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Thread: Hell's Kitchen

  1. #1

    Hell's Kitchen

    ((OOC: Excerpt from the daily life of an InternOps officer who knows her job, but has absolutely no practical experience in certain other 'matters'. Warning: Contains highly laughable material. You'll never look at Demenzia the same way after this.))

    Jennifer "Ylemae" Matusz
    Jenae "Demenzia" Markarian
    Seryk "Silentwraith" Blake

    On the evening, in a Luxury apartment, Jobe. The scene takes place in the kitchen, after 'Miss Jenny' has admitted that, contrary to what she had promised, she hadn't had the time yet to try cooking.

    08:19: Ylemae frowns
    08:19: Ylemae: MS JEN-NY!! You promised!
    08:19: Demenzia: I know, hun...
    08:19: Demenzia sighs
    08:20: Demenzia: I've found a few things I can try to make... just hadn't time to try it yet...
    08:20: Demenzia: Unless... unless ya wanna try with meh now?
    08:21: Ylemae giggles
    08:21: Ylemae: We can try!
    08:21: Demenzia: I have what's needed fer some chocolate cake... uhm, well, I think I have, I vaguely did some shopping two days ago.... so...
    08:22: Ylemae smiles grabbing ms jenny's hand jumping up
    08:22: Ylemae: les go!
    08:22: Demenzia smiles
    08:22: Demenzia: Okay, okay... i'm just gonna change quickly then, and we'll try, allright?
    08:22: Ylemae nods
    08:22: Ylemae: alright!
    08:22: Ylemae: I'll get stuff read
    08:22: Ylemae: ready
    08:22: Demenzia: Okay!
    08:23: Ylemae shouts: **CLASH!!**
    08:23: Demenzia startles
    08:23: Ylemae shouts: eep!
    08:24: Demenzia: Err.... sure ya dun't wanna wait that i've changed?....
    08:24: Ylemae shouts: MS JENNY!
    08:25: Demenzia: Just gimme two mins, okay? I can't cook with this uniform, gonna be all dirty and all after....
    08:25: Ylemae looks to the glass
    08:25: Ylemae: sorry....
    08:26: Demenzia: Dun't worry... just throw it away, but dun't harm yerself, hm
    08:26: Ylemae shouts: 'kay, I wait for ya!
    08:28: Demenzia: Okay, guess I'm ready
    08:29: Ylemae nods and smiles
    08:29: Ylemae: yay! so what first?
    08:29: Demenzia: I.. I din't put tha gloves on, hope ya dun't mind... just really not convenient here....
    08:29: Ylemae: Why would I mind?
    08:29: Ylemae smiles kindly
    08:29: Demenzia: Err... first we try to find tha recipe I had printed, I think....
    08:29: Ylemae nods
    08:29: Demenzia slightly smiles, a thanking look on her face
    08:30: Ylemae: alright, so find recipe...
    08:30: Ylemae looks around
    08:30: Demenzia looks around too
    08:30: Demenzia: Errrr... where's that damn thing....
    08:30: Ylemae checks the cabinets
    08:31: Ylemae shouts: Wait, ms jenny!
    08:31: Ylemae: is it on a small sheet of paper?
    08:32: Demenzia: Er, yeah?
    08:32: Ylemae: HE-EY!
    08:32: Demenzia: Found it?
    08:32: Ylemae: I could've swore I saw it...
    08:32: Ylemae checks the trash can being careful with the glass
    08:32: Ylemae reaches down and pulls up a small sheet of paper
    08:33: Ylemae shows it to ms jenny
    08:33: Ylemae: You threw it away!
    08:33: Demenzia: I *know* I had it in hand... two days ago. Went back from tha office with it... damn.... wanted to pin it on tha fridge, but....
    08:33: Demenzia: Err... I what?
    08:33: Demenzia raises her eyebrows
    08:33: Ylemae: YEA!
    08:33: Demenzia: Sheesh, but I'm really a moron....
    08:33: Ylemae giggles
    08:33: Ylemae: HEEY!
    08:33: Ylemae: You just wanted to get rid of it!
    08:33: Demenzia: No! Course not!
    08:34: Ylemae giggles some more
    08:34: Ylemae: uh-huh.
    08:34: Demenzia: I swear I din't!
    08:34: Ylemae: ready?
    08:34: Ylemae smiles
    08:34: Demenzia nods
    08:34: Demenzia: Okay. Let's wash our hands, and... we can look't what we need
    08:35: Ylemae nods
    08:35: Ylemae puts the paper on the counter
    08:35: Demenzia opens the fawcet, beginning to wash her hands in the sink while peeri ng at the recipe
    08:35: Demenzia: Okay, so we need uhm... chocolate! How bright I am, hah
    08:36: Ylemae reaches over and washes her hands in the sink
    08:36: Ylemae: chocolate!
    08:36: Ylemae dries off her hands on the dish-towel
    08:37: Demenzia: And uhm... flour. I hope this one ain't in tha trashcan as well
    08:37: Demenzia looks slighly embarrassed
    08:37: Ylemae giggles
    08:37: Ylemae: me too!
    08:38: Demenzia: Must be in tha cupboard with the rest of my shopping list though. Uhm, what else... Sugar... I have
    08:39: Demenzia: Butter... errm this was supposed to be kept in the fridge, say?...
    08:39: Ylemae: er, yea.
    08:39: Demenzia frowns, drying her hands too
    08:39: Ylemae: it cold.
    08:39: Demenzia: I hope I did put it in then.
    08:40: Demenzia: So uhm chocolate, sugar, flour, butter, uhm... what's that
    08:48: Ylemae opens up the fridge
    08:49: Demenzia: Allright. What else....
