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Thread: NGI - RUR GuardMaster G demo Friday

  1. #1

    NGI - RUR GuardMaster G demo Friday

    Friday 9th
    23:30 GMT / 6:30 PM EST
    Borealis, by the Whompa

    A little demonstartion of the ST50 GuardMaster G, the robotic guard developed jointly by RUR and Circle G as a future replaced Loren War mercenary company in their role as protectors of Newland City. There will be a promotional holo-video as well as the chance for the public to actually see(*) this state-of-the-art robotic creation and ask our engineers questions questions about it.

    Hope to see you there!

    Director of RUR

    * The model of the GuardMaster at the demonstration will be not be armed as some of this robot's saftey features are still undergoing tests.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  2. #2
    I and my representatives from the Union will be there for the demonstration of the ST50 GuardMaster G.

    We look forward to seeing what you have all been up to
    Emma "Pyromanche" Peele, Neutral Kingpin RK1
    Founder of The Union

  3. #3
    Ooh. I'd better mark my calendar. I love robots!
    Advisor of First Light
    Tradeskill How-To's, Engineer Profession Guides, and Jello Wrestling at The Tir School of Engineering
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    New to Engineering? Try HighOrbit's Engineer Guide. Thanks HighOrbit

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Lyricia
    Ooh. I'd better mark my calendar. I love robots!
    And robots love you too Lyrwyr.
    Taren "Jynne" Suitt, Level 216/16 Eternalist
    Knight of Unity of the Rose - Check out our AO Tools!
    The Doctor Guide to: Notum Wars Martial Arts Perks! Nano Controller Units
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    Visit the Roses and check out the shops in our City, NE of ICC at 4500x1500 in Andromeda!

    Iron Law of Exploits: If it can be exploited, it will be exploited. However a rule is exploitable, the exploits become the rule.

  5. #5
    I have good intentions of letting our head Engineer out of his lab to attend this demo. Its always good to let them see how all their hard work pays off. However, I can't guarentee the state of his sainity at times since he does have to put up with me.
    Malcom Ciafardoni
    Circle-G Inc. - The Past. The Present. Your Future.

    I'm not a gimp, I'm a trade skill Trader.

  6. #6
    Thank you for the release from the seamingly endless workshop experiments of late Whealer! I will observe the results of the test of the ST50 GuardMaster G. I hope it goes well, and hope the R.U.R. Engineers don't decide to try an early experiment with the MAD brain units...
    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
    -Philip K. D*ck

    "AO is that which, when you stop leveling in it, doesn't go away."

    The Old Boinky - The One True Heart and Soul of CG, even after...
    meh gear
    Arthurian the Pendragon
    Neutral 4 Life

  7. #7


    /w I'd suggest all citizens of Newland City make sure they dont dry any items of underwear in the backyards during this bot test. I head rumors from a reliable source that these QPT (tm) based brains may still have some very wierd behavioral bugs.

  8. #8
    Bah, rumours. Who, in these enlightened days we live in, gives any credence to rumours? You lingerie and undergarments are perfectly safe, I can assure you,

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  9. #9
    Noholdsbarre overhears the rumors and quickly puts a stop to them. ''Hnn err let me saids a few words if a may?!"

    ''Thank you all" he replies. ''First of all a few words on the Qpt and synergy with the MAD brain. Think of the 2 brains as intellect and compassion. The terrain or human brain exist with a compassioante side and the intellect. Humans would not be able to function if one or the other was missing. They need the intellect to make decisions and the other to be compassionate. The Gm robot in having the 2 brains would not be able to do its job with one or the other brains. It needs the Qpt to be compassionate and make some decisions on its own while at the same time the MAD it there to make the hard decisions and make
    rational choices .

  10. #10
    Well, I attended this demonstration expecting to see something amazing. I was disapppointed.

    I am not sure what RUR and CG think is the best security for NLC, when asked if their bots will be able to actually replace the Mercs and defend the city from outside threats such as the Sentinals, the reply was probably not. They propose selling the NewlandCity Council thousands of Robots to protect it.. The spirit of the NGI is there, and they seem to have forgotten that the NLC Council is not paying for this, but private funds from private citizens from all over Rubika.. mostly neutral funds.

    I became involved in the NGI becuase I want to see it a place for all citizens of Rubika, clan, omni and neutral alike... it is a neutral city, it should be open to all. While still keeping it and all that travel there safe. I beleive we need an alternative to "reprogrammed bots and dual brains" that are so inferior, they can not fullfill the job that needs to be done.

