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Thread: Heals and Weapon Swapping

  1. #1

    Heals and Weapon Swapping

    Hi, I haven't played in years and went to a Biodome raid yesterday. My weapon swapping was constantly interrupted by something, I presume team heals or single target heals. From what I remember, weapon swapping or any other item equipping was blocking heals on you, but I've never experienced not being able to swap weapons.

    Is my presumption correct and is there any way to avoid this issue?
    Last edited by vodaphony; Apr 11th, 2014 at 07:25:47.

  2. #2
    can't swap while in NANO recharge.

    Healing has nothing to do with it.

  3. #3
    Many nanos, including those from procs, aura refreshes, hostile nanos, perks, and hostile perks, will trigger a brief nanocast which cancels any swap in progress.

    Often, your nanocast/nanorecharge bar will be bugged or hidden so it'll be hard to see. Also, there can be multiple programs casting at the same time in special circumstances. Nanoprograms can act very, very strange. As a guideline though, nanocast or nanorecharge cannot overlap with weapon swapping, with the nano taking priority.

    Edit: Re-reading this, I realized I forgot some stuff on swapping. Nothing that changes it, but some of the statements were perhaps too general.

    In some circumstances, weapon swapping can block your own nanocast, but it's probably isn't what you're experiencing.
    Most targeted friendly nanos will be blocked by weapon swapping. Lots of procs, auras, and so forth run similarly to hostile programs though.
    On occasion, you can cancel the nanocast by using the escape key or by jumping. Jumping, however, generally also cancels the swap.

    Note item use can take priority over swapping, and can temporarily stop and reset it.
    Note also that you can chain perks on yourself to reset your swap timing at a point when you otherwise couldn't, such as in Freak Strength stun. This can allow weapon swaps to complete at very unexpected times after long delays, surprising your opponent.
    Last edited by srompu; Apr 27th, 2014 at 09:20:06. Reason: New info, didn't want to bump thread.

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