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Thread: Its time to draw the line

  1. #1

    Exclamation Its time to draw the line

    First of all, I would like to congratulate all Clanners that was participating on the succesfull invasion of 4 holes yesterday after the OT attempt on assainating out leader.

    We did a hell of a good job and it ones again proved that Clanners united in force can be a powerfull enemy.

    I wan't to point out that it is vitale that Clanners take action when such crimes are being commited by Omni-tek fractions, wether they support Boss Ross or not. It is not our duty to keep track of who is doing what in OT regime, If Mr. Ross cannot control he's troops it is he's pain not ours.

    We were lucky yesterday, that it wasnt our leader that was killed - And I was relieved to hear that Mr. Radiman was alive and by good health. I feel sorry for the poor guy who was Mr. Radimans stand-in, he will be honored and remembered.
    The actions did show clanners that OTs really dont want peace and when this is said - Not a million promises and big smiles from Mr. Ross can change the fact that he's very own army is working against him.

    I say that COT should close all diplomatic relations with Omni-tek and prepare the Clan areas and cities for war. The actions yesterday clearly proves that their can never be peace between OT and Clans.

    Black Dawn Syndicate

  2. #2
    Yesterday's actions prove that there IS peace between the clans and Omni. Omni went out of their way to protect the leader of the clans.

    There were some rebellious Omni who tried to kill clanners despite what the Omni leadership said just as there were later rebellious clanners that later tried to kill Omni despite what the Council of Truth said. But both are only rebellious factions whose love of violence outshines their love of peace. There is peace between the clans and Omni and both sides will continue to do whatever it takes to make sure it lasts.

    But you sure showed them by sending them all the way back to their reclaim terminals with in most cases no loss of equipment or experience, though, didn't ya?

    Clan Diplomat

  3. #3
    I am sorry that I am going totally OOC here BUT YOU NEED TO KNOW.

    There were 40-60 clanners trying to do the same thing on RK2 but WE WERE NOT INCLUDED.

    Please Please If you are on RK1 help us fight for our game!

    We get the engine but no storyline!

    We killed NPC guards for 1.5 hours or so waiting for the event, then the GM told us that "they were unable to run an event".


    I want on RK1 if I get no storyline. That is what I payed for, that is what I still pay for.

    Help your brothers and sisters on RK2 (no matter what side you are on) and raise your voice!
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  4. #4
    Originally posted by Scorus
    Yesterday's actions prove that there IS peace between the clans and Omni. Omni went out of their way to protect the leader of the clans.

    There were some rebellious Omni who tried to kill clanners despite what the Omni leadership said just as there were later rebellious clanners that later tried to kill Omni despite what the Council of Truth said. But both are only rebellious factions whose love of violence outshines their love of peace. There is peace between the clans and Omni and both sides will continue to do whatever it takes to make sure it lasts.

    But you sure showed them by sending them all the way back to their reclaim terminals with in most cases no loss of equipment or experience, though, didn't ya?

    Clan Diplomat

    As I said in my post - It is not clanners job to keep track on Ross' troops. Our leader allmost got killed for crying out loud! - Should we just sit back and watch that OTs attempt to assasinate our leader. I think not! _/- I know that Omni officials saved him by sending in the stand-in, but that dosnt help a thing when powerfull forces within the OT regime is going to such drastic methods to incinerate us.
    How can we have peace when we trustworthy send our leader to OT area and he gets attacked.

    I think this is enough - OT have proven it by taking the first step.

    Black Dawn Syndicate

  5. #5
    Thanks for your support
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  6. #6

    Lightbulb Agreed

    Lets not leave RK-2 an emptry shell of missions, hunting and pvp!.
    I would love to see storyline events to each server.

    ==>Like a large population server would get:

    Defend you city an insane raid..

    ==>While on a small server.
    Make an assisation mission to kill the most valuable player in Raid. More than likely Because of Name issues an NPC will need to be created with a name close to the MVP. However set it so the target is in a Political zone where it can be defended by the oppossing side.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Yazule
    I am sorry that I am going totally OOC here BUT YOU NEED TO KNOW.

    There were 40-60 clanners trying to do the same thing on RK2 but WE WERE NOT INCLUDED.

    Please Please If you are on RK1 help us fight for our game!

    We get the engine but no storyline!

    We killed NPC guards for 1.5 hours or so waiting for the event, then the GM told us that "they were unable to run an event".


    I want on RK1 if I get no storyline. That is what I payed for, that is what I still pay for.

    Help your brothers and sisters on RK2 (no matter what side you are on) and raise your voice!

    Well I do support that u would get into the storyline too - And I think its unfair that u arent - But dont use my topic that is RP related to promote it, go to the proper place and talk to the proper people.

    Black Dawn Syndicate

  8. #8
    As I said in my post - It is not clanners job to keep track on Ross' troops. Our leader allmost got killed for crying out loud!

    Your leader? Henry Radiman has said time and again that you should not do what you did. If he is your leader then why do you not follow his orders? You can't have it both ways, gentlemen, you are either with Henry Radiman, the Council of Truth and the peace that they have asserted for; or you are for murder, war and anarchy. Do not claim to kill in the name of a man of peace, nobody likes a self-righteous murderer.

    Clan Diplomat

  9. #9
    Infact I pulled out when word finally spread to 4holes that Henry Radiman wasnt killed afterall..

    It was not like we saw any officials come to 4holes and try to calm the masses, no it was said at a safe distant at Tir grid. But when I finally heard it from some guy at 4holes - Me and the rest of the BDS guild pulled out.

    Black Dawn Syndicate

  10. #10

    In that case, I apologize for my assumption. Yet if you reacted so intelligently yesterday, seeking vengeance when you believed a wrong had been committed and then pulling back when you realized it hadn't, why do you still say "COT should close all diplomatic relations with Omni-tek and prepare the Clan areas and cities for war. The actions yesterday clearly proves that their can never be peace between OT and Clans." ?