    Sorry, but my report on this to the NGI Council of 3, and the NLC Council is to keep looking... this is not the answer.
    Emma "Pyromanche" Peele, Neutral Kingpin RK1
    Founder of The Union

  11. #11
    To be fair, the question as posed was whether the Guardmaster would be able to protect Newland from a "mass attack" by the clans. The RUR reps present answered honestly that it probably would not, but then neither would the current guard force. There just aren't enough of them. Those present at the meeting estimated that there were around 15-20 mercs in Newland - onbiously not enough to protect the city if the Clans as a body decided to invade.

    However, what city does possess a guard force large enough to stave off a concerted assault by a large, organised group? I haven't seen enough Blades in Old Athen to withstand a full-scale assault by Omni-Tek, for instance. In case of general emergency or (God forbid) a resumption of unrestricted hostilities, all cities are going to need considerable help from the citizenry to guarantee their own security.

    Now, if you'd asked whether the Guardmaster would be able to drive off an attack from the Sentinels...


    Last edited by Soyuz; Jan 10th, 2004 at 20:31:18.

  12. #12
    Now, if you'd asked whether the Guardmaster would be able to drive off an attack from the Sentinels...

    I did... want me to publish the log?
    Emma "Pyromanche" Peele, Neutral Kingpin RK1
    Founder of The Union

  13. #13

    If you have the logs by all means post them. I forgot to log the event, which is a shame because Cratty's presentation was very amsuing and there were a few good onliners through out the evening.

    I don't think it really warrants getting too wrapped up about the tehcnology behind the bot. In real life I have absolutely know idea how robot works now, let alone how they would in 30,000 years. Trying to roleplay something I no little about in a medium with as many mechanical restrictions as a mmorpg just means you have to use your imagination some times.

    The event was meant primarily as entertainment. I hope the it was mildly enterainting for those who attended; we certainly enjoyed staging it. It was also a way progess the story another inch.

    Thanks again to everyone who showed up.
    Last edited by Savoy; Jan 11th, 2004 at 01:53:29.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  14. #14
    I was held up trying to solve a few puzzles regarding the MAD brain, so I missed the begining of the presentation...

