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Thread: The Truth Behind the Council of Truth - A "Lem" Waldram Report

  1. #21
    Oh yes, the famous Clan democracy. Centuries after the miner revolts, we still have to see this Clan famous democracy in action. Even within the individual clans I very much doubt most of the current leaders were elected, let alone elected for a fixed term in office.

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  2. #22
    Fixerben pokes Savoy and watches her giggle like a shool girl.

    Ok, Now that I got her to be quiet. I try to run my guild as democratically as possible, but I will admit there are sometimes that people just wont do things the best way and I have to put my foot down. I was elected through Vote, and I was elected to serve until I die(quit AO, which will never happen).

    Now if we can stop picking on the Clanners an let them get back to work, maybe the Clanners can do something good

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  3. #23
    Originally posted by Fixerben
    The difference between the Clan Council and CEO Ross is very simple.
    Is it now? Let us examine the argument, shall we...

    Originally posted by Fixerben
    Whereas with a CEO, He has the final say. He is the Council, There is no diversity in oppinion, or argument against his precedents or orders. In a Democracy you have the choice to let your oppinion be heard, under a CEO, What you have to say has absolutley no bearing.
    Typical of a clanner to completely ignore the fundamentals of business operations and management. The Chief Executive Officer of a corporation is not a dictator, nor is he the absolute authority before whom all bow down.

    The Chief Executive officer of a corporation is appointed by a Board of Directors, who in turn are elected by the shareholders of a corporation. Among other tasks, it is the Board's responsibility to approve the actions of a CEO and to sanction her or him if and when appropriate.

    This is indeed the case with Omni-Tek. Should you require more conclusive proof than my own worlds, perhaps you should spend the evening with a little history lesson.

  4. #24
    I'm sorry Ammicus but that says nothing abou a Board of Directors contained in the structure of OTRK. It talks about a High Ranking Official from Omni-Prime. And that fact still reitterates my previous statement. There is 1 Kingpin running the show. Ross is a puppet, and there is someone running him, and up and up the ladder it goes to the head honcho. Do you think that anything you have to say makes a bit of difference to that man so many light years away, that has never seen your face, or breathed Rubi-Ka's air? I seriously doubt it. You are a speck to that man, and you dont matter more than the little Mouse bot that cleans the floor. In a Democracy everyones voice and oppinion is heard. When was the last time someone listened to what you have to say about anything political on this planet Ammicus?

    Who is pulling your strings my friend? Have you met the Puppet Master?
    Last edited by Fixerben; Sep 25th, 2003 at 01:57:10.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  5. #25
    Originally posted by Fixerben
    I'm sorry Ammicus but that says nothing abou a Board of Directors contained in the structure of OTRK.
    Very well then, since you are so obviously unenlightened and blind to existing documentation, I suggest you have a look here (at the 29188 entry), here (the 29464 entry), and here (where Mr. Ross states quite clearly that "The board doesn’t pretend to know all the ins and outs of what’s going on out here. But I follow the general directives of the company. And I never, ever abuse the power I’ve been given. If I did," he says candidly, "they’d have my ass out of here in no time."). Quite conclusive proof of the existence of a Board and limitating factor on Mr. Ross' power, don't you think?

    Originally posted by Fixerben
    It talks about a High Ranking Official from Omni-Prime. And that fact still reitterates my previous statement. There is 1 Kingpin running the show. Ross is a puppet, and there is someone running him, and up and up the ladder it goes to the head honcho.
    See my comment re: principles of business governance. Corporations simply do not function that way.

    Interesting how your argument suddenly changes from:

    Originally posted by Fixerben
    Whereas with a CEO, He has the final say. He is the Council, There is no diversity in oppinion, or argument against his precedents or orders.

    Originally posted by Fixerben
    There is 1 Kingpin running the show. Ross is a puppet, and there is someone running him
    So which is it? I would tend to believe that you have altered your own argument in a vane attempt to save face when proved wrong. Interesting indeed.

