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Thread: Professionals - changes

  1. #1

    Professionals - changes

    Hi everybody,

    We've discussed many ways of making the Professionals program more efficient, as it has taken up a lot of time. Without going too much into detail on this, here's how we're gonna do it for now:

    We scrap the voting process, and instead rotate 3 professions per week to get their top issue addressed. Based on previous feedback through the program, we agreed to use reversed alphabetical order, meaning we start off with Trader, Soldier and NT.

    The Professionals keep an updated list of current issues for each profession, plus general issues. Each Friday I pick the top issues for three professions, and make individual threads for each, for discussion and me asking stupid questions (in case I don't understand the issue fully, or feel I need more details ). The threads stay for 5 days, and I then forward the issues to the dev team, giving them a week to respond, and post the feedback in the Community Corner. In the meantime, we start on the next three professions.

    More general issues, and issues below the top priority one for each profession, are handled as time permits. Sometimes the general issues will be updated more often than profession issues, sometimes not. We will just have to see, and we're still discussing this part a bit.

    I hope I covered most of it here, without getting into details for now. If you have any questions, send me a private message or e-mail, and I'll post updates to this thread.
    Last edited by Cz; Feb 25th, 2003 at 12:04:57.

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