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Thread: Backpacks!!!

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Backpacks!!!

    I know this might be stretching it all a bit too far...

    I currently find myself having 19 backpacks in my bank, to keep
    everything sorted and nice. I want 1 for armor, 1 for nanocrystals,
    one for stuff to give away, 1 for stuff to sell, 1 for stuff I use
    regularily, 1 for each of my implants every time I make new ones,
    and so on.

    What I'm thinking is; wouldn't it be nice to be able to name
    backpacks? Just changing tooltip or something, so that holding
    your mousebutton over it said something like "Armorpack" or
    "things to sell"... Would really make my life easier.

    I've heard of people having their inventory and bank STUFFED
    with backpacks, because they don't want to throw away anything.
    Might be their problem, but hey.

    Just a little something.

    Vilbo lvl 38 and rising opifex doc RK2

  2. #2

    Thumbs up I like it!

    I do the same thing with my backpacks, and labelling them the way I want would save me a lot of time looking for that piece of armor that someone just requested on the shopping channel.


  3. #3
    An easier suggestion to implement- make all three sizes of backpacks in various colors and designs. Get Miir into the backpack business.

  4. #4

    Talking Backpack fashion

    That would really be cool. Having backpacks matching your
    current gear. And as you said, probably much easier to implement.
    I see myself running around with a fluffy bunny backpack...

    But I'd still want the names too, if it were possible.
    And of course, the possibility to wear a backpack over your
    trench... That would kick ***.

    Vilbo lvl 38 and rising doc Opifex RK2

  5. #5
    Nutbar03 > Get Miir into the backpack business.


    The most easy way to organize backpacks (atm) is to keep them in your inventory and organizing them in one of the hotkey bars. I used to do this, with #1=guns, #2=other weapons, #3=implants for sale, #4=nanos, etc..

    HOWEVER; after some new patch or something I can hardly carry my own clothes without being overburdened (I was 100% overburdened just by the loot I got from 1 mission).

    So now I had to put all my stash in the bank. I'm a strong maxed out atrox with insane stamina and strength implants, and they're making me feel like a level1 nanomage. Now that s*xx0rz.

    Nutbar03 said it. Miir we're counting on you !!

  6. #6
    Miiir designed backpacks would be cool

    I can just see it now...
    "And new in Miiir's Winter collection, backpacks!"

    I want one shaped like a leet

  7. #7

    Talking Designs

    I'd love this. It's an easy way for people to look a little different
    even with their armor on. Having matchin plaststeel armor back-
    packs and such.

    I'm ashamed of myself for not thinking about using backpacks on
    the quickbar, but my worst problem is the bank. Since you can't
    even open them in the bank, I have to take one after the other
    out, to find out whats in it. There is NO way I can remember
    where in the bank I left it...


  8. #8


    Practical/armor backpacks, Miiir designer backpacks, color variations.... we want it all!

    Browsing backpacks from the bank.... dragging to chat link from the bank..... no rearranging (did they fix that? mine still do)

    LoL... I'm constantly at 100% overburdened now, after selling all my stuff when I come back from missions etc..... Lol I'm hardly carrying anything at all..

  9. #9
    i think that there should be a high lvl backpack that doubles as a jetpack...just a silly idea..but itd be cool... :P

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