    08:49: Ylemae: butter right?
    08:49: Demenzia: Yeah
    08:49: Demenzia: Uhm and... eggs
    08:49: Ylemae gets out the butter and puts it on the cabinent
    08:49: Demenzia: Err. Will Chirop eggs do?...
    08:49: Ylemae: Eggs, 'kay, how many?
    08:49: Ylemae: Chirop?
    08:49: Demenzia: Three, from what it's said
    08:49: Ylemae: Three, 'kay...
    08:50: Demenzia: Darn, what's that on tha sheet. Soy sauce?....
    08:50: Ylemae: one... <grabs an egg> two.. <grabs a second egg> three.. <grabs a third egg almost dropping it she catches it putting it on the counter>
    08:50: Demenzia wrinkles her nose, looking at a large brown mark on the sheet of paper
    08:50: Demenzia: Wowowow careful!
    08:50: Ylemae: 'kay.... phew... eggs..
    08:50: Demenzia: Okay, i guess it's all we n-
    08:50: Demenzia raises her hand to answer a comm call
    08:51: Demenzia: Wait a sec....
    08:51: Ylemae nods
    08:51: Ylemae: 'kay
    08:51: Ylemae looks for the soy sauce
    08:51: Ylemae: aha! here it is.
    08:51: Demenzia: Mhm... no, busy at tha moment, but...
    08:51: Ylemae puts the sauce on the cabinent then closing the door
    08:51: Demenzia: Yeah... yeah, ya can come. I'm at home. OKay. Later.
    08:51: Demenzia turns to Lemmy again
    08:51: Demenzia: Err... what ya doing with that?
    08:51: Ylemae: you said soy sauce..
    08:52: Demenzia: Ah... er no, not fer tha cake.. was wondering what this mark on tha sheet was...
    08:52: Demenzia shows the sheet to Lemmy
    08:52: Ylemae: oh!
    08:52: Ylemae giggles
    08:52: Ylemae nods
    08:52: Demenzia: Or mehbe chocolate, but it smells funny
    08:52: Demenzia: Or coffee.
    08:52: Ylemae opens the fridge then puts the sauce back in the fridge
    08:52: Demenzia: Damn, next time I pin it on my head!
    08:52: Ylemae giggles
    08:53: Demenzia: Okay, I'll just have a colleague drop by here shortly, but we'll still begin with tha cake. According to ta recipe, it's all we need
    08:53: Ylemae: so what next?
    08:53: Ylemae: colleague? who?
    08:53: Demenzia looks to the counter and mentally reviews the ingredients
    08:53: Demenzia: Seryk. He works in my department
    08:53: Demenzia: Needs to give meh somethjing, so I told him I couldn't leave home, so he'll come
    08:53: Demenzia smiles
    08:53: Demenzia: Promised ya we'd do this cake, huh
    08:54: Ylemae: Oh. 'kay, he staying for cake?
    08:54: Demenzia: I have no idea. Lessee first if tha cake IS eatable, huh....
    08:54: Ylemae giggles
    08:54: Ylemae: yea, didnt want to kill the guest!
    08:54: Ylemae smiles
    08:55: Demenzia puts the sheet back on the counter, and looks in the cupboard for a bowl
    08:55: Ylemae jumps back
    08:55: Demenzia: I think this'll do....
    08:55: Demenzia: Uhm what do they say on tha recipe?
    08:55: Ylemae: Um.. dunno...
    08:56: Demenzia: Put the flour first?
    08:56: Ylemae looks at the recipe
    08:56: Ylemae: er... just says stir.
    08:56: Ylemae: so throw all stuff in and stir?
    08:56: Demenzia: Well damn, that doesn't help much!
    08:56: Ylemae giggles
    08:56: Ylemae takes an egg
    08:56: Demenzia: Okay, let's put it in then
    08:56: Ylemae: this'll be easy.
    08:56: Demenzia: Err break it first, okay?
    08:56: Ylemae throws the egg into the bowl
    08:56: Ylemae looks to jenny
    08:56: Ylemae: er... break?
    08:56: Demenzia: I dun't think the shell is nice to eat... err well
    08:56: Ylemae looks to the splattered egg in the bowl
    08:57: Ylemae: Um... sure?
    08:57: Ylemae pokes at the shell in the bowl
    08:57: Demenzia: Err.. throw it away and take another in tha fridge then ....
    08:57: Ylemae: you throw it out, me get an egg
    08:57: Demenzia nods
    08:57: Ylemae opens the fridge and looks for another egg
    08:57: Demenzia throws the broken egg away and comes back
    08:58: Ylemae turns to jenny with an egg closing the fridge
    08:58: Demenzia: Gonna already put the flour in
    08:58: Ylemae: Alright, break egg first... um..
    08:58: Demenzia opens the pack of flour and throw the co ntent into the bowl, sending white flour all around
    08:58: Ylemae slams the egg down on the cabinent with a *SPLAT*
    08:58: Demenzia: eeek!
    08:58: Demenzia: Errm....
    08:58: Ylemae looks to the splattered egg and tries to pick up the non-shell parts
    08:58: Ylemae: so icky...
    08:59: Demenzia: Aaack... Darn, that's so dirty to cook, huh!
    08:59: Ylemae: oh! got an idea...
    08:59: Ylemae: Grab the bowl, hold it over the ledge
    08:59: Demenzia raises her head, flour all over the hands and clothes, as the bell rings at the door
    08:59: Demenzia: Err okay, just wait a sec, he's hee... and uhm I'll be back quickly!
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  2. #2
    09:00: Ylemae looks around
    09:00: Ylemae: um... where person go?
    09:00: Demenzia: Err....
    09:00: Ylemae shouts: mister person!
    09:01: Ylemae: false alarm?
