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Thread: Mission should affect players

  1. #1

    Mission should affect players

    I was toying around with this idea for a little while, and I thought I'd post it here and see what you thought about it.

    I'd like to see missions have an impact on Clan/Omni players. When an OmniTek employee successfully completes a mission, something bad should happen to the clans. I've come up with a few ideas for missions, but there are some problems with them, so I'll start with some "safeguards".

    Missions will only affect players in the same titlelevel range
    Missions can only affect a player X number times per day (lets say at once) for each type of mission.
    The mission will name the Clan/Omni employee that will be targeted. Only his first and last name will appear, not his nickname.

    Okay, here is how the mission will be set up...three types:

    Bank hacking
    The mission objective is to reach a specific terminal and hack into player Xs mission. If completed successfully, the player will get a message like this:
    "Rubi-Ka Banking Service: We regret to inform you that we have detected some tampering with your account. All records have been lost"
    The player will then lose say, 3% of his money.
    (Remember, the player can only be hit once per day)

    Scanner hacking
    The mission objective is to hack into the Clan/Omni' Scanner and wipe a player's record. If successful, the victim will get a message like this.
    "Warning! Your file has been deleted from our database. Please find the nearest insurance scanner immediately! Currently using a backup file."
    If the player dies, he will go back to 1xp instead of where he last saved (like when you die right after you level...)

    Three (most controversial i'm imaging):
    Insurance Records hacking
    Same as #2, but instead the player will lose "insurance" coverage on one of his items or nanoformulas. If the player dies before rescanning, he will lose one random item when he respawns.

    Reason for #3 is that there is little loss or fear of dying. You die, and like in Doom, you just seem to pop back without losing a thing (okay, in Doom you lose your weapons).

    This will make doing a mission feel more like accomplishing something, since you are hurting the other side. One thing I'd like to see, is the player knowing who swiped his bank account, and then posting his OWN mission for something to get the guy back.

    I think that these penelties are minor enough that it wouldn't destroy a character, and meaningful enough that players would find fun and fulfillment in doing it. Plus, it would give the players a reason to hate the other side...and it would give the players a reason to be NEUTRAL!

  2. #2
    your either on good drugs or are a griefer *kidding*

    bad ideas though.. makes too much room for griefing

    ps .. if my yalmaha was gone from something like that i would cancel my account. Or my 166 hammer, or my 130 beam.

    these items are very rare, there is NO way that they should be at risk.

  3. #3

    kinda figured that

    I know the 3rd one would be the least liked =P

    What about just sticking with #1 and #2?

    The game seems to be set on "wimpy" mode right now. Where once you get an item, you have no chance to ever lose it. The players are so safe and secure.

    I played Meridian59 (first MMRPG). They handled death in a way that would make the average AO player commit suicide. They would lose max health (which took about 5 days average to regain) and, if they didn't recover their body, all possession and money not kept in the bank. Ouch!

    I played UO as lose all your possessions and money not banked as well if you didn't reclaim your body in time. Not as bad as M59, but enough to still make you try to avoid dying.

    Now, in die, and you lose a fraction of your experience needed for next level. You even get to keep items that you didn't insure!

    There is a war going on, it would be fun to have something bad happen to the players once in a while.
    OCC Rank: Deacon(President - Republic)

    Honor--|--Virtue The Order of the Crimson Cross

  4. #4
    They are just trying to cater to the care bears BEFORE they start whining (UO 3 years left when trammel became 90% of all players and a lot of smack tallking)

    I would not care to lose a save, though it should revert to the previous save not 0exp (need over 1,000,000 exp for level 101) so that if you saved after 500k exp then you would lose that.. not everything.

    3% of my creds.. hell what do I care about that.

    both those ideas are "ok" i guess.. just dont see the need for them. "death is not permanent" .. how many times have you read that.. they are making it as *painless* as possible for your. I will tell you that I have died and lost over a million exp in the past week at level 85... no need to say any more except that about half of that was to bugs

  5. #5
    A couple of months ago Funcom told us about what would be in the storyline in a two-part posting entitled "Player Interaction with the Storyline" or something like that, I think you can still find it in the general news archive. In that they told of 'story missions', missions which would affect the storyline and therefore affect all players in a way. Many of us expected those at the story launch and they have since ignored questions about it.


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