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Thread: Important Message

  1. #1

    Important Message

    This is a call to action.
    This is a call to action going out to every profession on Rubi Ka, every player that has a shred of decency, every player with a heart. Because when it all comes down to it, behind the fancy nano armor or the senpai coats, we're all people. As awful as we are to each other both in game and in the real world, there lies a spark of divinity, the angel upon our shoulder, the conscience that gives us pause and calls us to help our fellow man in his time of need, whether it's clan, Omni or neutral.

    For months I've silently watch the Anarchy Online message boards and read about the plight of the Fixer. Personally I've never played as a fixer so much of what I have to say comes purely out of ignorance, but speaking from the heart, I feel awful for what fixers have had to go through. I feel awful for every time I've overlooked a fixer in favor of another profession and I'm disgusted at myself for ever, EVER charging a fixer for any of my MP buffs. I can sit here all day and tell you how much my Metaphysicist heart goes out to you or I can, for once in my selfish AO career, do something to help.

    I've read many posts telling fixers to simply reroll as something like an MP and let the matter be done and to you all I shake my head in disgust. "It's just a game" you say, "get over it" you say. I'm here to tell you that it's not just a game. The most precious gift we have to give in this world is time, because it's the one thing we can never get back. When you give someone or something your time, you give them a peice of yourself, a piece of your life. Folks spend 100s of hours playing Anarchy Online, meeting people, making new friends, acquiring equipment, etc. To ask them to give that up simply because the game designers lack the sense to properly implement professions is the worst thing I've ever heard. Our characters on Anarchy Online represent a considerable amount of time and money spent and pissing it all away is sometimes not an option to us, as we lose more than we ever gain.

    A fixer's one hope for excelling is in a nano formula which we've all heard of called "Grid Armor". While the instruction disc itself is rare enough, the requirements to put it on are absolutely ridiculous. From what I gather speaking to other fixers, all nano skills are dark blue for our speedy friends, which makes wearing grid armor even once the crystal has been made, something of a task. Funcom as we all know is not exactly brilliant in their choices. While grid armor will be given a significant boost in the next patch, the requirements to wear it are still out of control and with the upcoming changes, fixers will no longer be able to store multiple GA pieces in the bank for later use, as their nano skills will be too low to wear the armor. That, coupled with the fact that SMG guns are horribly underpowered is enough to make many of our fixer friends leave AO permanently.

    What can we do to help? This next part goes out mainly to Metaphysicists, as we will soon be the crutch that many professions will depend on even more than now. Our Mocham's Gift line of nano buffs gives +140 to any nano skill and lasts a full hour. Normally a high lvl MP will "sell" these buffs for around 50-100k each. I do feel this is a fair price, as it reflects our time and costs in acquiring these spells and the time and effort spent to lvl up enough to use them. Engineers mainly want these buffs to bring out extremely big bots many times their own lvl. I have no problem with that, as more time, effort and money spent SHOULD equal better results. But the likes of Fixers, Nanotechnicians and Adventurers care less about being uber, they only want to survive. They only want to be on equal playing ground with the rest of us, to be an asset to the team, to succeed! Your cries to Funcom have been ignored or mishandled and they will be in the future as well. Funcom is far too arrogant and incompetant to make decisions that will help one class without seriously damaging three other classes at the same time. But we don't want to lose our fixers, adventurers and NTs, so heres what I propose (and I hope this will start a trend to the community):

    All Metaphysicist buffs for fixers are now free for ALL fixers, Nanotechnicians and Adventurers, regardless of affiliation. While I'm often unavailable or in a mission, I still encourage anyone in need of help to call on me when you need a hand with implants, buffs, etc. You will never pay me a penny for anything, not even a grid armor or nullity sphere disc, and I absolutely mean this. We all deserve to have fun in the world of Rubi Ka, despite the hand that has been dealt to us and we all deserve to be playable classes. If we're ever to change anything in this game, we have to stop shouting at each other and make one big noise. Together.