    09:02: Demenzia: Dunno... it rang, but....
    09:02: Demenzia: Haa!
    09:02: Demenzia: Where were ya hiding, huh
    09:02: Silentwraith: hehe over at other building
    09:02: Silentwraith looks embarassed
    09:02: Ylemae giggles
    09:02: Demenzia smiles to Seryk, quite embarrassed, hands and front of her shirts covered with what seems to be whie powder
    09:02: Ylemae: wow! You ugly lookin, need more sun.
    09:02: Demenzia: Lemmy!
    09:03: Demenzia bulges at Lemmy
    09:03: Silentwraith: wow
    09:03: Ylemae giggles
    09:03: Silentwraith: blunt arent we
    09:03: Ylemae smiles
    09:03: Demenzia: I said ya stop saying such things 'bout people, okay? That's rude!
    09:03: Silentwraith smiles
    09:03: Ylemae smiles slightly
    09:03: Ylemae: sorry ms jenny.
    09:03: Demenzia: Err.. please pardon her...
    09:03: Ylemae: We were making a cake!
    09:03: Silentwraith: I brought you something for your place
    09:03: Demenzia scratches her head in embarssment - putting white powder in her hair too
    09:03: Ylemae giggles at ms jenny
    09:04: Demenzia: Oy, what's that?
    09:04: Ylemae: oh oh present for home?
    09:04: Silentwraith: Just a painting i picked up in Rome
    09:04: Demenzia looks at the package and smiles
    09:04: Demenzia: Ahh - well, thanks a lot!
    09:08: Silentwraith: So you making extra food?
    09:08: Ylemae: we making chocolate cake!
    09:08: Silentwraith: Not trying to intrude
    09:08: Ylemae smiles
    09:08: Demenzia: Yeah... promised her that I'd try to cook somethiong someday...
    09:08: Ylemae giggles
    09:08: Demenzia: But i fear I ain't too talented, huh...
    09:09: Silentwraith: Just dont have anything to do right now, most of my ...friends are busy
    09:09: Ylemae: wanna come in?
    09:09: Ylemae smiles
    09:09: Silentwraith smiles
    09:09: Demenzia: Well, wanna try and stay fer tha cake? I can't promise it'll be eatable, but...
    09:09: Silentwraith: I doubt your all that bad
    09:09: Demenzia: We'll see that in one hour
    09:09: Ylemae: we just started.
    09:09: Silentwraith: I'd be glad to Jen
    09:09: Demenzia smiles
    09:09: Ylemae pulls on ms jenny's hand
    09:09: Ylemae: come on ms jenny!
    09:09: Demenzia: Okay... come in then
    09:10: Demenzia: Welcome to my lil place!
    09:10: Ylemae: back to eggs!
    09:11: Ylemae takes the splattered egg on the cabinent and peels it into the bowl
    09:11: Demenzia: Take a seat... ow, wanna coffee or something?
    09:11: Silentwraith: Wow
    09:11: Ylemae: there, that one.
    09:11: Ylemae crushes another egg with her fist on the cabinent
    09:11: Demenzia: Okay, hun, put tha other two in too. And dun't forget to break 'em!
    09:11: Ylemae: I am!
    09:11: Demenzia: Good
    09:11: Demenzia smiles
    09:11: Ylemae peels away the shell
    09:11: Silentwraith: This is beautiful
    09:11: Ylemae picks up the bowl and holds it over the cabinent, and pushes the egg into it
    09:12: Demenzia: View on the Harbor. But I can see tha portal, so it's a bit spoiled
    09:12: Ylemae places the egg on the table and smashes it
    09:12: Demenzia looks around for the other needed ingredients
    09:12: Silentwraith smiles, trying not to laugh
    09:12: Ylemae peels away the egg-covering
    09:12: Demenzia: Eggs are in, hun?
    09:12: Ylemae pushes the egg into the bowl
    09:12: Ylemae: there! Last one!
    09:12: Demenzia: Okay, so now the butter and chocolate...
    09:13: Ylemae: 'kay...
    09:13: Ylemae takes out the butter-top
    09:13: Demenzia takes the whole tablet and throws it in the bowl
    09:13: Ylemae: So how much?
    09:13: Demenzia: Err it's not told... Mehbe all I suppose?
    09:13: Ylemae uncovers the butter and throws the stink in the bowl
    09:13: Ylemae: Maybe two to be sure?
    09:14: Ylemae *throws the rest in the bowl
    09:14: Demenzia: Uhm... That should be enuff, no?
    09:14: Ylemae: Um.. dunno..
    09:14: Ylemae: more is better isnt it?
    09:14: Demenzia: Bah, we'll see. Now sugar....
    09:14: Demenzia looks in the bowl, trying to evaluate the needed quantity
    09:14: Ylemae looks at the container of the sugar
    09:15: Ylemae dumps all of it in the bowl
    09:15: Demenzia: OKay... well
    09:15: Ylemae sneezes from the flour
    09:15: Ylemae: let me wash my hands again...
    09:15: Silentwraith: Umm mind if I look around, I haven't seen the luxury apartment, Omni just gave me the basic neccesities
    09:15: Ylemae rubs her nose
    09:15: Demenzia: eek , not in tha bowl!
    09:15: Ylemae washes her hands
    09:15: Ylemae: I didnt!
    09:15: Demenzia: Ah -ah, 'curse not
    09:15: Demenzia smiles
    09:15: Silentwraith: Thanks Jen
    09:15: Ylemae turns off the faucet
    09:16: Ylemae: 'kay, what now?
    09:16: Demenzia: Allright. And now uhm... we stir?
    09:16: Ylemae: Stir?
    09:16: Demenzia looks for a large spatula or anything appropriate
    09:16: Ylemae: Um... guess so, that how we mix right?