    Originally posted by Fixerben
    You are a speck to that man, and you dont matter more than the little Mouse bot that cleans the floor.
    When was the last time someone listened to what you have to say about anything political on this planet Ammicus?
    Who is pulling your strings my friend? Have you met the Puppet Master?
    And a series of personal attacks. Quite interesting what the clan education system considers acceptable conduct in the streets of Tir. As such childish behaviour is not accepted in any civil social circle, I will, naturally, not waste my time typing a response to such stupidity.

  6. #26
    I was elected through Vote, and I was elected to serve until I die.
    Ah! I see now. So the Council will be elected and then they will remain in power till they die? You keep proving my point on how the Council turns out to be more and more like an Oligarchy.

    Note, I report as nuetral, as is required of my profession. My report on this Council is not in any way to cause dis-unity amongst the Clans but to warn them of an insurrection within the groups. This goes especially to the smaller organizations, who will never have an equal say in things as much as they are promised it.
    Ylemae (6-10? years old):
    "Lemmy" (True name: Jiselle Waldram)
    Jennifer Matusz - Daughter to Don "Doncarnage" Matusz

    Chelle "Crysallys" Dinnen (14 years old)
    Hayley Dinnen's Daughter
    Growth Accelerated as a Baby
    Born Dec 25, 29476 RST
    Trainee in Vector Blue

  7. #27
    *sighs heavily*
    I really fail to see what bearing and relevance OT intervention into this endeavour has. This is a clan project, it is our baby...what you might think or not think is irrelevant. As are your clear attempts at discrediting the effort.
    It is quite clear and obvious to me that the only, the sole purpose of your dabbling in this, mr. Ammicus and miss Waldron, is to cause any means possible.
    I interpret this in one way; forces within OT are frightened of this....afraid that a council such as this will succeed, and bring coherence and unity to the Clan efforts.
    I am not surprised at this, not at all, considering the lease on RK will be up for re-evaluation in not too many years. As well, it is clear that there are forces within OT that are terrified at the "peace alternative". As Im sure there are amongst our Clanners, but we will find solutions to this.
    Miss Waldron is clearly attempting to sow spikes on the road to creating this, but I have only one thing to say to you and your henchmen:

    We are Clan
    We are proud
    We will prevail
    And we will do this!

    Long live the Clans!
    Last edited by Cogs; Sep 25th, 2003 at 05:05:19.
    Anthony "Cogs" McDuff
    Veteran, Cerberus
    220 Supreme Creator : Master of Wheels...the lingerie modeling robot!

  8. #28
    Originally posted by Charles
    ....this game of "who has done more bad things in the distant past" need to continue?
    I believe after the number of back and forth bickering and finger pointing the answer is a resounding yes to my question.

    For those pounding on their chests and inflateing their heads with false visions of heorism, insurance technology has made all claims of 'defending with our very lives' a moot point due to a small asterisk of 'again, every 6 minutes'.
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  9. #29
    Blah, blah, blaaaah.

    Jen doesn't even makes an effort to hide a yawn.

    Why not simply acknowledge that ya've made fools of yerself, and that it's a lil' too late to take these words back publicly now? Manipulating the quotes, ya say? But the quotes were made by ya, whether ya want it or not. Or... is this an implicit admittance that even a young reporter can make ya say things ya wouldn't have said otherwise? Well, if this is the case, mehbe ya should consider leaving the leaders' roles to people who ain't so easily manipulated...
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  10. #30
    Hmm I have to say this is rather silly to be fighting about Governments as it were that In our own organizations we have set up Governments about the same way as our Be Lovingly Comrads have....
    Daily Missions Bug Thread(Closed)

    Aliantin - 206 Bureaucrat Retired Squad Commander of DeltaSquad
    Jetfix - 107 Fixer Retired DeltaSquad
    Aliannt - 145 Nano-Technician Retired

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