    To Funcom, take this seriously, as together we can do alot to ruin your idiotic nerfs, leveling difficulties, etc. Imagine my ql 189 heal pet on a lvl 13 fixer and you'll know what I'm talking about. You want to make fixers' nano skills dark blue? Fine, I'll buff them with expertise plus Mochams' gift for a quick +160 nano skills boost. And that kind hearted Doctor and enforcer over there will hopefully boost their HP. Perhaps the wealthy trader will perform a gratis wrangle for our fixer friends, but I understand that's a more difficult request, as there's a bit more time and effort that goes into casting a wrangle.

    While one person can't do a whole lot, I'm asking that we all come together and help these professions until a fix (if ever) comes about. In the meantime, I invite you all, clan and omni, to ask anything of me if you ever meet me in a town, outpost or in the middle of nowhere. You will all be treated as brothers, despite the position that Funcom puts us in. I only hope that other will follow this idea and take 10 seconds of their time out to help as well.

    I bid you farewell and wish you all the best.


    lvl 128 Metaphysicist, Rubi Ka 1

  2. #2
    I think I felt a tear coming on :_)

    Shrieke, lvl 90 Fixer

  3. #3


    Thank you my friend! Send a /tell to thedeacon if you ever need anything!

  4. #4
    Very very nice read TheDeacon, warms an NT's heart to hear such words

  5. #5

    Wink Funcom Lies to us all

    One of the best posts I have read in a long while.

    It's great that people like you play the game and it is true, other players should help the ones who are affected negatively by changes after spending time and money to build up their characters.


    Help those as best you can.....

  6. #6
    Thank you my friend!
    I got a special place in my heart for NTs as well, as according to Funcom's own description, metas are "religious NTs" and NTs are "masters of nanobots. So why in the world do MPs get ALL the buffs? I think in the instance of NTs, it would be fair to give them similar nano programming and nano skills buffs. It wouldnt overpower NTs, but it would allow them to overequip nano progs like MPs do. It would also give them an alternative way of making money, the same as MPs enjoy. From a roleplaying perspective, it would again make them feel like "masters of nanobots" and add to their usefulness to a team without taking anything away from existing MPs. Perhaps even give them a self only heal spell and BAM, the NT profession (which is extremely cool imho) is fixed for the most part.

    But history has shown us that Funcom is purely too dumb to come to this conclusion. So it's up to MPs to quit being greedy and start helping folks out. I'm one of the biggest offenders in the MP world. In the past, I've charged all professions for mochams, infuses and masteries without thought and even denied buffs to people simply because i was too tired or lazy to buff up and cast my mocham's gifts. Imagine if I had helped them instead of turning my back on real people. Would they have had an easier time of it and perhaps gotten more lvls? definitely!

    Again, I call out to anyone with a useful buff or skill that these aforementioned professions can use. Remember that while AO may be a virtual world, real people's feelings are at stake here. When someone dies because you don't feel like buffing them, it may ruin their night because they just spent 3 hours in a mission only to die. If we help each other out, we may finally establish a real sense of community on rubi ka and make some new friends while we're at it. This goes for clan and omni.

    To reiterate: Fixers, Adventurers and NTs will receive FREE buffs and nano programming from me, as long as my character exists on Rubi Ka. I want everyone to enjoy their time on Rubi-Ka and get the most for the time and money spent to play!

    Take care my friends and I'll see you in Rubi Ka


    lvl 128 Metaphysicist - Rubi Ka 1

  7. #7
    I'm totally with you on this.
    As it is now I do not charge anyone for help with implants.
    I never charge for anything I can offer as an NT(not alot but I sometimes can be usefull).

    I would like to carry this one step further if I may.
    I understand the dilemma fixers are in with GA. Although I cannot myself alter the requirements of the nano I would like to see a change in the inflated prices being charged fixers for a defining

    So from this point on should GA happen to fall in my hands I will offer it to the fixer community at no cost. The community can decide who deserves the GA. I know this will be a tiny drop in a really huge pond, and I may not have the oppertunity to exercise my intentions.

    I really don't think this will hurt anyone other than those that value creds over friends, and having fun.

    I don't expect the rest of rubi-ka to have a massive change of heart. But perhaps instead of charging ungodly amounts of creds for something that has no real use to you, you could offer it to the fixer community in trade for a number of usefull items. You will not only get some needed equiptement as well as some new friends.

