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Thread: FunCom, Where Is The Island of Jobe?

  1. #1

    FunCom, Where Is The Island of Jobe?

    This is a repost of a reply I made to another question. After reviewing it, I thought it might deserve its own Topic.

    So read on, if you're interested ...

    The armor and nano program problems NTs are having now are the direct result of Funcom's releasing the game early; ergo, AO was not complete when released (no, I'm not going into the bugs issues).

    OK, you say ... so where is this nut coming from?

    Simple. Ever been to Rome Green? Ever wonder why the exits from Green are blocked? Ever wonder why there are maps to play fields that don't exist in the game?

    The NT profession's "holy grail" is the Island of Jobe. According to the AO documentation, Jobe contains libraries, teachers, shops, and so on, dedicated to the NT profession. If you want it/need it/want to know what it's about, and it's an NT item, then go to Jobe ... because that's where the answers are supposed to be.

    Jobe is supposed to be a neutral site for two reasons: NTs are notorious for their independent attitude so they wouldn't take the Omni side in the clan wars; therefore, to neutralize them, Omni-Tek reached an agreement with the NTs that allowed them to settle on Jobe in return for not taking sides in the clan/omni wars.

    Got it so far?

    Good, because the absence of NT stuff in the city shops is because the really "neato" NT stuff is supposed to be on the Island of Jobe.

    Unfortunately, and ONLY because Funcom released AO early, the Island of Jobe playfield does not exist ... and neither do its connecting play fields like: The Reck, Spur, and Bay of Rome play fields.

    Since the AO release in June, Funcom have been up to their "ass in alligators" trying to fix bugs, expand capacity, and add content for the more senior AO gamers (my NT is but level 52 because I spend a lot of time on the Test server checking releases for bugs).

    As a result of Funcom's preoccupation with getting AO to work properly, we NTs have been left hanging at the end of the proverbial "skinny branch" because it takes a lot of programming to create the content for at least four play fields, the NPCs, the dialogues, the shops, the shop bots, and the bot contents.

    Ergo, no Jobe, no connecting play fields, no NT benefits, no NT stuff!!!

    Hope this helps ...
    Omni nano NT, Male, Level 200
    Council of Testers

  2. #2
    Where do you get your info? How do you know all this?

    If this is true, why hasn't Funcom gotten things straightened out and hired more programmers to get this whole NT mess up fixed?!?! Are they waiting and going to try to cash in and sell it to us as a world upgrade like they do in EQ?

    This is very strange and disturbing...yet sheds light on my NTs problems...

    Funcom needs to address this issue immediately!!!

  3. #3

    I don't think it will be the panacea you are looking for

    I'm pretty sure it's the place we saw in the trailer, the island in the sky in the middle of a crater.

    If there are a lot of shops there, my guess is they won't have crystals over 125. You may be able to find some nice trade skill terms that let you build some higher crystals. As to armor, and all that other jazz, I doubt it will go over 125...

    I'm really baffled though, because if you are under level 90 or so you can pretty much find anything you need in shops if you look around enough. If you are over 100 or so, well I've seen every piece of Nano armor and cloaks on ql130-160 and when i glance up to 188s I see it there too. Same with Crystals, In 30 min of MT camping I saw over 10 different NT crystals. So I'm wondering why you don't do some missions for the items? I'm sure most of you NT's over 100 are in guilds and if you're not you should be. In my guild we are always helping each other get things we need. Get a team together and get them to help you do the mission. Offer to pay people if you can't find a team. There are many ways to get the things you want and asking the designers to change their base rules on store limitations because you lack the innovation to find another solution.

    Post what you are looking for in this thread. If I see it in a mission terminal I'll send you a tell in game and hold the mission for you. You can have the key, finish the mission by your own means, and I'll give you the reward.

  4. #4
    Not sure if this is worth posting really, but before, during, and after release Funcom has said publicly several times that zones that currently do not exist, "holes" in the world, are places that will be added at a later time, via either download or expansion packs. They said this was thier intention all along.

    This is not a flame.

  5. #5
    Originally posted by griemdaall
    Not sure if this is worth posting really, but before, during, and after release Funcom has said publicly several times that zones that currently do not exist, "holes" in the world, are places that will be added at a later time, via either download or expansion packs. They said this was thier intention all along.

