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Thread: Sell higher QL health and nano kits in the Trader shop

  1. #1

    Sell higher QL health and nano kits in the Trader shop

    Since, most of the arguement about nanomages is about not being able to recharge thier nano fully. This might help the situation.

    The general store only sell up to lvl 125 health/nano kits and you cant stack mission found kits. Most people are using lvl 125 kits, which you can buy more then 50 kits. Even at lvl 177, im still using lvl125 kits.

    It would make perfect since to have higher ql kits in the traders shop. If this was a hacked or illegal product then I would recommend it being in the Fixer shop. But its more of a special higher ql item, This would be a perfect example of what is needed in the traders shop.

    I recommend that higher QL health and nano kits be sold in the traders shop.

    Note: I will also place this suggestion in the traders forum. To see if other traders agree that this item should be played in "traders shop"
    Omni Trader on RK2

  2. #2
    T'ell with that, make Emergency Treatment labs cheaper to make and add Emergency Nano-Recharge kits to tradeskills.


    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

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