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Thread: Meanwhile, on Omni-Prime...

  1. #1

    Meanwhile, on Omni-Prime...

    The interstellar head offices of Omni-Tek Corporation were unusually quiet for mid-week, especially given how close it was to the Corporation's fiscal year-end. The journey to and through the Whompha from the Omni-Prime spaceport to Omni-Admin's central library had been surprisingly rapid, absent the usual level of traffic and constant line-ups.

    Reinforcing this eerie silence was the nature of the library itself. Because of the sheer number of terminals, display screens and various light-emitting datapads, the library had no overarching lighting. Rather, the room's shadows were cast in an unnatural harmony of blues and reds. The small, tree-like reading lamps that adorned the desks and study-spaces were directional and localized, casting their light down upon those who prefered the somewhat archaic practice of "taking notes" with a carbon-isotope pen.

    Of course, it was quite difficult to make any sound, even if one wanted to. The material used on the walls, celing and even the fabric of the carpet, were all notum- and nano-enriched; the tiny microscopic nanobots worked what could best be described as magic on the surface of these, constantly adjusting the surface shape and texture to prevent the echoing of sounds, and facilitating the absorbtion of errant words.

    He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his eyes. It had only been two hours since his arrival, and he already starting to tire. The drafting of an entire planet's laws was taking its toll on him - mentally and physically. It was far too important a task to be rushed and taken lightly; under current plans, Rubi-Ka would, after all, be free of all control one day - something he dared not say too loudly, either in the halls of Omni-Prime or the streets of Rubi-Ka.

    "Provided someone doesn't destroy it, first..." he mumbled aloud. Pausing, he was forced to chuckle at a passing thought. "...maybe Miss Maul will someday be proved right." he whispered into the darkness, smiling at the thought of her tearing around the planet, screaming the same line triumphantly over and over again.

    "Wait...wasn't it my comments that started all of th---"

    "Mr. Age?" A young female voice, slightly quivering with uncertainty, caught him by surprise mid-thought. "The folks up in the legal department wanted me to bring this to your attention" She produced a sealed document contained, marked quite clearly For immediate delivery.

    "What's this?" Alamexis asked, spinning the tube around in his hand. "Haven't those guys given me enough work so far?" He chuckled, motioning at the 3-foot pile of papers and datapads stacked around his desk.

    "Dunno, sir." She replied. Alamexis let out a sigh, shaking his head slowly.

    " 'sir'...Alamexis will do fi--"

    She interupted, continuing her earlier thought: "I think they said something about 'Ares' and pact or some other jazz about a new draft." Alamexis gasped, tearing open the seal on the tube and shaking its contents loose onto the table. Sure enough, they had done it.

    "Thank you, my dear." Alamexis smiled and nodded. "Please tell the my assistant to postpone my lunch plans. Oh, and my dinner plans, too." She nodded and walked away, leaving Alamexis as a kid in a candy store, suddenly gleeful, with all traces of his fatigue washed away. "Now, what do I do with you, my friend?"

  2. #2
    ((OOC: Good read. I would hope theres more...more I demand. Keep it up.))
    Reynaldo "Monilith" Griffel

  3. #3
    ((OOC: The Desert Winds started my endless tirade to warn people about the planet. ))


    Missmaul runs around in circles, flailing arms, and generally knocking more stuff over.
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  4. #4
    /me looks at Missmaul

    Okay, who switched her leetpiss out with water??

    Seriously, cool plot, just wish i could limit myself to a single page lol!

  5. #5

    Several Hours Later...

    “Dammit!” Alamexis exclaimed, slamming the datapad down on his desk. He had rifled through every last document on his desk and in his file directory, repeatedly, and had finally given up searching. It simply was not here. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Alamexis tapped his comm-unit.

    “Ashley, I need your help” spoken more as a command than a request.

    “What’s up, Malcom?” replied the legal department's resident ‘spook’, an agent and former classmate posing as a humble financial clerk but secretly assigned to InterOps. It never hurt to monitor every facet and department from within, and even those highest up were not immune to InterOps reach.

    “The copy of the Ares Pact that was delivered to me today is missing Article 4. I don’t know if I lost it or if someone over there fuc---“

    “There is no Article 4, Malcom. Not according to the transmission logs. I pulled it myself right from Rubi-Ka grid.” She interjected calmly. “Want me to give our friends at the Council a call?”
    Alamexis chuckled quietly. “No need, Ash. I’m sure good old Fiqh will realize it eventually. While I have you trapped on comm…”

    Relieved, Alamexis quickly changed the subject, chuckling devilishly. The two made plans for dinner at some future date (and hopefully, Alamexis thought whimsically, breakfast), he uploaded and packed all of his belongings, ready for the hour and half trip back to Rubi-Ka.

    ((OOC: thanks everyone! I really don't know where this is going, though...but I'll add to it as I can ))

  6. #6
    (( amazing what a silly, innocent little thread like this gets you wrapped up in!))

  7. #7
    U got no idea, im still reading the other stories :P

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