    This is not a flame.
    I saw some quotes and some notes previously that some of the currently unaccessable areas will be opened to follow the story line. It's possible that the isle of jobe story at the begining of this thread will take place as part of the story line in the near future. I don't know if this is true, but if anything it might be that there are items or things in these areas that may affect the story. So they are keeping them closed until that part of the storyline is revealed.

    Ever wonder why there are guards in 100% zones? Follow the storyline, it may be they are useful at some point in the future. So it may be with the unaccessable zones.

  6. #6
    Ok I was the first one to bring up "jobe" again a month ago on the boards. It was forgotten around beta.

    #1) Jobe is real and on old maps

    #2) It's part of the next expansion (guess)

    #3) Funcom had to leave some stuff and locations for the next expansion

  7. #7
    Im disappointed by running into all these red zones, one being Rome Green. Exploreing has become a joke. Run for 30 mins along a road only to meet this creature named 'Jack' Leg Cutters are something of the sort, hits me 2 times I drop. Lv65 MA 2 licks of 1100.

    Either I run into a red unpassable zone. Or I Die to a super mob. (yawn) back to missioning and group hunting. *goes back to sleep*

  8. #8

    Re: I don't think it will be the panacea you are looking for

    Originally posted by ULTRA1
    I'm really baffled though, because if you are under level 90 or so you can pretty much find anything you need in shops if you look around enough.
    Except for bau cyber or waitt cyber. I understand about Nano armor not being in stores, seeing as how it's the highest level of int/psy (just like omni-elite, steel ribbed...). Also, we shouldn't have to look in enough shops. The fact is if you just look at the 'armor' inventories, you'll see one or two pieces of plain cyber. Compare that to the number of str/stam or sense/agi armor pieces. You'll notice a nice discrepency.

    Originally posted by ULTRA1
    If you are over 100 or so, well I've seen every piece of Nano armor and cloaks on ql130-160 and when i glance up to 188s I see it there too. Same with Crystals, In 30 min of MT camping I saw over 10 different NT crystals. So I'm wondering why you don't do some missions for the items?
    It's a well known fact (or at least, it should be) that you hardly ever get stuff for your own class. In all the hundreds of missions I have done, I have seen exactly 3 pieces of int/psy (2 cyber, 1 bau) armor, and 2 NT crystals (one was 15 levels below me, usefull!). I guess I'll do missions for my stuff!!

    Originally posted by ULTRA1
    I'm sure most of you NT's over 100 are in guilds and if you're not you should be.
    I do not want to be in a guild. Just because some people like it, that doesn't mean that you should be forced to. I don't want to, no way, no how. I have never liked guilds or clans or whathaveyou. Granted, I lose out on some free stuff, but that shouldn't preclude me from the late game.


    Sorry for this flame, but I just hate seeing thoughts/inferences that seem blatently wrong to me.

  9. #9

    hehe ok

    I have a 150 nano armor helmet ill sell you for 250k.

    sorry I had about 6-8 ql80-110 NT crystals lying around but I gave them all to friends and some guys in the guild. Also just gave away a bunch of bau in the 130 range to 2 of my frineds and a nano hood.

    I find most of the stuff i need for my class in time on the MTs. Once I camped a MT for 4 hours and I finally found what I wanted. Items seem really random, I don't think there are any filters on the DB that make it less likely that suff your class uses spawns as a reward. Have you tried tweeking the sliders some? It seems to send the randomizer some curves that change the items but I can't say for sure.

    I haven't checked stores in a very long time for anything but kits and ammo so I'll take you at your word on the armor thing. To be honest after 100 or so there is nothing in the store you will ever really need except chargers and at some point nano clusters to put in your found implants.

    Send me a tell in game and I'll sell all my int/psy stuff i get as i get it.
    Last edited by Nichola_Six; Nov 21st, 2001 at 02:05:48.

  10. #10

    Wink Traders...

    I really suggest putting your requests out on the shopping networks. I picked up 3 Animas of unleashed Malice and 2 Creations: the Croatia (probalby butchered that name) in the last two days. I make an effort to get only high value or unusuall items from missions and then auction/sell them on the shopping channels. They will be cheaper that way than if they were in the stores anyways.

    Emmily, level 44 Trader on RK2
    "I am just a poor girl trying to make her way in the world. so hand over the creds and noone has to die."

    PS: I do take special orders for things I think I can get. I will find the item and reserve it for a week or so. It is expensive, but if I take the order I can probably find it.

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