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Thread: Story&Player interaction

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Story&Player interaction

    It's getting better but... these are ideas we've been throwing around

    Right now there is NO consequence to player actions.

    I'd like to see removal of Faction/Clan to anyone whom kills more then X amount of their own sides NPC's.

    I'd like to see a LIST or decree of Laws for Emplyees or Citizens on all sides of the conflict with Consequences for breaking the laws. (EX: Removal from choosen side to Neut. or reconditioning causing Permant stat loss only regained through IP use)
    If this can't be coded it can be GUILD infraction only.. with said guild going on Trial.

    (I've heard one is planned for the TBA I'd like to see kept up as a natural part of guild interaction with it's higher ups)
    An email could be used to forward pictures of the infraction.. as PROOF.

    The implementation of Departments and Clan sides for player/guild use.

    The introduction of a co owned guild type with 2 leaders on chat or one on listen.

    Guild name next to Player nick in LEADER chat.

    Guild Houses

    A skill or item that allows you to track player locations for better planned Player vs Player assasinations.

    Medals or Merits of various types that a guild leader may bestow on a player in his guild.. they show up in /info on player.

    WWW link in player apartments that opens a small browser to their sides news & player info.
    This could also be used to set up PERMANENT chat a seperate area so a meeting between aligneded guilds can go on in their own pre set channel.

    Player sold equip boothes .. Armor, Weapons, Nanos, Misc, Tradeskill items, Tradeskill crafted items...
    These can hold a retainer price info that drops for a certain # of credits every two days it stays in the system.

  2. #2
    Sounds good to me. Although i might add to the guild info browser idea. I know it only adds to the amount of information getting shunted around on the grid (servers) but could we have some way of accessing the information part of the grid, ie an in-game database of background information on NPCs organisations etc.

    Just sounds like a cool addition to help players slip into the whole theme of AO, as it's a bit of a bummer having to task-swap out and go searching the net for stuff.


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