This will be my last suggestion since it is clear that there has been a lot of talk about all this, and we probably don't need too much more clutter.

I request: revamp on wrath.

Currently: recharge is 15s, and hits for about 1K -1.2k dmg (1.8kAR) conditional on a 100% check on 2he (I think), for clan, it only does dmg, and the damage is very poor.

I request:
Wrath be modified to do equal damage to nanopool and HP, or

Wrath damage upped by about 300%, or

Wrath cause a stackable -20 AAD or AAO drain on target (or -10 on target, and add on self) duration 60 seconds, or

Wrath cause a HP recovery and or nano drain/recovery on every successful hit, for example: 80% healing on 1K dmg isn't unreasonable (80% healing on 50% dmg in pvp = a 400 heal.

These additional modifiers to wrath (especially the nano dmg or nano drain) would make it a bit easier dealing with the chain healing casting profs (without which fights go for 10m-60m already (well not anymore, docs mow us down now).