    17:42: Indiga: Virta - you mean... target practice on Clanners? <grin>
    17:42: Dabblez: I would think people are a lot easier to manipulate, persuade, bribe, corrupt, seduce,or blackmail
    17:42: Noholdsbarre: the syngery of qpt and the other brain wouild make it work
    17:42: Virta: It would be a start. *winks*
    17:42: Pyromanche: I think part of the problem you face is that you are "reprogeamming" old technology when you need to build new
    17:43: Narcotiks: orgy
    17:43: Babblz: Have any leets been harmed in the testing of ST50 GuardMaster G?
    17:43: Dabblez: And you base that oobservation on.. Pyromanche
    17:43: Saxon1: Hmmm..
    17:43: Pyromanche: as the Neutral member of the NGI council of 3 and the only one here atm, I can tell you that the idea of retrofitting technology does not comfortable to me
    17:43: Noholdsbarre: no leets have been harmed yet
    17:43: Pyromanche: this is of course my opinion
    17:43: Greatfuldead: can I join the party?
    17:43: Revinn raises his hand.
    17:44: Dabblez: Boinky?
    17:44: Saxon1 taps on Virta shoulder.
    17:44: Pyromanche: if for some reason there is a regression.. then we are still in the same place we are now, and this is unpleasent at besst
    17:44: Boinky: Yes Dabblez ?
    17:44: Dabblez: Did you want to say a few words on the MAD system?
    17:44: Dabblez: or save that for another day?
    17:44: Bytebull: where can I buy sunglasses? lol
    17:45: Indiga hopes the bot won't run through the Borealis walls to find the nearest tree to hug
    17:45: Noholdsbarre: hehe
    17:45: Howky: Jawalooc can you do superior wrangle?
    17:45: Boinky: Well I can tell you It's quite an overriding force for aggression, we've just got to keep it under control
    17:45: Cyani: I dont mean to question the intentions of URU as you make fine household robots and assistants.. but NLC council has trusted Omni sided individuals for protection and look at NewLnads city's current state.. How are we supposed to rely in more aid.. or protection from an Omni corporation.
    17:45: Crattyjack: (( Sorry crashed ))
    17:45: Boinky: I believe that's just what your RUR brain will be able to do, control the beas... err bot so it works only for our purposes
    17:46: Pyromanche: how can you be sure it will not attack Clansmen and women?
    17:46: Dabblez: Cyani, I suggests you address your query to the Newland City Council
    17:46: Pyromanche: we have been lied to before by the NLC
    17:46: Pyromanche: they told us the mercs would be neutral aligned.. they are not
    17:46: Dabblez: I think we are the best peopel placed to do the job. POlitics has nothign to do with it
    17:47: Boinky: We can assure you it will only harm those we tell it through the use of superior engineering
    17:47: Crattyjack: Therefore good
    17:47: Pyromanche: I do not doubt your intentions
    17:47: Indiga: R.U.R. are simply the builders, they are not politicians.
    17:47: Jelamiri giggles
    17:47: Pyromanche: I do however feel that all citizens, need to feel safe in NLC
    17:47: Crattyjack: Ideedie Ind
    17:47: Crattyjack: *indeedie
    17:47: Pyromanche: so that the intentions of the NGI are carried out
    17:48: Pyromanche: unlike the self-serving actions of the past
    17:48: Noholdsbarre: s
    17:48: Noholdsbarre: suure
    17:48: Dabblez: The only two serious bids I am aware of to provide a replacement for the Warr mercs came from RUR and Circle G. And now we are working together.
    17:48: Cyani: what of this new group that opposes the Newland City council.
    17:48: Noholdsbarre whispers i like fruit
    17:48: Falco69's pet, Moose: I'm ready to serve you...
    17:48: Pyromanche: I beleive that the NLC is also looking at other options
    17:48: Korev's pet, IRRK Camera-Bot: Deactivating...
    17:49: Dabblez: Any questions about the robot?
    17:49: Bytebull: yea, can I have one?
    17:49: Crattyjack: hehe yea the robot aint it shiny?
    17:49: Dabblez: Yes?
    17:49: Indiga: When will it be fully operational? When can we expect to see it in combat?
    17:49: Merchicken: whats going on?
    17:49: Arimathea: What would the cost be for one of these robots? I might be interested in one for security in my home.
    17:49: Indiga: Not necessarily in Omni-2. <grin>
    17:49: Jawalooc: When can we see it throw kids into the air?..
    17:49: Jasziak smriks.
    17:49: Revinn: For those of us who arrived late, what is the purpose of this robot?
    17:49: Dabblez: I hope a couple of weeks time we can stage a demonstration in Hope
    17:49: Noholdsbarre whispers beeries
    17:50: Indiga: Dabblez - excellent, thank you.
    17:50: Crattyjack: The bot will be a neutral in all sense of the word cept NLC law replacment of Lorenn
    17:50: Crattyjack: Thats the whole point Kal
    17:51: Yarko: that's the idea Kalannar