    I would imagine that the fixers could easily rustle up half a dozen items that any character could use in excahange for some GA.

    Adopt a fixer today.

  8. #8


    That has got to be the nicest thing anyone's ever posted on these boards

    I can't help people out much (Level 61 adventurer, not many useful buffs) but I just might level up my MP to the point where I can cast Masteries. Then I'd be more than willing to give free buffs to people ^_^

    This has definitely changed my view of MPs, as well. I used to think of you all as being greedy people, but this has made me realize that maybe a few of you aren't so bad after all

    Perhaps you could turn this into an RP thing, too... the 'good' MPs that are nice and the greedy, evil 'bad' MPs. Would be interesting...

  9. #9

  10. #10

  11. #11


    That's sad - Such a nice post is almost at the bottom of the list overnight. *sigh*

  12. #12
    It is sad. It is kind of sad that it is a bigger storyline following the players leaving and having to offer each other help against the constant barrage of nerfs and adjustments from the game developer.

    Actually following the community here in the forums provides more entertainment than FunCom provides through the main characters in it's storyline.

    My main is an MP and will sign on to help you guys in any way necessary if this Grid Armor nerf goes live and I'm still around.

  13. #13
    Sup TheHardway, Deac. You guys playing tonight?

    I agree with you both. I dont charge fixers for anything. ( on the flip side, I have to admit, I have overcharged traders for +80 buff cause i despise the 400k 132 wrangle charge, traders have had it great in that department for ever and ever ) But I bump this one.

    Once again, fixers, hsould you need anything from a doc, just ask

    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

    Click to email me

  14. #14
    Well I have a Enforcer and a Doc who would be happy to help as well.

  15. #15
    Bumping this so that more fixers see it...

  16. #16


    Very good post TheDeacon, it shows that there are indeed players who care about other players a LOTT !

    I am a Crat and can't buff much except for some Expertise buffs and my own Crat buffs. Our guild does a lott of buffing and healing in newbee grounds for free ofcourse. I have never charged anything for a buff in my playing time. i also never payed for a buff also. I remember also that a MP offered me a Mochams' gift for free and i simply said: No thank you, i am good as i am. The poor MP fell of his chair and said: WHAT ? i normally get 60K for it......Buffing in newbee area's also makes you see who are really new and who are not. New players have no idea what you do...Older players ask for the right buffs and even ask if you want a tip or even why we are giving away FREE BUFFS !

    Buffing costs helps people to play better and have more fun. It also shows your a social person and really wanna help people.

    If anybody sees one of our guild, just ask for a is always free....

    /me bows for TheDeacon.

    Again, best post i have ever seen here.

    Keeper of the Unredeemed.

  17. #17

  18. #18
    wipes a tear from my eye

    thanks again man

  19. #19
    I am very pleased to meet you TheDeacon

    People like you make this game so much better.

    Hope to meet you in-game
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

  20. #20

    Cool He's a martyr!

    *Gives TheDeacon a japanease bow*
    *Gives TheDeacon a bunch of flowers*


    I added ur post to my word Document and saved it....
    If anyone ever asks me "What is charisma?", then i will give them a copy of Deacon's post.


    Check out "Community corner" forum.

    No longer will Funcom ignore us...... No longer do we live in the dark ages. No longer are we in anarchy.


    Because I, Natelie, made sure of it.

    Check out "Community Corner" and convince urselves. Funcom DOES care.

    A new era will start, as soon as CZ re-forms the boards.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, u will have a voice.

    Besides... The reason why Funcom "ignores" u is because they are overwhemled. How do u expsect 3 poeple, who have families and a life, to respond to EVERY SINGLE post there is?

    In average, there are 3 new posts in ONE category every houre.

    Times this by a several and u have 30 or so posts per houre. Not to mention unconstructive posts, sorting/ being insulted... Having poeple call Funcom arrogant, selfish... Whatever-more rude assumptions.

    But no more.

    All these social problems will be eliminated. I will make sure of that. Ur voices will be heared.

    That's all I have to say ATM. Roam around the boards, and u will see, it will all change.

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