    09:16: Ylemae: giant spoon?
    09:16: Demenzia: I suppose... what does it mean "to stir" fer a cake, 'nyway? huh!
    09:16: Demenzia: Yeah... yeah giant spoon would do...
    09:16: Ylemae: Wait!
    09:16: Ylemae: I know!
    09:17: Demenzia: Huh?
    09:17: Ylemae: We get out the pan, dump the bowl in the pan, then do it over-and-over!
    09:17: Demenzia: Dunno... that may be a bit long, no?
    09:17: Ylemae hms...
    09:17: Ylemae: um...
    09:17: Demenzia looks to the bowl again
    09:17: Ylemae: Guess we just use a spoon or something.
    09:17: Demenzia: Okay, i'm gonna try with tha spoon, and then we'll see
    09:17: Ylemae nods
    09:17: Ylemae: 'kay
    09:18: Ylemae: go ahead.
    09:18: Demenzia takes a big spoon from the cupboard and begins to... TRY to stir
    09:18: Demenzia: ...Wow, damn, it's hard!
    09:18: Ylemae: it so thick!
    09:18: Ylemae: maybe we need to add some water or something?
    09:18: Demenzia: Mehbe i should buy some cookbot to do that
    09:18: Ylemae: HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!!
    09:18: Ylemae frowns
    09:19: Ylemae: Where the chocolate at?
    09:19: Demenzia: Wha?
    09:19: Demenzia: In here...
    09:19: Ylemae: We never put it in!
    09:19: Demenzia points at a part of the tablet emerging from under the butter
    09:19: Silentwraith: Beautiful place Jen
    09:19: Demenzia: Ah - thanks
    09:19: Ylemae: OH!
    09:19: Silentwraith: Hows the cooking going Jenny?
    09:19: Ylemae: I didn't see it...
    09:19: Ylemae: Hey mister erie.
    09:19: Demenzia: Err I dunno yet... we're trying to stir this stuff...
    09:19: Ylemae: wanna help?
    09:19: Ylemae: er...
    09:19: Ylemae looks around
    09:20: Silentwraith: Sure I'll help
    09:20: Demenzia frowns, then takes a bowl and pours a little water in it
    09:20: Demenzia: Mehbe that'll help... dun't remember having seen anything 'bout water, but....
    09:21: Ylemae: here, help stir mister erie!
    09:21: Demenzia goes on to stir, trying the best she can, because the whole bowl cotnent is v ery think
    09:21: Silentwraith tries to stir as hard as possible
    09:21: Ylemae looks back tilting her head
    09:21: Ylemae: why it sooooooo hard?
    09:21: Demenzia: Goddammit, I din't know cooking was so hard!
    09:21: Silentwraith pushes harder
    09:22: Silentwraith looks tired
    09:22: Silentwraith: Ok
    09:22: Ylemae giggles
    09:22: Silentwraith: What happened to this?
    09:22: Demenzia: Pffff....
    09:22: Demenzia: I dunno, we put the ingredients as told....
    09:22: Demenzia goes on stirring, slightly wncing
    09:22: Ylemae: um, maybe that mean it stirred?
    09:22: Demenzia looks to the mix in the bowl
    09:23: Ylemae looks to the mix too
    09:23: Demenzia: No id ea. There wasn't any pic on the grid-site I found the recipe on....
    09:23: Ylemae: Um... maybe it look better when cooked?
    09:23: Silentwraith: Ok where are the instructions?
    09:23: Demenzia: Err, here
    09:23: Ylemae: on cabinent
    09:23: Demenzia points at a small shet of paper, one of its halfs being covered in dark brown liquid
    09:23: Silentwraith picks up the instructions
    09:24: Silentwraith scrapes aside the brown guck
    09:24: Ylemae: les cook it ms jenny
    09:24: Silentwraith: Wait!
    09:24: Demenzia: What?
    09:24: Silentwraith: are you sure thats entirely safe?
    09:24: Ylemae: um... yea, we did as it said.
    09:24: Silentwraith: it might explode
    09:24: Silentwraith: but ti wont stir right?
    09:24: Demenzia: If it does, then we have found tha ultimate weapon
    09:24: Ylemae giggles
    09:25: Demenzia chuckles
    09:25: Ylemae: ms jenny's the best, it'll be great!
    09:25: Silentwraith: Err ok lets cook it
    09:25: Ylemae smiles
    09:25: Ylemae: yea!
    09:25: Demenzia: How we cook it, by tha way?
    09:25: Silentwraith puts the instructions down on the counter
    09:25: Ylemae: um...
    09:25: Demenzia looks at the oven integrated to the kitchen
    09:25: Ylemae: Guess we put it like that in oven
    09:26: Demenzia: It doesn't say anything about temparature or something?
    09:26: Ylemae: Um... hm...
    09:26: Ylemae: lets look
    09:26: Demenzia opens the oven, putting the bowl in, slightly frowning as if it was indeed quite heavy for its size
    09:26: Ylemae looks to the paper
    09:26: Ylemae: Um.. says.. hi temperature...
    09:26: Ylemae: 890 degrees. Wow! hot!
    09:26: Silentwraith: Wow i can't believe this place has grid access
    09:26: Demenzia: Okay... tha highest will do then
    09:27: Silentwraith: Thats the greatest part about it
    09:27: Ylemae: er... for...
    09:27: Ylemae checks the recipe
    09:27: Silentwraith: 890 degrees?
    09:27: Ylemae: and... um... one hour.
    09:27: Demenzia: Fer one hour? That's long... we'll die of starvation before
    09:27: Demenzia: ut if tha recipe says so....
    09:27: Demenzia shrugs and turns the oven on