    17:51: Crattyjack: NLC will be what it was before with our proposition
    17:51: Boinky's pet, Engineer Guardbot: I'm ready to serve you...
    17:51: Babblz: Yes, I would like to make a pilgrimmage to the sacred city vidited by Leetzilla
    17:51: Dabblez: We can't answer that. The decison is for the NLC council
    17:51: Noholdsbarre: well the qpt and the mad brain are good syngery for a bot
    17:51: Crattyjack: And surly thats a good thing!
    17:51: Pyromanche: Kalannar, the intent is to reopen NLC to all rubika citizens
    17:51: Indiga: Kalannar - it's not for them to decide. It's for the NLC council to decide. They already said it once.
    17:51: Boinky's pet, Mot-204 HAR Series II: Hunt attack received.
    17:51: Boinky's pet, Mot-204 HAR Series II: Hunting.
    17:51: Dabblez: It would not make any sense for RUR to decide who is welcome in NLC and who isn;t
    17:51: Crattyjack: No Kal not at all unless its the wil of the NLC council
    17:51: Revinn: How can the Clan trust Omni-Tek to keep their work?
    17:51: Kalannar: Has the decision been made yet by the NLC?
    17:51: Revinn: (word)
    17:52: Noholdsbarre: i agree we are just an aiding in protection
    17:52: Korev: Rubi-Ka Universal Robots offered a demonstration of the ST50 GuardMaster G, a robot guard they created with Circle G engineers as a potential replacement for the mercenaries in Newland.
    17:52: Crattyjack: Well we sell all our products all across Rubi-Ka, we are a corperation in the sense we offer a product
    17:52: Dabblez: We've done several projects for Clan and neutral before. And Circle G iour partner in this endevor
    17:52: Noholdsbarre: we fund ourselves
    17:52: Crattyjack: Not a political company, cept when it comes to pizza topings hehe
    17:52: Dabblez grins
    17:53: Indiga grins
    17:53: Noholdsbarre: hehe
    17:53: Dabblez: no anchoivies!
    17:53: Crattyjack: And in that sense... yea no ancovies
    17:53: Kalannar: Should the robot become operational and allow all members of Rubi-Ka to travel thru NL City once again, whats to stop rouge elements from eliminating it?
    17:53: Arimathea smiles
    17:53: Crattyjack pouts at Dabbzie
    17:53: Uriaden: get off me you fool
    17:53: Marisha: Superior Firepower, perhaps?
    17:53: Noholdsbarre: those elements will be dealt with as well
    17:53: Crattyjack: Nothing cept there own reckless care for their own life hehe
    17:53: Revinn: You may not be a political organization, but you have to realize that we're at war.
    17:53: Dabblez's pet, ST50 GuardMaster G: I will stop the rogue elements form eliminating me, citizen
    17:54: Crattyjack: IF they attack the bot is fully equipped to deal with the situation
    17:54: Kalannar: Superior firepower has been shown time and time again to be in the hands of the people.
    17:54: Crattyjack: See hehe
    17:54: Pyromanche: NLC has been held hostage long enough by the Sentinals and the Mercs
    17:54: Crattyjack winks to the Gaurdmaster
    17:54: Pyromanche: how will your Robot see to these issues?
    17:54: Marisha blinks
    17:54: Merkeeper: zar can you tell me whats going on?
    17:54: Noholdsbarre: the rules will be instilled
    17:54: Crattyjack: Well thats not for us per say to decide
    17:55: Crattyjack: Lorenn will have to be ousted by other means
    17:55: Pyromanche: who will be doing the programming?
    17:55: Virta:
    17:55: Noholdsbarre: me for one
    17:55: Dabblez: Noholds is our lead programmer
    17:55: Pyromanche: I see
    17:55: Crattyjack: We are merely offering the solution AFTER that has happened
    17:55: Arimathea shouts: DONZILLA!
    17:55: Dabblez: Been with the compnay form the start
    17:55: Donzilla shouts: hoy
    17:55: Justins: why every one in the middle
    17:55: Pyromanche: I see
    17:55: Virta tentatively pokes at the guardmaster with his screwdriver.
    17:55: Crattyjack: Like any venture it is a proposal from us and Circle G
    17:56: Dabblez: And Circle G engieners will program the MAD brain
    17:56: Indiga: Virta - I don't think you want to anger it... <grin>
    17:56: Indiga: Or break it.
    17:56: Crattyjack: We are interested in seeing NLC safe as well, not just profit
    17:56: Arimathea is afk
    17:56: Donzilla is back
    17:56: Arimathea is back
    17:56: Noholdsbarre: the qpt and the mad brain as i sas will co ezxist and operate as one and then seperate
    17:56: Virta: I can safely say that Omni-Pol has no involvement with this project. *inspects the robot more closely*
    17:56: Crattyjack: Its where our offices are too you know
    17:56: Dabblez's pet, ST50 GuardMaster G: Stay out of trouble, citizen
    17:56: Revinn: Please forgive me for skepticism, but it's already safe if you're a part of Omni-Tek.
