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Thread: Neo Luddite Manifesto

  1. #1

    Neo Luddite Manifesto

    I, Jethro Towne, leader of the reborn Neo-Luddite Movement put Omni-Tek Rubi-Ka and all inhabitants of this planet under notice: the aberration that is the robot must be removed from Rubi-Ka entirely or you shall suffer the most severe of consequences and the hands of your very own creations. Our movement will no longer sit idle in the face of systematic industrial dehumanisation of mankind. We now have the means and moral resolve to face this outrage head on. Smash the machine now, or be smashed by it.

    I invite our brothers and sisters in the Unity of the Rose and Desert Winds to join our crusade against those machines that rob us of our very humanity. Join us and you will be spared.

    Hence follows the full text of the Neo-Luddite Movement's manifesto. This is so the People can understand the moral imperative that drives us during the days of blood that are to follow.

    The Neo-Luddite Manifesto

    The original Luddite revolt occurred on Earth in 1811, an action against the English Textile factories that displaced craftsmen in favour of machines. Today's Luddites continue to raise moral and ethical arguments against the excesses of modern technology to the extent that our inventions and our technical systems have evolved to control us rather than to serve us and to the extent that such leviathans can threaten our essential humanity.

    There is much in the experience of the original Luddites that can be important for the neo-Luddites today to understand, as distant and as different as their times were from ours. Because we are victims of an ongoing Industrial Revolution which has its roots quite specifically in the first -the machines may change, but their machineness does not- so those today who are moved in some measure to resist (or who even hope to reverse) the tide of industrialism might find their most useful analogues, if not their models exactly, in those Luddites of the nineteenth century.

    There are five lessons that one might, with the focused lens of history, take from the Luddite past.

    1. Technologies are never neutral, and some are hurtful. It was not all machinery that we Luddites are opposed to, but "all Machinery hurtful to Commonality". And above all this include the 'thinking' machines and most specifically, the robot.

    What was true of the technology of industrialism at the beginning, when the apologist Andrew Ure praised a new machine that replaced high-paid workmen -"This invention confirms the great doctrine already propounded, that when capital enlists science in her service, the refractory hand of labour will always be taught docility"- is as true today, when a reporter for Automation could praise a computer system because it assures that "decision-making" is "removed from the operator ... [and] gives maximum control of the machine to management." These are not accidental, ancillary attributes of the machines that are chosen; they are intrinsic and ineluctable.

    2. Industrialism is always a cataclysmic process, destroying the past, roiling the present, making the future uncertain. It is in the nature of the industrial ethos to value growth and production, speed and novelty, power and manipulation, all of which are bound to cause continuing, rapid, and disruptive changes at all levels to society, and with some regularity, whatever benefits they may bring to a few. And because its criteria are essentially economic rather than, say, social or civic, those changes come about without much regard for any but purely materialist consequences and primarily for the aggrandizement of those few.

    Whatever material benefits industrialism may introduce, the familiar evils--incoherent metropolises, spreading slums, crime and prostitution, inflation, corruption, pollution, cancer and heart disease, stress, anomie, alcoholism--almost always follow. And the consequences may be quite profound indeed as the industrial ethos supplants the customs and habits of the past.

    3. Only a people serving an apprenticeship to nature can be trusted with machines." This wise maxim of Herbert Read's is what Wordsworth and the other Romantic poets of the Luddite era expressed in their own way as they saw the Satanic mills and Stygian forges both imprisoning and impoverishing textile families and usurping and befouling natural landscapes [...] "such outrage done to nature as compels the indignant avenge her violated rights," as Wordsworth said.

    What happens when an economy is not embedded in a due regard for the natural world, understanding and coping with the full range of its consequences to species and their ecosystems, is not only that it wreaks its harm throughout the biosphere in indiscriminate and ultimately unsustainable ways, though that is bad enough. I

    4 The corporate-state, synergistically intertwined with industrialism, will always come to its aid and defence, making revolt futile and reform ineffectual. And it was not above cementing that alliance, despite all its talk of the rights of free citizen, with spies and informers, midnight raids, illegal arrests, overzealous magistrates, and rigged trials, in aid of making the populace into a docile workforce. That more than anything else established what a "laissez-faire" economy would mean--repression would be used by the state to insure that manufacturers would be free to do what they wished, especially with labour.

    5. Resistance to the industrial system, based on some grasp of moral principles and rooted in some sense of moral revulsion, is not only possible but necessary. It is true that in a general sense the Luddites were not successful either in the short-run aim of halting the detestable machinery or in the long-run task of stopping the Industrial Revolution and its multiple miseries; but that hardly matters in the retrospect of history, for what they are remembered for is that they resisted, not that they won. Some may call it foolish resistance ("blind" and "senseless" are the usual adjectives), but it was dramatic, forceful, honourable, and authentic enough to have put the Luddites' issues forever on record. Such a challenge is mounted against large enemies and powerful forces not because there is any certainty of triumph but because somewhere in the blood, in the place inside where pain and fear and anger intersect, one is finally moved to refusal and defiance: "No more."