    09:27: Silentwraith: Wait does it say the highest temperature?
    09:28: Ylemae: so les double the temperature!
    09:28: Ylemae: um... thas... er...
    09:28: Demenzia: Dunno, Seryk. That's what is said on tha p
    09:28: Demenzia: on tha recipe
    09:29: Ylemae: 17... and... 80 degrees... 1780.
    09:29: Silentwraith: Just seems a little hot
    09:29: Ylemae: A little?
    09:29: Demenzia: I dnno, it's tha first time I use tha oven anyway
    09:29: Ylemae: Um... maybe just 1700 then?
    09:29: Silentwraith: Lets set it a bit lower
    09:30: Silentwraith: and keep an eye on it
    09:30: Ylemae: Sixteen-hundred?
    09:30: Silentwraith: lets try 1000
    09:30: Demenzia: Okay... well we can sit here in tha kitchen anyway, I'll look at it from time to time
    09:30: Demenzia nods and regulates the temperature
    09:30: Ylemae nods
    09:30: Ylemae: 'kay!
    09:30: Silentwraith: So Ylemae how old are you?
    09:30: Ylemae: Jennifer! And Im ten!
    09:32: Silentwraith: So what do you do Jenny? You like computers alot?
    09:32: Demenzia walks to the sink and washes her hands from all the flour and chocolate
    09:32: Demenzia: Err....
    09:32: Ylemae nods
    09:32: Ylemae: yea!
    09:32: Demenzia: Excuse meh a second...
    09:32: Ylemae frowns to ms jenny
    09:32: Demenzia walks to the room next door
    09:33: Ylemae: yep!
    09:33: Demenzia comes back, tugging at her gloves
    09:33: Silentwraith: Yes I work for Ms. Jenny
    09:34: Ylemae: she super-wonderful.
    09:34: Demenzia: Any of ya want something to drink, by tha way?
    09:34: Ylemae smiles
    09:34: Demenzia: :me smiles
    09:34: Ylemae: cola!
    09:34: Silentwraith: Yeah she does a good job
    09:34: Demenzia smiles
    09:34: Demenzia: Okay, lessee what i have. Seryk, coffee? Tea
    09:34: Silentwraith: I'll take some tea
    09:35: Demenzia nods
    09:35: Demenzia prepares some water to boil, then walks to the fridge, looking for cola
    09:35: Silentwraith gazes out the window at the harbor
    09:36: Silentwraith turns his attention to the hyper fixer
    09:36: Silentwraith msiles
    09:36: Silentwraith: I make sure bad people dont hurt people like Ms. Jenny
    09:36: Demenzia: Okay, here
    09:36: Silentwraith: I take care of problems for her
    09:36: Ylemae smiles
    09:36: Ylemae: thank you miss jenny!
    09:36: Demenzia: And... here's fer ya Seryk
    09:37: Demenzia comes back with a cup of tea and one of coffee for herself
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  3. #3
    09:38: Silentwraith: Good tea Jen, thanks
    09:38: Ylemae looks over to the oven
    09:38: Ylemae: um..
    09:38: Silentwraith: uh oh
    09:38: Demenzia: Thanks. Had it come from Borealis. Nice lil shop there
    09:38: Ylemae looks to the smoke coming from it
    09:39: Ylemae: that don't seem right...
    09:39: Demenzia wrinkles her nose
    09:39: Silentwraith: There is smoke coming form your oven
    09:39: Demenzia: What's that awful smell?
    09:39: Demenzia: Err....
    09:39: Demenzia sniffs again
    09:39: Silentwraith turns off oven
    09:39: Ylemae tilts her head
    09:39: Demenzia: ...Mehbe it was too hot....
    09:39: Ylemae: how long it said?
    09:39: Silentwraith: I think it had more to do with the temperature
    09:39: Ylemae opens up the oven and falls to the floor a huge *POOF* of smoke coming out
    09:40: Demenzia: Aaargh!
    09:40: Ylemae: eep!
    09:40: Silentwraith: ...
    09:40: Ylemae covers her eyes looking into the blackness
    09:40: Demenzia waves her hands in front of ehr, coughing, trying to dissipate the smoke
    09:40: Silentwraith opens a window
    09:40: Ylemae coughs
    09:40: Ylemae throws the cola into the oven
    09:41: Demenzia: Aaah, no - not this!
    09:41: Silentwraith fills the tea cup with water
    09:41: Ylemae looks to the can catching on fire
    09:41: Ylemae: oh no!
    09:41: Silentwraith throws water in stove
    09:41: Ylemae shouts: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
    09:41: Demenzia: Crap... we need something bigger...
    09:41: Ylemae: the cake!
    09:41: Silentwraith fills cup with water
    09:41: Ylemae: stop it mister erie!!!
    09:41: Silentwraith throws water in stove
    09:41: Ylemae coughs
    09:41: Demenzia hurries to the cupboard, looking for another bowl to fill with water
    09:42: Demenzia: Aargh, but this is awful! Wasn't supposed to take *fire*!
    09:42: Demenzia throws some more water in to try to lit the fire off
    09:42: Ylemae: Yea! what happened?!
    09:42: Demenzia: I dunno!
    09:43: Demenzia winces at the damage in the oven
    09:43: Demenzia: Well errrm.....
    09:43: Demenzia: ...Ya think we can stll eat it?..
    09:43: Silentwraith: uhh I'm not so sure
    09:44: Ylemae looks to the cake
    09:44: Demenzia carefully outsretches a hand to take teh cake out
    09:44: Demenzia: OUCH!
    09:44: Demenzia: Dammit!
    09:44: Ylemae: it hot?
    09:44: Demenzia shakes her hand
