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Thread: Alvin/Dodga Quest (Dogger Rant)

  1. #1

    Angry Alvin/Dodga Quest (Dogger Rant)

    I'm sure you all know what this is about, currently a lot of people are upset with the quest and I'd like to take this time to say a few things that a lot of people are thinking.

    I'm sure you can all remember the first part of the quest. Running around for those items, grabbing, clawing, back stabbing, and bargaining for just about every single one of those items. Oh I had fun but after 2 hours I got damn sick of it. I'm sure a lot of others did too. It got really old really fast but it was do-able and as long as you kept with it there would be no problem, so this quest wasn't so bad.

    Then we have the 2nd quest. This quest should be very easy, considering you have a yalm. You see, you tag, you're done. Or at least that's how it USED to be! People now have to go through the campers trying to kill these mobs ASAP due to quest number three which is the focus of this rant.

    OK so you've got to kill all of the mobs, well that's hard for most of us since they're no pushovers, the walk or drive over there is also very time consuming but on top of all of that there exist SPAWN TIMES!!! But what is it with that anyway? I mean why not have them respawn the very second they go down? Seriously? Why not? Is this to promote realism here or something? Is funcom trying to make it seem like there's only one Trash king? Well, the only way to make that realistic is if there was one and only one and when he dies that's over. Of course then no one could do the quest and that'd make things pretty damn pointless don't you think?

    How about this for realism, When someone kills the trashking he goes down like normal but after he's looted he doesn't disappear he just lays there, not dead just down and out. 5 minuets later have him get back up and fighting again, then he's killed, looted, revived, rinse, lather, repeat.

    Or is this about limiting the number of pads entering the game? Hey we worked hard for these right? So we want it to be a bonus instead of something everyone has right? Well, that's fine and all but there's no reason to screw people over for it! Do you think it's fair for me to have to wait 8,9,10 hours for the Trash king to spawn just to get the SAME EXACT pads someone did for waiting 20 minuets? How in the hell is that fair? OK screw fair you tell me how that's supposed to be fun.

    OK how does this sound? When you go to Alvin/Dodga to get quests 2 and 3 he gives you a key. You fly over to the Trash Kings spawn point and instead of a junkyard you see a building. We all know 5 people can be doing completely different quests in the same building so why not make each one different? Each key allows the person to go to their own personal Trash King. Need help? No problem! Just duplicate the key and give it to your friends. This will make it seem even more like there is only one Trash king and it 100% eliminates any possibility for camping. The more I think about it the more I think this should be done to the other mobs as well.

    C'mon Funcom why can't you think of this? It doesn't take a genius (even though technically I am one) to figure out better solutions. All you have to do is create a method that DOES NOT require people to camp and/or sit on their butt for hours upon hours waiting for something to show up. You've done a damn fine job on this game, no reason to start lacking now.


  2. #2

    fumcom response = NERF spawn

    hows that for listening to the community ??????

  3. #3

    how about

    How about removing the bracers/rings and other loot from those bots and make them drop from other mobs......

  4. #4
    i dont think the spawn time for TK was that bad. .. . i was lucky enough to get to tk once he was killed, and a hr and half later he respawned and i got some1 to kill him for me. the rest of the bots are on a 15min respawn. i was able to complete all 3 quests in 2 days. woot!

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