    Your reaction at the time was rational and exemplary. Why now have you turned reactionary and in such blatant disregard for the fact that Omni-Tek and Phillip Ross' actions can only be seen as those of an organization seeking peace? Their actions and their actions alone saved Radiman's life.

    Clan Diplomat

  11. #11


    I love it when it's the very same people who go out and at every turn try to make a GM event or Storyline event into a reason to go out and "Obliterate the enemy" (IE: PvP everything that moves.), are the SAME ones who cry about the playerbase influence on the storyline. If you don't RP then there IS NO STORYLINE. Ladies and gentlemen, violence is NOT the answer to every situation. I realise it's a game, and I realise that it's fun to play against another player. (Heck, I enjoy PvP myself.) You also need to understand that if you WANT a "Storyline" you have to "Roleplay", and that means that once in the while you need to actually follow what the writers have written.

    Let's Role play for a second and see how it would go if it were actually real life...

    The ICC leases Rubi-ka to Omni-Tek for 30,000 years. OT retains the rights to mine and sell the notum from said planet. OT begins to terraform the planet and brings in colonists to work the mines and various other business ventures. Over their course of occupation OT releases many "Failed experiments" into the enviroment which then propagate and multiply. Conditions in the mines and various other site deteriorate and some of the colonsts become dissatisfied with their working and living conditions. Over time as conditions continue to worsen the colonists, and now their grown children as well, begin protests which are either ignored or forcibly put down. Feeling like they have no other recourse the colonists revolt against their former employer and open conflict ensues.... ***Now comes your part***

    Omni Tek offers amnesty.... Response: Deny the amesty and raid all OT held outposts. Make sure to kill all OT emplyees you see.

    Portman splits with the CoT and forms Red Freedom.... Response: Declare that the CoT is slow to respond and sympathetic to OT, raid all OT held outposts. Make sure to kill all OT employees you see.

    The CoT in the interest of Peace accepts the Amnesty as valid.... Response: Declare the CoT is slow to rspond and sympathetic to OT, raid all OT held outposts. Make sure to kill all OT employees you see.

    An assasination attempt is made on Radiman in OT HQ.... Response: Declare OT is responsible, raid all OT held outposts. Make sure to kill all OT employees you see.

    (Ok, so far you guys are pretty much predictable and unimaginative. It seems to me you think you aren't playing a "Role playing Game" as much as you think it's just some "Quake" type game.)

    ...*** Now comes the "If this were real life" type stuff.

    Because Omni-Tek is a respected hypercorporation that spans the galaxy and has many powerful allies in galactic government as well as the ICC...AND because the Clans, from a galactic point of view, are a bunch of political insurgents that may SERIOUSLY hamper the production of Notum (Which the rest of the galaxy relies on to run much of their cybernetic and computer technology), the ICC gives the massive hypercorporation leave to do whatever it needs to restore and safeguard the indispensible supply of Notum. OT receinds it's amnesty and moves MAJOR divisions of it's security forces to Rubi-Ka. In the battle that ensues the war-tempered Clans manage to fight OT to a stand still (unlikely but I'll give this one to the Clans) and Notum production comes to a halt. All eyes in the galaxy turn to Rubi-Ka as a notum shortage ravages the galactic civilization. Under pressure from the rest of the galaxy to restore notum production, the ICC steps in. Omni-Tek is removed from the ICC lease and the ICC takes over as the ruling body of Rubi-Ka. The Clans are WIPED OUT by galactic troops and a multi-corporate contract is given to various companies vying for mining rights to the sole sorce of notum, Rubi-Ka. Production is restored, the clans are obliterated, OT is removed from Rubi-Ka, and peace settles once again on the galaxy.

    And that my friends is a RL like example of what would happen if we followed the "Shoot first, figure out what is going on later" plan that MANY Guild leaders (Both OT and Clan) seem to follow. Don't think so?? Check your history: Note. United States Vs Iraq in "Operation Desert Storm" circa 1991AD. Action as result of danger to vital supply of Petroleum. (a primitive combustion fuel)

    Just food for thought, guys.

    Jena "Sheigh" Denick
    Clan opposing Force
    Rubi-Ka 1

  12. #12

    I generally agree with your post, but one problem is that Funcom has given us no tools to take any actions other than attack. The only storyline that we have been presented with is the movies and the events, which seem to be completely scripted (right down to the Assassination, why was Radiman in 25% areas?). I have not joined any of the attacks because I'm a diplomat. But there really is nothing else to do. Attack or run another mission to see if the other side really does have the technology to build a paper hammer...

    I would be overjoyed to role-play, but I have to do so with the knowledge that my role-playing makes no difference whatsoever to the storyline. Not that the attacks you mention does either, of course.


  13. #13

    Acctually, Role playing is about taking on a role, differenet from that one you have in reallife...hence "role" "playing"..

    This does not automaticly means that everybody can have roles that will have the chans of effecting the story, because that would be a game impossabel to play..

    Now, my advice, and this has worked quite well for me, would be to stop trying effecting the story so damn hard, and start trying to make a difference for other players instead...'

    Here I would acctually like to take the TBA as a good exemple (even though im not sure they do this out of RP intrest or not =P ) They proberbly wont make such a big difference in the story (at least not as they handle things now) but they give everybody a topic to discuss, and I have had many good RP moments, ( and no, I mean RP momnets, not fights) because of theire uprising. I am sure they enjoy it, and I know I do.

    So, even if theres never any major changes to the story, its still damn fun, and thats what it all should be about, huh?
    Father Chagidiel
    High priest in The Church of OmniTek

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