    09:44: Demenzia: Frigging' hot!
    09:44: Demenzia: ...Whatcha think, we let it here till it's cold?
    09:45: Silentwraith: do you have anything to pick it up with?
    09:45: Demenzia winces
    09:45: Demenzia: Err...
    09:45: Demenzia: I have a towel?
    09:45: Silentwraith: One second
    09:45: Ylemae: this don't look good...
    09:45: Demenzia: Even with the glvoes it's hot
    09:45: Silentwraith reaches in stove and picks up using Shadowfade gloves
    09:45: Silentwraith puts cake husk on the counter
    09:45: Demenzia: Wow... ya dun't feell tha heat with these?
    09:46: Silentwraith: No..
    09:46: Silentwraith: Very strong gloves
    09:46: Ylemae: wow!
    09:46: Demenzia whistles
    09:46: Demenzia: Strong and useful, huh
    09:46: Demenzia then looks at the mess
    09:46: Demenzia: Well then....
    09:46: Silentwraith: Very useful, I always bring on cooking expeditions
    09:47: Ylemae: um... so... it done?
    09:47: Ylemae looks at the bowl uneasily
    09:47: Demenzia takes the long spoon back, and uses it to carefully poke at the cake
    09:47: Ylemae: is it supposed to be.. um.. rising above the bowl so high?
    09:47: Demenzia: ..I have no idea....
    09:47: Demenzia: Errr
    09:47: Demenzia: Was tha bowl supposed to *melt* too?...
    09:47: Ylemae: is that heavy mister erie?
    09:47: Demenzia poks again
    09:48: Ylemae: um... maybe bowl was supposed to melt into the mix?
    09:48: Silentwraith: uhh
    09:48: Demenzia: I ain't sure...
    09:48: Silentwraith: i dont think it was
    09:48: Demenzia: Shouldn't have taken a plastic bowl, probably....
    09:48: Silentwraith: wait
    09:48: Ylemae: yea, would've melted easier...
    09:48: Silentwraith: did you say plastic?
    09:49: Demenzia: Dunno, i took one of the bowls here
    09:49: Demenzia shows the cupboard enarby
    09:49: Demenzia: No idea what theyre made of though
    09:50: Ylemae pokes the giant mix that rises twice as big as the bowl
    09:50: Silentwraith: ok so where can we get a cake around here?
    09:50: Ylemae giggles
    09:50: Demenzia: ...In Rompa's, I think....
    09:50: Ylemae: we got this one here!
    09:50: Ylemae: come on, it can't be so bad...
    09:50: Ylemae looks to the giant black mountain
    09:50: Silentwraith: Ok lets go to Rompa's I'll buy
    09:50: Demenzia: Bleh.... dun't think it's eatable, huh....
    09:51: Ylemae: here, let me see it
    09:51: Demenzia: Naaah! Bad idea
    09:51: Silentwraith: Theres no way anyone is eating this
    09:51: Ylemae: aw... fine...
    09:51: Demenzia: Dun't get ill, yer father would KILL us fer having cook... errm, done that
    09:52: Ylemae giggles hugging jenny
    09:52: Demenzia sighs
    09:52: Ylemae: its the oven's fault, we do better next time.
    09:52: Demenzia: Yeah, well... I'm really sorry that it din't work....
    09:52: Silentwraith: ...whens next time?
    09:52: Silentwraith: cause i have to be here for it
    09:52: Ylemae smiles
    09:53: Silentwraith: this was to funny
    09:53: Silentwraith: and not much makes me laugh
    09:53: Demenzia: Well at least this made someone smile, huh
    09:53: Ylemae giggles
    09:53: Silentwraith laughs
    09:53: Demenzia slightly smiles too, looking terribly ashamed though
    09:54: Ylemae: stupid oven, next time will be better.
    09:54: Demenzia: Well...
    09:54: Demenzia: Geuss that first 'll hafta clean it... once it's cold...
    09:54: Silentwraith: Wow able to run a complicated security organisation
    09:54: Ylemae smiles
    09:55: Ylemae giggles
    09:55: Silentwraith: but when it comes to cooking
    09:55: Ylemae: she still the best!
    09:55: Ylemae hugs ms jenny
    09:55: Silentwraith: Yeah she is
    09:55: Demenzia smiles in apology
    09:55: Demenzia: I had warned her I couldn't cook anywya!
    09:55: Ylemae: we do better next time, maybe igee'll help.
    09:55: Demenzia frowns and shakes her head
    09:55: Silentwraith: Well practice makes perfect of course
    09:56: Demenzia: ...No next time b'fore tha mss is cleaned, fer sure...
    09:56: Ylemae smiles raising her hand triumphantly
    09:56: Ylemae shouts: YEA!
    09:56: Ylemae looks to the counter with the broken eggs
    09:56: Demenzia: Mehbe I should've tried with something easier, in fact?
    09:56: Ylemae: um... like toast?
    09:56: Silentwraith: like noodles
    09:56: Ylemae giggles
    09:56: Ylemae: noodles!
    09:56: Silentwraith: how about a cup of water
    09:56: Demenzia: Hey, at least I can make tea!
    09:57: Silentwraith laughs
    09:57: Silentwraith: yes you can
    09:57: Ylemae smiles
    09:57: Ylemae: sorry bout cake mister erie
    09:57: Demenzia slightly smiles again
    09:58: Silentwraith: Oh its fine, I wasnt really all that hungry just wanted an excuse to hang around for a little bit
    09:58: Ylemae giggles
    09:58: Demenzia: Well now ya'll have some story to tell yer grandhcildren
    09:58: Ylemae: I wasn't too hungry either... but it looked fun!
