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Thread: Grid Armor, debuffs and 14.2. Oh my!

  1. #1

    Grid Armor, debuffs and 14.2. Oh my!

    First of all, let me say thank you to those Fixers I talked with on Monday night concerning the Grid Armor change (and other Fixer issues) coming in 14.2. Alot of good information was brought up, and some interesting discussion followed.

    Also, a thank you to those here on the boards that have discussed the Grid Armor issues rationally and in a civil manner, whether you don't mind the changes or whether they completely make you want to scream, kick the mechdog and burn down my house. I'm sure it doesn't have to be said though that the cursing and fighting doesn't help anyone at all.

    But now, /schoolteachermode off. I have some news for you regarding Grid Armor and the issues around it.

    The biggest issue, as a result of the wear requirements coupled with the overequipping patch, has been the argument that by the time Fixers can self-execute Grid Armor, the benefits gained from it aren't all that great anymore. Many Fixers have said they would rather wear general armor such as Obtru and Flowers, and even save IP by not spending in the Matter Creation skill to use the Grid Armor.

    The wear requirement is something that was always intended, but up until 14.2 not implemented. It's been said that if something was not working as intended, but nevertheless was still working in a good way for the players, we would consider leaving it how it is. The problem with leaving Grid Armor as it is, with the overequipping patch in consideration, is that it would give an unfair advantage to those that wore it. People could easily overequip Grid Armor with a Mocham and wrangle, giving themselves an edge over those other players that wear other types of armor and have to abide by the overequipping rules. For the overequipping rules to have an affect and do what we want them to do an across the board affect is needed, and that means wear requirements. And so, the wear requirements on the Grid Armor will go ahead and we'll continue to look into them during the testing period on the test server.

    This brings us back then to the point about Grid Armor being less effective by the time Fixers can self-execute it. I spent a god amount of time yesterday discussing this with the designers, bringing your thoughts forward, and what we are now going to do is significantly enhance Grid Armor. Grid Armor is meant to be a special item for Fixers and these new stats will ensure that. What are we doing to Grid Armor? I hear you ask. Well, Grid Armor will now include:

    *Root and snare resistance
    *Damage increase modifier
    *Health increase mondifier
    *NCU increase modifier
    *A large boost to the existing AC (armor class)
    *Nano AC modifier

    One thing to note, the root and snare resistance is not complete resistance, but it is very substantial.

    Moving on, this brings us to the wear requirements themselves. The wear requirements will be the same as the summon requirements which essentially means that they are nano based. There is concern over this due to the fact that nano skills can be debuffed by a number of ways (other profession nanos specifically). With the overequipping patch coming in, it would mean that it is easier for Grid Armor to be debuffed below the 20% mark than it is for the other types of armor to be debuffed (these types being based on attributes such as Stamina, Psychic and Agility).

    So, Fixers will be given a new line of nanos that basically act as a buffer against debuffs. To put it bluntly, executing this nano upon yourself will block or bluff profession specific debuffs from being executed upon you. This will keep your Grid Armor safe from those debuffing MOBs or the like. This line will be included ASAP.

    Also please do remember these are still only patch notes. As you can see we've already made some changes based directly on your feedback, and in testing on the test server we will do the same if needed. Hey, that's what the test server is therefore. I look forward to your feedback there (as well as here no doubt)

    I hope you Fixers like the new changes. And thanks for the feedback thus far. Comments? I know you have them.
    Earn free game time and play with your friends[/b]

    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  2. #2

    Thumbs up ...

    Although i am not a fixer , i have to thank Cosmik for continue to do as much as possible for the sake and welfare of us players . I also thank those fixers who made suggestions without flaming to Cosmik , this game requires a sensible community to survive .

    Now , if engineers will get their Kamikaze bots ... :-)

  3. #3

    Thumbs up

    Those sound like very good overall changes to the GA line and would really make it worth using especially with modifiers like Nano AC, HP, AC, root/snare resist...WOW. Will this anti-debuff NanoFormula (line?) be self-only?

    Great job, thanks for keeping us up-to-date!
    Ninjaseph (180 MA) (New Main)
    Freshman Nukeseph (201 NT)
    Rookie Railgunz(212 Fixer) (Retired)
    Freshman Pvpseph (20 Fixer)
    Rookie Pvpseph4(43 trader twink)
    Rookie Totwseph(60 enf twink)

  4. #4
    sounds like I'm going to be getting myself a regular MP team mate

    hey shapeofmind, what you doing for the next few years

    thanks for the info Cosmik, its appreciated.
    the improvements to Grid armour and the new nanos look good, although introducing new nanos to fixer proffession will always be looked upon with a certain level of worry because we have dark blue nano skills (couldnt resist because it is a huge issue with us)

    cant wait to hear the reports from test
    Last edited by Intra; Apr 24th, 2002 at 14:47:29.