    17:57: Virta: But I am sure I could spend some time with here given the chance. *stares at a complicated piece of machinery*
    17:57: Crattyjack: Nashka our security guard sees the rough actions of Lorenn (as well as our reapeatedly smashed window) all the time
    17:57: Pyromanche: I would like to know how you expect the bots to actively defend the city from outside forces
    17:58: Indiga: Then again, some of the destruction is due to the MAD brain testing too?
    17:58: Noholdsbarre: hmmm did not wereply to that
    17:58: Crattyjack: Hmm for the specifics I hand that to Dabbzie and Noholds
    17:58: Pyromanche: that is a major part of this issue, as I am sure you know
    17:58: Dabblez: Not my area of expertise, I am sure Boinky might be able to comment of the defensive capabilities of the GaurdMaster
    17:58: Megamartial shouts: whats going on? ^^
    17:59: Noholdsbarre: once the bot sees danger our qpt stops and mad brain starts
    17:59: Dabblez: I am sure it will be as impressive as any bot fouind in Omni HQ
    17:59: Dabblez: Certainly more than Newlands pervious Peacekeepers
    17:59: Indiga: It's still in production, is it not? The more... defensive skills of the robot. The MAD brain, f.ex.
    17:59: Pyromanche: I would like more of an explanation tho
    17:59: Indiga will have nightmares of bots running after trees tonight
    17:59: Yarko's pet, Belamorte: Deactivating...
    17:59: Megamartial shouts: anyone have any organic combat suits? any color! i really need them, and pay good! =) pst!
    18:00: Megamartial shouts: please
    18:00: Pyromanche: I feel you have not really addressed the real issues as to why we need to change "the guards" in NLC and how your robots will do the job
    18:00: Boinky's pet, Engineer Slayerdroid II: I'm ready to serve you...
    18:00: Dabblez: At the end of the day, will a handfull of GuardMaster hold off the whole might of the Clan should they attack NLC? Probably not
    18:00: Pyromanche: unless I have missed something here
    18:00: Dabblez: Will it provide adequate defence for everyday threats, ceertainly
    18:01: Topz: a demo of a new robot
    18:01: Pyromanche: I have worked with Clansmen to try to ellimnate the mercs, more than once
    18:01: Virta: It is a magnificent piece of robotics Dabblez and Crattyjack. I must say.
    18:01: Pyromanche: they were unable
    18:01: Marisha: Perhaps the NGI should open a new round of bids...
    18:01: Boinky: This is my latest model, without the MAD brain installed for your safety
    18:01: Indiga hopes Virta didn't break something important
    18:01: Pyromanche: the intent in the NGI is for the replacement for the mercs to be equally as strong
    18:01: Pyromanche: if not more so
    18:02: Dabblez: I will all depend how much the NLC is willin gto spend, isn;t it?
    18:02: Crattyjack: You cant get much stronger the these things hehe
    18:02: Indiga: Boinky - how is progress going with the MAD brain? Do you hope to have it ready for installment within a few weeks?
    18:02: Pyromanche: and to really protect the city from being over-run, to say probably not.. then I can not support your bots at this time
    18:02: Dabblez: If they can afford it, we could deploy 100,000 GaurdMasters
    18:02: Dabblez: But its always a question of balance, no?
    18:03: Boinky: I'm fully confident the few flaws still pestering my work will be ironed out by then, indeed
    18:03: Pyromanche: how many mercs are stationed in NLC?
    18:03: Illuminated: around 15
    18:03: Howky's pet, Engineer Warbot: I'm ready to serve you...
    18:03: Pyromanche: the question is security
    18:03: Virta dreams of 100000 Gaurdmasters.
    18:03: Illuminated: maybe 20
    18:03: Jawalooc raises his hand for a question
    18:03: Pyromanche: then 15 -10 bots should be adequate as well
    18:03: Crattyjack: Yes Jawa
    18:03: Dabblez: No, its a question of cost vs risk assessment
    18:03: Pyromanche: *15-20
    18:03: Qinefer: hello Thikalash
    18:03: Noholdsbarre: lets me puts it this way... frist qpt is a rational think design and once it sensee danger , it lurkes in the back while the mad one assses the appropriate reaction
    18:03: Saxon1 perfers Omni-Pol bots...
    18:04: Virta: I say 90,000 would be anough.
    18:04: Pyromanche: your putting a pricetag on this
    18:04: Jawalooc: I'm not sure if this has been answered, but what is the weaponry on these GM's? Lasers? Grenades? Long sticks?
    18:04: Merchicken thinks CG bots are so much better
    18:04: Crattyjack: hehe err proposed weaponry huh?
    18:04: Dabblez: Oh course I am, this is a commercial demonstartion of a robot we hope to sell to NLC
    18:04: Pyromanche: there has been alot of money raised to pay for this already
    18:05: Pyromanche: 500mil credits I beleive
    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
    -Philip K. D*ck