    /ooc There is more on the NLM in the "Bot Smashers" thread
    Last edited by Savoy; Feb 12th, 2003 at 14:25:36.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  2. #2
    OOC: Very cool, very well-written.

    And on the OOC level, I agree to a large extent that many technologies are inherently dehumanizing, and that human societies tend to apply those technologies unwisely. It will be interesting to see how my guild and my friends react to the invitation, as well.
    Taren "Jynne" Suitt, Level 216/16 Eternalist
    Knight of Unity of the Rose - Check out our AO Tools!
    The Doctor Guide to: Notum Wars Martial Arts Perks! Nano Controller Units
    The General Guide to: Auto-Combat General Perks

    Visit the Roses and check out the shops in our City, NE of ICC at 4500x1500 in Andromeda!

    Iron Law of Exploits: If it can be exploited, it will be exploited. However a rule is exploitable, the exploits become the rule.

  3. #3
    Never did get along with bots anyway...they never quite manage to do what I tell them to.

    Anyway we have the 'Troxes to carry heavy the new furniture Nevver's going to get delivered to me (that was a pun of sorts).

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Jynne
    OOC: Very cool, very well-written.
    /ooc Thanks, though in effect the text was mostly plagiarised
    and reworked stuff form a variety of sources.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  5. #5
    scans his comm of the incoming message of one.. Jethro

    Hmmmmmm... RustBucket doesn't pollute... well there is the issue of those nuclear energy cells... Let'em try to smash my bot...
    Graduate of the Elite Academy

    Viray's Yalm Cleaning Services

    Viray's Taxi Co.

    The moral highground was levelled the very day the first player landed in a backyard, saw a cute leet and said "I wonder what it drops?"

    - Savoy

  6. #6
    My response to Mr. Towne,

    Very well argued, but inherently wrong.

    As a member of the clans, I will stand for my freedoms to employ my knowledge to construct and maintain my droids as I see fit. Your claim to moral superiority over me and desire to benefit all humankind are merely proving your own megalomania.

    There is a 'Big Brother' already on Rubi-Ka and I already fight against him. I have no desire for another 'Big Brother' as well, telling me what is forbidden and what is not.

    This would be a first step, to destroy robots, and hinder the strength of the Engineer and the Bureaucrat. Next we would be told that using the resource of the nano-bot is also against some ancient, outdated moral code that has been tossed aside millenia ago, or perhaps the implants we use within ourselves.

    I am nanomage. I will not comply.

    You are not superior to me morally, ethically, or as a human being.

    ((OOC: Modified due to my oversight and Viray's correction.))
    Last edited by Maxilon; Feb 12th, 2003 at 20:07:42.
    Nicholas "Maxilon" Markarian
    Executive of 'The Concillium'
    Clan Union Representative
    'Order is not oppression. Benevolent government requires a level of moral soundness and ethical fortitude that if not found should lead to the immediate dissolution, through armed struggle if needed, of said government.'

  7. #7
    (( Maxilon the manifesto and post are by one Jethro Towne... not Savoy herself... she is part of R.U.R. so uh... technology is in her best interests ))
    Graduate of the Elite Academy

    Viray's Yalm Cleaning Services

    Viray's Taxi Co.

    The moral highground was levelled the very day the first player landed in a backyard, saw a cute leet and said "I wonder what it drops?"

    - Savoy

  8. #8

    Old Athen

    *Quinn Honer sits dumbfounded as he watches the cheap wallscreen. It takes him several moments to digest before he is moved to action -a hurried set of movements to record the transmition of this "Jethro" and to send warning messages to Jen, Raquel, Jo and a few other contacts he has lying about the place.*

    "So the game is afoot, eh?" He whispers, lighting up a nano-death. "First move to you. But now we know, each other, I think..." He smirks and turns to gently run his hand through the hair of the sleeping woman, still wrapped in her blankets.

    "So it begins. Time to get moving, I guess."

    He dresses quickly, quietly. He leaves like a shadow, slipping out into the quiet morning streets of old Omni-2.

  9. #9
    ummmm ok
    Lanky Bill Nerf Engis

    ----Omni will rule you---
    ----Clanners, Be gone---

    Spank J-Lo Today!

    Proud advisor of Chimera

  10. #10
    ((OOC: Very nice, very interesting. Can't wait to see what happens ))
    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

  11. #11
    I see that this manifesto was based on the philosophy of the pre-winter Homo Sapiens. I ask those of the Neo-Luddite Movement these simple questions: How many Homo Sapiens are still around? I don’t see many. To base your entire philosophy on the scratchings of a race that was little more than apes that had learned to stand upright before the long winter came and wiped them from the universe seems fundementaly flawed. Granted, some institutions have survived from the monkey past, such as Holy Mother Church, but the longetivy of this ancient institution and it’s ability to speak to our needs through the last thirty millennia is an exception to the vast morass of obsolescence that Homo Sap has left to us as out birthright.

