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Thread: Org contracts bugged

  1. #1

    Org contracts bugged

    Seem to have a big problem removing org contracts atm, it wasnt like this before. Removing it gives me the item but close contract window and reopen and its back there. Wasnt like this before.

  2. #2
    Only zone I have found on RK1 atm where I can add and remove org contracts like normal is in Galway County. What contracts that show in /org contract window varies from zone to zone, and in most other zones every attempt at removing old contract fails, ie contract appears in inventory but closing and opening /org contract window and its back there.

    This is awfully bugged atm, at least for me.

  3. #3
    We had the same problem, we had put up some ability contracts for twinking and it took us a week or so to switch them to previous state. /petition is your friend
    Reziukas 220/30 Soldier Equipment Screenshot Epeen
    Squad Commander of Riders of the Lost Org
    First omni owner of Superior Rebuilt Perennium Blaster on RK1
    Aide Rezidoc 220/25 Doctor Equipment Screenshot Epeen++
    The first and only doc on RK1 to do 200k DPM on LoTV!
    First owner of Alien Combat Directive Controller on RK1
    First doc to OD a clan zergbot twice.
    First TL7 doc to get 3rd and 4th solo titles.
    [Jagfixarinte]: think u got lootrights:P
    [Questra]: did you just get loot on Libra?

  4. #4
    Petition is not my friend, takes too long and then it appeared to get deleted from queue, I do not have time for that. After some hours of frustration I found out that I could switch contracts as normal as long as I am in Galway County. In all other zones we got a ton of greyed out contracts that are unremovable.
    Last edited by Myga; Mar 7th, 2007 at 12:58:22.

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