    "AO is that which, when you stop leveling in it, doesn't go away."

    The Old Boinky - The One True Heart and Soul of CG, even after...
    meh gear
    Arthurian the Pendragon
    Neutral 4 Life

  15. #15
    18:05: Dabblez: We think we have a superb product which will fullfill your needs
    18:05: Crattyjack: Shock sticks for low crime and heavy duty laser and gas waepons for those irlsome moments hehe
    18:05: Zalinos: whats going on?
    18:05: Virta: Looking at the bot, fear would be its weapon.
    18:05: Merchicken thinks indiga is very right
    18:05: Pyromanche: fear is not going to do anything
    18:05: Jawalooc nods
    18:05: Illuminated: well ever since the arrival of the Guards to NLC .. NLC has become a ghost town... almost no one goes there anymore
    18:05: Marisha: How many bots could half a bill buy, Dabs?
    18:05: Crattyjack: But actual stats are classified for NLC only
    18:05: Jawalooc: So this thing can toss enemies about, like that kid we saw?
    18:06: Lostpet is back
    18:06: Virta thinks of gassing traffic violators instead of setting them on fire.
    18:06: Crattyjack: Err hehe yea although Im sure that was in jest
    18:06: Dabblez: I cannot answer that. It might jeopardize out negotiations with the NLC
    18:06: Zalinos: whats going on here guyz?
    18:06: Jawalooc: Wouldn't that be hazardous for the buildings in hte vicinity?
    18:06: Crattyjack smiles nervously again
    18:06: Mannatech thinks a city full of bots,,how wonderfull
    18:06: Jawalooc: And not to mention the people.
    18:06: Arimathea is back
    18:06: Marisha thinks for a bit, then nods.
    18:06: Crattyjack: Oh no the throwage is carefully calculated hehe
    18:06: Indiga grins
    18:07: Noholdsbarre: the bots will not harm structures
    18:07: Jawalooc: Carefully calculated to hit what if thrown?
    18:07: Pyromanche: the replacements are being funded with neutral money, I think we deserve a bit more information
    18:07: Jawalooc: Will it consider the velocity of people running and walking about?
    18:07: Crattyjack: Hmm I think the ground if memory serves me correctly hehe
    18:07: Illuminated: hmm Bots or mankind ?
    18:07: Illuminated: Bots can be hi-jacked
    18:07: Illuminated: and reprogrammed
    18:07: Dabblez: So can people.
    18:08: Jawalooc: People walks on the ground, fixers could simply run into these projectile objects that these enemies are going to end up as.
    18:08: Illuminated: I'd like to see those in NLC be hi-jacked
    18:08: Crattyjack: Oh not this bot it will have direct link to NLC operations dept if they go live
    18:08: Pyromanche: if your programming is not up to the challenge of really defending NLC against the Sentinals, then the money is poorly spent...
    18:08: Crattyjack: As I said the throwage is calculated and dealth with in mid flight should the err situation aride
    18:08: Noholdsbarre: the bot will know exactly what is going on all tim,es
    18:08: Tarryk: wow...regular gathering here...something really heavy must have gone down.
    18:09: ****ee: orgy
    18:09: Crattyjack: So the Guardmaster is the perfect replacment to the Thugs
    18:09: Tarryk: or is going...either to the likely-dead reets. :P Have fun at the...orgy?!?!? Man...I'll be right back!
    18:09: Dabblez: I think you will find the GuardMaster more than up to the task
    18:09: Crattyjack: Or at least hehe, a better one
    18:09: Noholdsbarre: i think the Gm will add greatly to Nlc
    18:09: Cyani: And what of maintanence cost.. these look very costly to maintain.. not to mention most technology is obsolete in a very short amount of time.
    18:10: Crattyjack: It has more theoretical brain cells then a thug hehe
    18:10: Pyromanche: this is a level 184 bot.. I can easily kill it on my own.. who says itcan degend a city with the problems such as NLC has
    18:10: Illuminated: I'd take a Juggernaut over that..that bot
    18:10: Pyromanche: *defend
    18:10: Noholdsbarre: this is a demo
    18:10: Zalinos: oh ok
    18:11: Pyromanche: a demo with an inferior grade bot? I am surprised at RUR for that
    18:11: Sataran: Greetings Magan
    18:11: Noholdsbarre: demp for looks only the true bot will be more
    18:11: Crattyjack: Well its a prototype, we thought it be good to show it in some form, havnt heard of any replament ideas so far hehe
    18:11: Pyromanche: I see
    18:11: Magan: ello
    18:11: Virta: do you have any information to show us now about the MAD brain Boinky?
    18:12: Dabblez: Well madam, I am sure you have a better solution ready to propose to the Newland City Council
    18:12: Indiga thinks Virta is suicidial
    18:12: Cyani: honetsly though.. what match are Loren warr and its thugs against a Clan teh size of the Sentinels.. they claim there are there to defend against a possible Sentinel attack.. we all know the Sentinels could easily crush Loren Warrr and its Mercs if they intended to do so..
    18:12: Qinefer: the first thing that will happen when these so called protectors arrive, is they will be attacked to find out how hard they are, do you have any plans to safeguard them in this period ?
    18:12: Owchies's pet, Medinos: Commencing the healing process now, master.
    18:12: Zalinos: zar
    18:12: Dabblez: We will present our joint bid for consideration
    18:12: Noholdsbarre: *thanks for heal
    18:12: Boinky: Well my notes are mainly back in the workshop and rather in disarray at the moment - working through engineering problems is fun, but takes lots of work
    18:12: Indiga: (( Not now, I'm fine Riansfall =P ))
    18:13: Indiga smiles
    18:13: Dabblez: And if some better alternative suggests itself, I am sure the Newland Council will make the right decision
    18:13: Crattyjack: Indeedie
    18:13: Crattyjack: Although I doubt it hehe
    18:13: Dabblez: We are however quietly confident that the GuardMaster offers the safest and most relaible solution
    18:13: Pyromanche: well, I will make my recommendations to the council
    18:13: Psiwolfix: Excuse me Mannatech, what is going on here?
    18:14: Crattyjack: The bot is very well able to defend not only itsefl but the citizens of NLC
    18:14: Illuminated: hmm I will be disappointed if the Council takes a bot over the mercs there
    18:14: Dabblez: And that human guard are ultimatley much more fallable, andshould not really be place d in such a dangereous job anyway
    18:14: Mannatech: they show the new replacement for those nlc guards
    18:14: Dabblez: That is your perogative
    18:14: Noholdsbarre: its compassionate yet strong
    18:14: Cyani: Thank you dabblez for taking the time to display your new product.
    18:14: Mannatech: i missed the start
    18:14: Psiwolfix: o
    18:14: Pyromanche: that Dabblez is my job
    18:14: Indiga: A presentation, Psiwolfix. Almost over by now though. R.U.R.'s presentation of an alternative to the Loren thugs in NLC.
    18:14: Dabblez: Thank you all very much for coming
    18:14: Crattyjack: better then being thrown through a window hehe *refers to the RUR NLC office windows being smashed in by their thuggey*
    18:15: Cyani: Im sure you understand our conserns fgiven our current situation
    18:15: Crattyjack: OH err yes, thanks for coming
    18:15: Dabblez: Naturally
    18:15: Pyromanche: thank you for your presentation, it was quite enlightening
    18:15: Zalinos: hey zar can i also get ASP/
    18:15: Illuminated: a bot can not help me with issue's... and has a small chance of surviving a microwave assault
    18:15: Noholdsbarre: yes thanks
    18:15: Dante2010: what's up boyssss
    18:15: Crattyjack rolls his eyes and smiles
    18:15: Virta: Thank you very much RUR. You have exceeded expectations once again.
    18:15: Dabblez's pet, ST50 GuardMaster G: Follow command received.
    18:15: Dabblez's pet, ST50 GuardMaster G: Following.
    18:15: Virta smiles
    18:15: Indiga: Thank you Dabblez and Crattyjack, thoroughly enjoyed it. I can't wait to see the finalized robot!! (( Was great fun too. ))
    18:15: Topz: Thank you for th presentation