    09:58: Demenzia grins
    09:58: Silentwraith: Havent relly talked to anyone that wasn't business oriented since i got to Rubi-Ka
    09:58: Ylemae smiles
    09:58: Ylemae: Well you look like a nice guy mister erie.
    09:59: Ylemae: despite needing some sun in your skin...
    09:59: Ylemae giggles
    09:59: Demenzia: Aww, c'mon, hun
    09:59: Silentwraith: So what else are the two of you going to be doing today?
    09:59: Ylemae: no school today!
    10:00: Ylemae smiles widely
    10:00: Silentwraith: I try Jenny
    10:00: Demenzia: Erm.. wait till tha oven is cold and clean it before it doesn't go waya, I think?....
    10:00: Silentwraith: But some people think I'm mean
    10:00: Demenzia sighs
    10:00: Silentwraith grins
    10:01: Demenzia: ...And open some more window, cuz uhm... it stinks....
    10:01: Demenzia wrinkles her nose again
    10:01: Silentwraith: So jenny do you live here with Ms. Jenny?
    10:01: Ylemae giggles
    10:01: Ylemae: Yea!
    10:01: Ylemae: Ms Jenny is... um...
    10:01: Ylemae smiles
    10:01: Ylemae: Ms Jenny!
    10:01: Demenzia smiles
    10:01: Silentwraith: Well lets start to clean up
    10:02: Silentwraith: You have a bag to put the refuse in?
    10:02: Ylemae: yea.
    10:02: Ylemae: under sink
    10:02: Ylemae grabs a bag from under the sink
    10:03: Ylemae hands it to mister erie
    10:03: Silentwraith takes bag from jenny
    10:03: Demenzia: Well.. I'd better close the other trashcan and prepare tha new one, hm...
    10:03: Ylemae: Look out for the glass!
    10:03: Silentwraith begins sweeping everything off the counter into the bag
    10:03: Ylemae looks to the county
    10:03: Demenzia: Err, true!
    10:03: Ylemae *counter
    10:03: Ylemae: ew... egg-goo.
    10:04: Silentwraith: Not to worried about the glass, these gloves look thin but they are veryy tough
    10:04: Ylemae: No the glass in the trash!
    10:04: Demenzia sighs, closing the currently opened bag
    10:04: Ylemae: dropped a bowl earlier.
    10:04: Silentwraith: Yikes
    10:04: Silentwraith: well its just a bowl
    10:04: Silentwraith: its not a big deal
    10:05: Demenzia: Okay, ya can use tha trashcan now.
    10:05: Silentwraith holds up trash bag full of "egg-goo"
    10:05: Silentwraith: Where should i put this?
    10:05: Ylemae giggles pointing to the trash
    10:05: Ylemae: the trash-can of course!
    10:06: Silentwraith: Well duh
    10:06: Silentwraith laughs
    10:06: Demenzia looks round for a place where to leave the old trashcan in the meantime
    10:06: Silentwraith drops bag in the trash
    10:06: Demenzia: ...ya think it'll b worse if I close tha oven's door fer tha moment? It really stinks...
    10:07: Silentwraith: Keep it open
    10:07: Silentwraith: Just for a little longer
    10:07: Ylemae holds her nose
    10:07: Demenzia: Hm'kay.... sorry fer tha smell
    10:07: Demenzia: Uhm... and let's throw *that* too?...
    10:07: Ylemae: it not so bad.
    10:07: Demenzia points at the cake
    10:07: Ylemae giggles
    10:07: Ylemae: NO!
    10:07: Ylemae: You'll break the trashcan if you drop it in there!
    10:07: Ylemae giggles some more
    10:08: Silentwraith: We could drop it off the balcony
    10:08: Silentwraith smiles
    10:08: Demenzia: Yeah, but I dun't wanna kill a passer-by below
    10:08: Ylemae giggles
    10:08: Silentwraith laughs
    10:08: Silentwraith: hehe
    10:09: Silentwraith: joking of course
    10:09: Demenzia: Well, or we can make a specific trashbag fer it and uhm....
    10:09: Demenzia: ...oh damn....
    10:09: Silentwraith: What?
    10:09: Demenzia: Nah, it's just such.. .such a MESS!
    10:10: Silentwraith: I wouldnt worry about it so much
    10:10: Ylemae giggles some more
    10:10: Ylemae: BIG mess!
    10:10: Silentwraith: It's no that...bad
    10:10: Silentwraith laughs again
    10:10: Ylemae: its worse!
    10:10: Ylemae falls on the floor still giggling
    10:10: Demenzia: If ya want, ya can keep tha cake. Gift to ya!
    10:10: Demenzia grins
    10:12: Demenzia: So ... looks like it's gonna stay here? A trophy to Miss Jenny's incompetence in handling cooking matters?
    10:12: Demenzia raisesd an eyebrow, looking at the cake
    10:12: Ylemae smiles
    10:12: Ylemae: Sure ms jenny, les keep it.
    10:13: Silentwraith: You just gonna leave it there?
    10:13: Demenzia: I sppose I'd better not.....
    10:13: Demenzia: Well, will throw it away too when it's cold
    10:13: Demenzia: Or keep it fer my worst enemy
    10:13: Silentwraith: It's gonna go bad
    10:14: Demenzia: What, the cake?
    10:15: Demenzia: Ya honestly think it can be worse than this?
    10:15: Silentwraith: I mean its got eggs in it
    10:15: Ylemae giggles some more
    10:15: Silentwraith: So its gonna start to smell really bad
    10:15: Demenzia: Err... true....
    10:15: Silentwraith: It'll rot i think
    10:15: Demenzia: Le'ts find an enemy very quickly then

