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Thread: I posting this in several forums, in hopes of some good old fasion help

  1. #1

    I posting this in several forums, in hopes of some good old fasion help

    I've been trying to get a couple simple devices, a screwdriver, and a biotech-something-another. both used for making sellable & usable items from monster parts & robot junk.

    The problem is when I got to the terminals in the trade room that sell these items the terminals are empty. In the group of terminals that contain these items the only one I can see items in it the implant terminal. Also the terminals are all named "name missing".

    Now someone had suggested that I reinstall. I did that and it didn't help. in fact its worse. I was at least able to see the names of most of terminals before. Now I can't.

    Now I know that the terminals are the right ones for the items I'm looking for. As I had said in an earlier post that I was escorted there by a friend. This friend also purchased one of the items for me. then traded it to me. unfortunately, when he traded it to me (screwdriver) I was given nothing. I accepted a blank trade. but moments later I had a "no name" item in my inventory.

    So please someone help me. I feel that there is a lot in this game that I'm not able to enjoy because of this malfunction.

    Thank you

    Omni soldier

  2. #2
    Try this:

    - go to your AO folder and run speedread.exe
    - choose the option to delete the speedread database
    - run the program again to recreate it

    That's cleared up a lot of issues with 'newer' items in stores like the screwdriver, bio-commutor, new backpacks, etc. It won't harm anything.

    If that does not work, I've heard that using the same store a second or third time can get the inventory to appear.

  3. #3
    Ohh thank you very much. I hope this works I wont be able to try it until I get home from work. But it does sound promising. BTW is speedread an exe thats already in the folder? or do I need to go & DL it?

  4. #4
    It'll be in the same folder as clientr.exe and anarchy.exe It's a 56kilobyte file.

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