    Regarding the workings of the MAD brain, I'm afraid my hands are tied. I have strict instructions from Whealer, who's been given operational control of our joint venture with R.U.R by Beamboom, to not disclose the nature of this technology to anyone not cleared for full disclosure. As of now that only applies to Beamboom, Whealer, and Dabblez. Who Dabblez shared the info with is not up to me, though I think Whealer may have given some instructions on that matter.

    The MAD brain is a new positronic brain I've been developing for just this situation. Now I admit it will most likely be able to help Circle G in some of our private pursuits in the future as long as the technology can be cleared for such use, but the reason I was tasked to develop this was mainly to come up with a suitable bot to replace the mercenary thugs who were put in place in Newland City.

    If you doubt it's ability to be up to the task, I am free to explain that unlike most bots put into service in the past on Rubi-Ka, I have strayed greatly from prior Omni-Tek positronic brain designs. Many may respect and fear the might of an Omni-Tek designed Slayerdroid, but as an Engineer, I've found them greatly flawed. Hence the decision was made to take this step in the hopes of making a far more advanced bot that could be used to keep the peace in Newland City for all.

    -Lead Engineer in Circle G's Research Branch
    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
    -Philip K. D*ck

    "AO is that which, when you stop leveling in it, doesn't go away."

    The Old Boinky - The One True Heart and Soul of CG, even after...
    meh gear
    Arthurian the Pendragon
    Neutral 4 Life

  16. #16
    Originally posted by Savoy

    The event was meant primarily as entertainment. I hope the it was mildly enterainting for those who attended; we certainly enjoyed staging it. It was also a way progess the story another inch.

    it acheived it's goal then.. don't take it so personally.. I mean no malice I assure you
    Emma "Pyromanche" Peele, Neutral Kingpin RK1
    Founder of The Union

  17. #17
    Pyromanche you know very well that I do not do things half way. Circle-G's joint venture with RUR was to provide the arms for the bot and a method to allow it to attack when need be. We currently have 4 weapons designs ranging in the devastation it is cappable of. The current level we are using for the bots is our level 2 weapons system. Below is a breakdown of the weapons system for each level. I believe you will agree with me that we have chossen the best option for the purposses of this bot.

    Level 1 - Standard Assult Rifle mounted on right arm, an airborn gas that slows down the response time of the body mounted on the left arm.

