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Thread: 150 pvp ma ip

  1. #1

    Question 150 pvp ma ip

    Hello everybody,

    Been working on a 150 pvp orientated ma in a defensive setup.
    But as ip is really tight, It's not possible to max all the needid skills.
    So i got a few questions for people that have gone down this road before.

    What skills should be prioritized?

    Should the superior sapphisticated bow be used?
    The bow skill is a big ip sink. Should AS skill be maxed at all costs?
    Or will a high crit ratio supply the needed dmg form AS's?
    If so, should I just ip enough to equip the bow?

    Should I use a infantry eye for AS skill?
    Or would I benefit more from an support eye to save IP on bow skill?

    What about fast attack for Flurry of Blows?
    Is it worth it to invest ip into it for a higher ql?
    Or should i go for no ip into this skill and use whatever is possible?

    Im also using a ql 195 wave and a 150 flower, should i push ip some for higher qls of these?

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Regarding Flurry of Blows: Your only real benefit is the +crit for 15s. Those 15 seconds are static and do not change with QL. The crit bonus on the other hand does. It scales from +10% @ ql25 to 20% @ ql200.

    So, the question for you: how much FA skill are those extra +crit % worth to you. Remember that in pvp, crit % is halfed.
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  3. #3
    Is crit % actually halved for MA? Seem to remember MA's break that rule. You'll still have to contend with -crit from perks and gear ofc.
    Last edited by Notcrattey; Today at 05:51:45. Reason: Didn't actually edit it, was a mistake!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Dogtrauma View Post
    Is crit % actually halved for MA? Seem to remember MA's break that rule. You'll still have to contend with -crit from perks and gear ofc.
    MA's using MA fists still keeps their full critical hit chance without a nerf. The moment you equip a MA weapon or such you'll be running by the halved crit chance rule. So yes, kinda!
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