher priority at the time. I'll think some more about it, and see whether it could develop into bringing along a designer once in a while.

    Just for clarification; the e-mail goes to me too. Not directly to my inbox, but I check it as often as I can. I read every single e-mail, and sort them into folders for safekeeping (no, not the trash bin), but unfortunately do not have time to reply to all of them. I'm checking into having the address simply forwarded to my inbox, as I can't really see any reason not to.

    Playing the game
    Yes, I do, in fact! Just thought I'd let you know that.

    I have characters of all professions now, but I'm no more than a noob in some of them. I play to have fun though (I beta tested and played AO before getting a job here), and not primarily as part of my job, so I focus on playing one character. I switch that one character now and then though.


    That's it for now. Take care folks, and be nice, even when being bad.

  2. #2
    Please play your NT more lol j/k! Thanks for the update, perhaps some info in the Booster Pack forum is due since the release date is here or near (no one seems to know for sure) and your last update was late Augest.
    Quote Originally Posted by Silirrion View Post
    We wouldn't make the nano in the first place if we didn't feel that it would be useful and at the very least a decent addition to any given professions nano listing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Abalz

  3. #3

    Re: Community Update - Nov 26

    Originally posted by Cz

    I also have a short description of the new in-game voices to write up before Notum Wars launch on Thursday, so that's gonna take some time tomorrow.
    So NW comes out on Thursday? As in two-days-from-now Thursday or some other Thursday which no one has heard about ( thinks it has been released. Not many other places seem to have a correct date)?

  4. #4
    Tomorrow Thursday for me, which would be November 28, as expected.

    Maybe I'll forget about trying to scurry to gym after work, and hit a couple of shops to see if anyone's bothered to order it in. 100k creds says I'm going to have to ask specifically for it, and explain what I'm looking for.

    I'm guessing they'll have never heard of it. Maybe if I go fetch one of the AO boxes out of whichever shelf they might have hidden it on, they'll get the idea.
    My Main - Actionpete of the Red Tigers

    And with one sweeping blow, Letah pwns everyone. :-D - Razishlyat, Nano Regen rate

    The Shadowlands Perk System - "Are you feeling perky yet?"

    On the Shadowlands Perk System:-
    Originally posted by OneChrisN
    Frankly we don't know anyting about it other that it's there and Enforcers can kick people in the nuts.

  5. #5

    Re: Community Update - Nov 26

    Originally posted by Cz

    I'm considering setting up a specific day of the week for IRC, like a community chat day or something. This way people would have a day they would be sure to find me there, and be sure I have nothing else that has higher priority at the time. I'll think some more about it, and see whether it could develop into bringing along a designer once in a while.
    I like the sound of this. Then log and publish the log for each session. Thanks for the update as well Cz!!

  6. #6

    Re: Re: Community Update - Nov 26

    Originally posted by Maxtor 1-7

    So NW comes out on Thursday? As in two-days-from-now Thursday or some other Thursday which no one has heard about ( thinks it has been released. Not many other places seem to have a correct date)?
    I called EB yesterday, they said it was shipped that day and it should be in the store today.

  7. #7

    Has the NW beta ended?

    Has the NW Beta Ended?

    I ask because I've lost all the beta boards from the forum and the beta client no longer connects to anything. However I have seen no 'official' notices either in the beta launcher or the beta boards listing an end date, not have I recieved any email about it.

    I know its a small point buts it exactly this lack of communication and apparently disregard from the players that can be the 'straw that broek the camels back'

    Please FC show a bit more consideration for the testers than just ripping the ground out beneath them and then leaving them in the dark, we know your busy but a quick email or a sticky in a read-only beta board and/or a note in the beta launcher would have been enough
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  8. #8
    *nearly falls off his chair laughing*

    I'll probably check a store for a box later today, despite the delay.

    They didn't even tell the testers in NW? shesh..

  9. #9
    Can we get NW-notes (such as what is in it and what it does)?

    Why are you the only person on the forums, barely have time for IRC, and writing patch notes? Shouldn't someone like Gaute take the patch notes off your hands so he actually knows what is being put in the game? If he does know, shouldn't he know the most so he can explain it best?

    ..Did he leave to play golf and can't find the ball because of the snow?
    Last edited by Maxtor 1-7; Nov 28th, 2002 at 04:10:11.

  10. #10
    Warlock, yes, it has ended. I wrote an announcement in the beta forums, but it seems the update script removed everybody's access to the forum (which I didn't know it would do). Sorry about that.

  11. #11
    Yea there was nice info in there i wantewd to copy and paste, anyway we could gain access to it again? It was about the diffrent HP for nano and solitus breeds.

    :: Disco "Strayduck" Duck - Equipment - History ::

  12. #12
    Let me know (e-mail preferred) what the thread was about (e.g. the thread subject), and I'll have a look at it, and maybe move it to an active forum.

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