    Level 2 - Dual barrelled Assult rifle cappable of firing small burst at targets mounted on right arm, an airborn gas that slows down the response time of the body mounted on the left arm, and a poison gas system that is also mounted on the left arm.

    Level 3 - Advanced Laser system capable of firing in two different frequencies allowing for either a cold, or hot attack to be made on the target, mounted on the right arm, an airborn gas that slows down the response time of the body mounted on the left arm, and a poison gas system that is also mounted on the left arm, in the sittuation of possible destruction the emmision of gasses contained within the anti matter containment field which may cause core explosions in some instances.

    Level 4 - Quad barreled Assult Rifle cappable of firing in small burst or unloading a full round of ammunition on the target mounted on the right arm, advanced laser system capable of firing in two different frequencies allowing for either a cold, or hot attack to be made on the target, mounted on the right arm, an airborn gas that slows down the response time of the body mounted on the left arm, and a poison gas system that is also mounted on the left arm, in the sittuation of possible destruction the emmision of all gasses contained within the anti matter containment field causing core explosion.

    The level 4 system has not been tested for safety reasons but I can assure you that if installed an army of 50 bots could quite possibly wipe out Tir or Omni Trade with little dificulty.

    Unfortunately I was unable to attend the first demo of the new bot. I have however reviewed the logs from it and would like to answer a few of your questions. While the ST50 Guardmaster G Series robot may not be able to defend Newland City from a full assult from either the Clans or Omni-Tek as a product of Circle-G should it fail we will be their to provide the deffense needed to protect the city. It is my hope however that those who speak so passionately about restoring Newland City to its former slendor would come to the deffense of it should such a crisses arrise. Should this still not persuade the NGI to reconsider our bid let me remind you that their are no others willing to take on this project. In addition should the NGI decide that they feel this is not the appropriate solution we have no problem retracting our bid from the NGI and going directly to the Newland City Council themselves. In the end it is their final decission anyway that decides the fate of the city.
    Malcom Ciafardoni
    Circle-G Inc. - The Past. The Present. Your Future.

    I'm not a gimp, I'm a trade skill Trader.

  18. #18
    Well just because NGI wasn't "impressed" with your demonstration I don't think you should give up. They have an awsome responsibillity to protect our interrests in Newland City, and even if you had the most outstanding presentation I doubt they would say it. You know full well that in the bidding process it would make no sense for NGI to get over excited about a single bid, that would inflate the cost.

    There are also some rumours about another bid that is not public. When I asked Pyromanche about it she said "no comment" so I suggest to RUR and Circle G to refine your bid a bit and make it the best bid possible. I as an interrested party in the NGI would like to know for example a bit more about the number of robots you could place, the speed at which you can produce them, and what your long term maintanece capeabillities are.

    Also Circle G has talked about thier backing up of the robots with thier forces if needed. that needs to be clearly stated in the bid with numbers and training level of this back up. Otherwise we can't assume what it's make up would be.
    Aazamon General of the Nanomage Liberation Front

    28973 The first Homo Nano is born in an Omni-Tek laboratory. The inclusion of trace notum into the DNA sequencing of Nano foetuses means that this breed is able to live only on Rubi-Ka.

    Until all are free!

    We are recruiting

    The Nanomage Liberation Front

  19. #19
    There are also some rumours about another bid that is not public. When I asked Pyromanche about it she said "no comment" so I suggest to RUR and Circle G to refine your bid a bit and make it the best bid possible. I as an interrested party in the NGI would like to know for example a bit more about the number of robots you could place, the speed at which you can produce them, and what your long term maintanece capeabillities are.

    Well Aazamon, I am glad I did not elaborate now (hehe) seems you would have let the cat-out-of-the-bag so to speak. I will share what I know soon....

    I am sure that RUR and CG as still working on refining their bid and the next presentation, I look forward to it.
    Emma "Pyromanche" Peele, Neutral Kingpin RK1
    Founder of The Union

  20. #20
    Originally posted by Pyromanche

    Well Aazamon, I am glad I did not elaborate now (hehe) seems you would have let the cat-out-of-the-bag so to speak. I will share what I know soon....

    I am sure that RUR and CG as still working on refining their bid and the next presentation, I look forward to it.
    I most certainly would not have divulged confidential information. But thank you for confirming what I suspected as true, there is another bidder.
    Aazamon General of the Nanomage Liberation Front

    28973 The first Homo Nano is born in an Omni-Tek laboratory. The inclusion of trace notum into the DNA sequencing of Nano foetuses means that this breed is able to live only on Rubi-Ka.

    Until all are free!

    We are recruiting

    The Nanomage Liberation Front

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