    Jen still can't cook, the oven is broken, the apartment stinks, and everybody is still starving.]
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  4. #4
    The next day a copy of RUR's household robot catalog get delivered at Demenzia house, with the following pages highlighted.

    Phewy Series 6 (aka "The Milly"): Nanny, cook, cleaner and friend; the Phewy Series 6 is all this and more. Make any home a happy home with this incredible household bot. Endowed with a QPT brain, the Milly is able learn and adapt to the personality of its owners and in no time will become 'just one of the family'. Please note: we do not ship lingerie with this robot so stop asking!

    Technical Specification: 32 RD QPT processor, Finklewink v 19.02 “Rapture” displacer motor, 12 illuminum interlocking, jumble-free Magoo sensory arrays, 2 Standard Beebitty-boobity-boo interfaces.

    RRP: Cr. 2,499,999

    Phewy Series 7 (aka “The Jeeves”): This is our butler bot. Does everything the Milly does but with an air of disdain and a snooty British accent.

    Technical Specification: See the Phewy Series 6.

    RRP: Cr. 2,599,999
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  5. #5
    [ omg!! HAHAHAAAAHAAAHAAA! *falls off chair laughing* ]

  6. #6

    demenzia wins the 'made maul spit coke on her monitor for the third time only in her life' award! bra-friggin-vo ))
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  7. #7

    I blame the oven! Yea... thas it... it's all the oven's fault!

    Ylemae (6-10? years old):
    "Lemmy" (True name: Jiselle Waldram)
    Jennifer Matusz - Daughter to Don "Doncarnage" Matusz

    Chelle "Crysallys" Dinnen (14 years old)
    Hayley Dinnen's Daughter
    Growth Accelerated as a Baby
    Born Dec 25, 29476 RST
    Trainee in Vector Blue

  8. #8

    Great work I would say, but........
    Eagles May Soar, But Weasels Don't Get Sucked Into Jet Engines

    Seven Deadly Sins
    Seven Ways To Win
    Seven Holy Paths To Hell
    And Your Trip Begins
    Seven Downward Slopes
    Seven Bloodied Hopes
    Seven Are Your Burning Fires
    Seven Your Desires
    Agent suggestions by Sjofn : -new ql 190 nano "Call Airstrike", drops a Heckler on the target.

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