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Thread: The first room

  1. #1

    The first room

    It's been said before but I'm gonna say it again. The first room in a mission is a joke. I'm currently on a 60% mission and have 2 orange and 1 brown! I thought you were supposed to be able to play this game solo. I don't think 60% is asking too much. I don't mind a challenge but this is a joke, boring, frustrating and ulitmately making me look elsewhere

  2. #2
    I lied, I just went back into the mission after zoning to stay alive yet again and now there are 4! This is pathetic

  3. #3
    Lol, last night the main room had three dark orange Doctors! It took 5 attack pets to finally take all of them down.

  4. #4
    Agreed. There's a few system problems currently related to mobs that contribute to the overall frustration factor of missions.

    Mobs gain greater power and ability relative to the PC at the same level proportionally.

    Mobs con value only based on level of mob, not actual toughness.

    But Funcom has stated that they would decrease the toughness of mobs and improve the conning system, so hopefully that will improve mission playability.

    Of course, Funcom has said a lot of things ...

  5. #5
    I thought you were supposed to be able to play this game solo. I don't think 60% is asking too much

    Apparently it is.
    Choose a mission difficulty more suited to you and your characters abilities.

    How can Funcom anticipate how effective you will be in a mission?

    Certain professions can solo better than others. Certain professions are more suited to handle multiple mob encounters.

    How do we know that you aren't some level 50 fixer using a QL50 Mausser?

    A character like that would have a hard time completeing a 40% difficult mission.


    I can't disagree that currently, the game is very difficult.
    Certain mobs are just too overpowered (enforcers, soldiers, Advents).

    When you're talking about game difficulty, try to include a little more information in your post.

  6. #6

    Wink eeeehehee

    ehehehehe just wait until they *all* show up ... than you got kind of a freak show ehehehe

    even if i can manage to solo these mobs (50 engineer healin bot/zonin/recastin bot/aggroin mob on me and runnin in circles to give bot time to kill (ya, really, sometimes i do that ehehehe)), it tends to smell like *work* and not really *fun* .... hmmm but i'm sure they (funcom) sooner or later look into that, too ,)
    tradeskillz ?

  7. #7
    oh, and whoever designed those cave missions with acid on the floor, suspended walkways which don't actually meet any doorways and you can't jump from the doorway onto a platform without falling into acid 20 times and MOBS that swim in the acid and don't get hurt..needs disembowling

  8. #8

    dont get me started

    oh god...I hate this mission...
    here ya is my shrine to this mission...
    Honored Maiden

    Deus Ex Machina

    -=Breathe Steady=-

  9. #9
    maybe 60% is too tough for me but I've done harder ones before. I'm certainly not uber which is why I stick to lowish level missions..I'm not disillusioned about my own abilities.

    What frustrates me is the ridiculousness of it. How many average players can realistically take on this number of opponents: 3 orange and 1 brown ? I'm sure some can and good luck to them but I would love to know when they sat down and thought out the design of this (asasuming they did) that someone came up with this idea and they all thought it was a good one.

    I cannot believe they actually play their own game. And if they do, well I think that's even more scary.

  10. #10
    Akibiyori - your site says it all.

    FC, look at the site by Akibiyori and tell me it's good design. Fer Christ sake remove this poxy's beyond cack.

  11. #11
    well, DONT GO IN. You can pull ONE mob into the "entrance" relatively easy if you try.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  12. #12
    I agree. You could single pull them by using aggro range. No reason to take them all in one time, unless you like challenge.

  13. #13
    Where there is a will there is a way.

    Defeating the first three the easy way.

    #1. Set yourself to full defense, make sure pets are /pet wait in the entryway.

    #2. Walk up to the door and spy on the mobs. Wait until one is more or less by itself closer to the door than others at least on the half of the room the door is in. Then creep into the room and stand there till the closest one argos you. Then immedietly retreat back into the entrance room. it will follow you and usualy will not bring any friends.

    #3. crank up the agro bar, set the pets to attack, and kill it.

    There are other techniques depending on class, rooting and calming nannos can work. If you zone quicly while only one is in the entry room you can zone back and fight it alone. Be smart learn the MOB AI and prosper.

  14. #14
    Of course, getting one to come at you is almost an art but this wasn't an option this particular time.
    Being that this was the map from hell (see akibiyori's link) there were no mobs in the first room that I could see. I edged my way, waited, edged waited...nothing. The map has a wall down the left and right side with a left hand 90 degree bend. I crept and I mean really crept round the corner so I could have a peek and as soon as 20% of my body was round the corner 3 of them came amazingly jumping out the acid, *through* the platform and jumped on me.
    Last edited by si; Jan 16th, 2002 at 11:49:57.

  15. #15
    Well. That is what annoys ME the most.

    That mobs skate around without running, move through objects and walls, or simply automagically appear beside you when attacked from far away.

    Is this ability to teleport or walk through stuff a quick hack alternative to proper pathing ?

    If I find a mob swimming in green ooze and I attack it, it SHOULD have to swim to the ramp just like I would have to.
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

  16. #16
    I think the idea of MOB materialisation (sp ?) is that it stops Long range hits on the MOBs where they get the impact of the hit but cannot see you to attack back. It's all part of the nerf they put in along with range capping.

    or maybe it was to stop people getting mobs in places where they could be hit but couldn't hit back, like below you on platforms or the other side of water etc. So to cover for the terrible path finding FC have implemented Teleportation and Jesus water transport.

    As far as I'm concerned if I see a mob it should be fair game whereever it is or whether it has walked itself into a hole and can't get out or not. If I have great Adventuring skill and can climb a given hill but the mob is an NT (for arguments sake) and has low adv so can't climb it, then I should be able to hit him from up high. Of course right now the mob would just leap up to the top of the hill regardless of what his stats say he *should* be able to do.

    The other thing is mobs that are melee and somehow manage to hit you from miles away.

  17. #17
    Even you did make a mistake, and had 4 mob aggro on you at the same time. You could still zone, wait for around 5 minute(go watch TV or something) and come back. Those mob will back to their cave by then. You could have multiple change of retry to single pull. Maybe first time you are not adware of monster location, but at the second try you should already know where their roughly at. This probably quite anonying but I think this is more fun then the old one mob per room arrangement. Sometime a little extra tension might wipe out the boredom.

  18. #18
    Originally posted by si
    oh, and whoever designed those cave missions with acid on the floor, suspended walkways which don't actually meet any doorways and you can't jump from the doorway onto a platform without falling into acid 20 times and MOBS that swim in the acid and don't get hurt..needs disembowling
    What's really funny is that those missions worked in beta . I ran lots of those in Greater Omni forest during beta stages and there we no gaps between the platforms and doorways and the only way you ended up in the acid was if you weren't careull...

    When AO went life I stoped playing it and started again only 2 months ago or so. First time I went to this type of mission I swore to myself to never do it again. I spend close to 20 freaking minutes trying to jump from platform into a doorway (was lvl 5) and when I finally managed that I realised that I have to do that again on my way back . FC: just remove the damn gaps! Make it like it was during beta 3...

    -= Legion =-

    /stuck is your new best friend!!!

  19. #19
    I personally like the Enforcer-mob triplets, and let us not forget the chainhealing Adventurer-mob triplets.

  20. #20
    or the chain-healing adventurer mobs with insane AC and damage shields at a much higher level then any PC could equip.

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