  5. #5

    Re: Grid Armor, debuffs and 14.2. Oh my!

    Originally posted by Cosmik
    The problem with leaving Grid Armor as it is, with the overequipping patch in consideration, is that it would give an unfair advantage to those that wore it.
    This brings us back then to the point about Grid Armor being less effective by the time Fixers can self-execute it.
    Well, Grid Armor will now include:
    Moving on, this brings us to the wear requirements themselves. The wear requirements will be the same as the summon requirements which essentially means that they are nano based. There is concern over this due to the fact that nano skills can be debuffed by a number of ways
    So, Fixers will be given a new line of nanos that basically act as a buffer against debuffs.
    Cos, I don't think you've addressed the real problems with fixers. No reqs on the armor might be an unfair advantage, but it doesn't even begin to offset the unfair disadvantages that they have. You are taking away the only thing they have going for them.

    The changes in the grid armor's effects are an interesting solution, but the underlying problem with grid armor and with the fixer class in general is the cost of their nano skills! If you truly want fixers to be a viable and played class then those HAVE to be reduced! You said after the Adventurer debacle that you would not change the cost of a skill until the ability to reclaim the IP was in place. It will be in place after 14.2. NOW is the time to announce that fixers will have their nano skills reduced.

    The concern about debuffs was a tangential one. The big concern is that they just can't cast their nanos. Fixers are NOT a combat class, Jim Sabalam has made that clear, so why do they have combat class costs for their nano skills? They have incredibly expensive nano skills AND they need all 6! Most of the pure nano classes don't need to spend points in all 6 nano skills!

    The problem with grid armor is the absurd costs that fixers have to pay for nano skills and the absurd hoops that you have put in place for them to get it.

    I've got some ideas on what fixers need to be viable, I'll post them in the Next Patch forum. Please give them some thought. As I kept pointing out to you before you fixed (or, actually, implemented) MPs, there is a reason that nobody plays them...


  6. #6
    oh the reason I said I would have to team with an MP is because there is still no way I will spend that much ip in 3 dark blue nano skills to use one nano formula.

    it isnt just a case of by the time you are able to self cast it it lost its usefulness. by the time you are able to self cast it you have spent so many ips your other skills that you need as a fixer have had to be completely neglected for so many levels.

    it is silly for a fixer to spend ip in MC before he actually gets grid armour because it is so rare and so once you get it you have to spend level after level throwing ip into it, ip that you need to make yourself playable in the first place as a fixer.

    I am not saying that I dont want the changes to grid armor. they sound like great fun and will be definately make the few fixers that find it playable again.

    but i would love to sit down and discuss the root of the matter with you, our nano skills and how much they cost us, because I feel it is an issue that funcom are ignoring and wont really aknowledge

    thank you for taking the time to listen to us and make changes based on our feedback, but can we have a big discussion some time on our nano skills?

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Intra
    ....although introducing new nanos to fixer proffession will always be looked upon with a certain level of worry because we have dark blue nano skills (couldnt resist because it is a huge issue with us)
    Oh, I know. Believe me, I know. But do remember we are covering ground to help on that issue - such as the hacker interface you guys have found and improving current nano formulas. If you have blue skills to use nano formulas we want them to be as worthwhile as possible.
    Earn free game time and play with your friends[/b]

    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Cosmik

    Oh, I know. Believe me, I know. But do remember we are covering ground to help on that issue - such as the hacker interface you guys have found and improving current nano formulas. If you have blue skills to use nano formulas we want them to be as worthwhile as possible.
    I would love some info on the NCU hacker interface too.. so far all we have heard is that it isnt in game.
    but it has been noticed that it fits into the slot that the LLTS goes, which has raised many eyebrows.

    which other changes are being made ot our nano forumlas?

  9. #9
    I take back all the mean and nasty things I said regarding FC not listening to us.

    You listened, and you did something about it. Thanks.

    Now, will you listen to us about our nano skills?

    Seriously though - how much of a difference is the Hacker Interface going to make? Although I'm not super-attached to the idea of an LLTS, is that +10 really going to do us much good? How about the following suggestion, to make the hacker interface *truly* useful.

