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Thread: How about a in-game newspaper?

  1. #1

    Question How about a in-game newspaper?

    It is quite complicated to inform oneself about all the story news (the Omni and Clan News) in your story portal. And it would be something completly different if one could get all the information in-game.
    (How would it be therefore if one could buy some kind of newspaper in the game, a PDA one could buy and get the current News updated at a terminal (or over "radio" if you want to save the terminal)?
    One could easily offer the most essential News in the 4 most important languages and the effort for Funcom would be not too big with a large positive effect.


    admin Rubi-Ka News - THE german AO-Newspage

  2. #2
    Yeah, I definitely think something like this would be really cool. I don't like having to come to the website to get update on the news.... Maybe they could just put up news terminals in the cities and you could just walk up to them and read all the latest goings-on. It seems kind of ridiculous that there's no way to find out current events in-game considering the way this game is supposed to be played.

    It just ruins the feeling of being totally immersed when I have to go to a website to get the news.

  3. #3


    Ingame bigscreens news reading at places, with a good portion of propaganda for whatever side is sending the news on the screen.

  4. #4
    i completely agree. this way clan members will mostly get clan news (since the onmi news would be hard to come by in clan towns) and vice versa for omni. this would act as a filtering effect so one side heres only their sides story of an incident which would add propoganda as a major factor in the game(which would be much more realistic). plus a lot of people dont read the news at the "community page" so hence they dont learn of events that pertain to the story and hence dont get into game and hence get bored faster and im sure FC knows what this leads to. i really think it would help get people "into" the game.
    I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hampster and your father smelt of go away or i shall taunt you a second time!

    - French Knight

  5. #5
    I want this for two reasons.

    1. Going to a web-site for information is not fun, nor is it immersive... IN GAME!

    2. As Skep said. Both of our sides will tend to only show issues that pertain to us AND have a slant favoring us. Sure, it won't actually "help" inform us, but it will make the story much more realistic...

    DO IT

  6. #6

    News Stands

    Why not make a couple of News stands in the major cities. Like the vending machines, or even better: A NPC selling Newspapers. I agree it would be coolest to hold as much as possible IN-game to enhance the RP expirience.

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