    Technology and its application is what have made Rubi-Ka great. Without technology and its careful application on a planetary scale, Rubi-Ka’s anoxic environment would reassert itself, and we would all die a choking permadeath. Beware of he who would deny you access to technology, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.
    Marisha Durousseau, War Dominatrix of The Honored Maidens

    Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright?--CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Ethics of Greed"

    Read Marisha's Journal, and see what she's doing

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Viray
    (( Maxilon the manifesto and post are by one Jethro Towne... not Savoy herself... she is part of R.U.R. so uh... technology is in her best interests ))
    Close, Viray, but it's actually more complicated than that. Its Dabblez who is in RUR. Savoy is both my original character (now in The Honored Maidens) as well as my general forum handle.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  13. #13
    (( Gotcha. I got confused. ))
    Graduate of the Elite Academy

    Viray's Yalm Cleaning Services

    Viray's Taxi Co.

    The moral highground was levelled the very day the first player landed in a backyard, saw a cute leet and said "I wonder what it drops?"

    - Savoy

  14. #14

    Thumbs up Re: Darn Ya Beat Me to the Punch

    ((I was just getting ready to work on a story about how powerful implants were further dehumanizing Ephael,

    Goodshow though, I think the point has some merit...))
    Priestess of the Unspeakable
    Omni Meta-physicist (RK1 Atlantean)

  15. #15
    You thought we were joking? You thought we were just some harmless nut cases? You were so very wrong.

    You may have saved your precious Tir School of Engineering this time, Lyricia, but it is not over. We will be back, stronger and in greater numbers than ever.

    Smash the bot!

    Jethro Towne
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  16. #16
    Interesting, and provocative, however many of the idioms you have used are unfortunately so archaic as to be useful only in metaphor and even then, those metaphors may not support your core philosophy.

    I see you mention "robots" time and time again, a colloquial term at best and also obsess on the notion of sentient's do please remember that most of the mechanical servitors on Rubi-ka are far from independent and that most of the "horrors" of the mechanised world are simple matters of bad programming rather then "evil" AI.

    My sister and I are nanomage breed, yet unlike most, my parents were solitus. Upon seeing our projected psycho-cerebral test scores they opted to apply for the nanobreed retroviral conversion for their unborn twins.

    Now while my choice of profession was Nano Technician my sister Tskalt (who was always a little more emotional) opted for Meta Physicist training.

    Why are Meta physicist exempt from your intellectual progrom? their creation may well use synth-flesh and carbo-oxy-notum complexes that are similar to the organics of human breeds but they too are soulless constructs of nanotechnology why should they prosper at the expense of the Slayerdroid and Bureaucratic helper?

    Is it because the driving force within these creations is emotion and not logic, do you deride our ability to regulate our creations with logic believing instead in the culpability of emotion as a driving force?

    Then perhaps your banner should be changed from "Smash the bot" to "Smash incompetent programmers", and strangely enough in that I believe we agree.

    Letha "Vedanthi" Norn

  17. #17
    Originally posted by SM

    Then perhaps your banner should be changed from "Smash the bot" to "Smash incompetent programmers", and strangely enough in that I believe we agree.

    Lol, that is a priceless quote!
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  18. #18

    Question Smash the incompetant programmers?

    It is too much of a mouthful for a marching mantra

  19. #19
    A bump from the depths of time which may or may not become relevant in the days to come.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  20. #20
    As a little introduction: My sister, Bidlyboo, and I, Agna, are both very different and very similar, she's a nanomage crat, while I'm a solitus fixer. We also have a few more siblings, among them one of Lyr's students, a solitus engie by the name Eurette. We are all members of the various End Game clans.

    When first reading trough this I thought I'd get my coffe (thanks sis) in return, so hard did I laugh. I hurried over to my sis, and showed her the note. Bidlyboo did not laugh. The first she said was something along the lines of "They won't get the mandate... form J-89/22-B claims that... no support... Omni-Tek... etc" To be frank, I fell off way before that. She calmed down after a while, and sat staring at her bulky friend. The bot tried it's best to cheer her up, but failed as alway due to not having enough memory, or something... Hey, I don't own a bot how would I know what it lacks...

    Eurette laughed though, short and hard, claiming that such nonsense would always exsist in one form or another, and that they'd go by different names each time. The Inquisition, The Neo Luddite Manifesto, The Omni-Tek Police, The Nazis, The KKK, whatever... She did go a bit to far for my tastes, but that's how she is... Always jumping the first idea she gets and sticking to it like ants to a jar of hunney.

    Well, I only have this to say to you Neo-Luddites: If you want a conflict, you'll get it! And when the rise of the machines comes, I'd rather be on their side than opposing them... Our imminent goal shouldn't be the destruction of "robots" but transforming them into something a bit more I don't know... humane?
    By popular demand: Back after a 3 year break!

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