    Allow us to rebalance it on the fly. Feel free to make it like treatment kits so we can't do it mid-fight. Feel free to lock some random skill (B&E, perhaps?) for a few minutes after a rebalance, but let us shift points around! Let us move bonuses from SI to MC, from MM to TS. Instead of saying "At level 100, you get +30 to each skill", say "At level 100 you get a base of +15 to each skill, and 90 points you can rebalance amongst all 6 skills." Cap each one at 3x base so it isn't abusable (i.e. at level 100, no more than a 45 point total boost to any one skill). Now that would be truly hacking the interface, giving us some much-needed flexibility.

    And, much as I hate to say it - sure, the GA changes sound nice. But they're only going to benefit the miniscule percentage of fixers that have GA. Any word on how you're going to handle the fact that GA is ridiculously rare?

    (note: I'm off-game right now, due to a stolen PC, so if the drop rate has been significantly upped on GA - which the forums don't seem to show - then ignore the last. I think I'm right on it, though)
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  10. #10
    I'm not a fixer, but I am someone who was VERY angry over the unfairness of the GA change.

    You just got another 6 months of my money.

    They still need something done about thier nano skills. Maybe just move the MC req on GA to MM. From what I see of thier nano lines that would help a lot. Really though, you should just give them what they want. The fixer community is VERY good about not wanting to be uber, just playable.

    I read thier forums because MY profession doesn't have anywhere near this level of comradare. Fixers are a big part of the network of friends that holds your customer base together.

    Go a little further on the GA stuff, make them happy unstead of just not angry.

    Free mochams for all fixers still stands.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by grahamX0r
    Free mochams for all fixers still stands.

  12. #12
    Sounds good. But PLEASE make those new nano's use no more than some T&S / SI

  13. #13
    This is the sort of communication and action I've been yearning for since.. well.. release :C)

    My dedication to my profession is finally paying off!
    Christopher "Gogliostro" McClymonds - Neutral Circus Artist for Forsaken
    Epos "Levandri" Nine - Clan Tradesman for Forsaken
    Sherwood "Velorik" Cordiero - Neutral Patcher for Oddities
    Augustus "Cipheron" Shone - Neutral Leet for Oddities
    Stormbringer "Keelan" Nine - Neutral Mute for Oddities
    Prince "Vidorian" Swicord - "The First One"
    Joseph "Silensus" Markarian - Clan Memory for Concubia Nocte
    Prince "Kahveh" Delaet - Neutral Coffeemaker for Oddities

  14. #14
    Oh, yeah.

    While you're at it, please don't make the debuff-resist nanos self-only. If you allow us to hit other people with those, we might actually be wanted in teams.

    "XXXEngie shouts: Group looking for fixer! Must have own debuff-resist nanos!"

    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  15. #15

    Angry Jeez!

    I cannot believe some of you guys are applauding this!

    The wear requirements are still there!
    The req's to CAST the nano are still the same!



    Why is it so difficult to just LOWER THE REQ'S ON FIXER NANOS!

    If you Dev's would just do this one simple thing this issue would be resolved! Hell, half of all Fixer issues would be resolved!


    TFC coup co-conspirator
    Member of The Mocker's Naked, Co-ed, Full contact, Drunken, Synchronized Blitzing Team

    -=The Mockers=-

  16. #16
    /me hugs uncle Cosmik
    Christopher "Gogliostro" McClymonds - Neutral Circus Artist for Forsaken
    Epos "Levandri" Nine - Clan Tradesman for Forsaken
    Sherwood "Velorik" Cordiero - Neutral Patcher for Oddities
    Augustus "Cipheron" Shone - Neutral Leet for Oddities
    Stormbringer "Keelan" Nine - Neutral Mute for Oddities
    Prince "Vidorian" Swicord - "The First One"
    Joseph "Silensus" Markarian - Clan Memory for Concubia Nocte
    Prince "Kahveh" Delaet - Neutral Coffeemaker for Oddities

  17. #17
    Hm, wait... GA has, in the time since this post arrived, probably increased in worth threefold...
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  18. #18
    please give MPs runspeed requirements to use their pets

    we will be friends for life heehe

  19. #19
    Originally posted by Vrach
    Hm, wait... GA has, in the time since this post arrived, probably increased in worth threefold...
    I was hoping no one would notice!

  20. #20

    Re: Jeez!

    Originally posted by Stratah
    The wear requirements are still there!
    The req's to CAST the nano are still the same!
    They are still looking into it, and it may change during Test.

    Why is it so difficult to just LOWER THE REQ'S ON FIXER NANOS!

    If you Dev's would just do this one simple thing this issue would be resolved! Hell, half of all Fixer issues would be resolved!
    Um, because then you could mad-twink a low level char into GA Mk1?

    Something needs to be tweaked with the reqs, but "simple" solutions like that arent always simple.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

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