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Thread: Any reason to wear Intel/Psy armor anymore?

  1. #1

    Any reason to wear Intel/Psy armor anymore?

    Agility can be buffed with feline grace. Str is boosted with IC, essence, and a carrier craft...

    Is there any reason not to embrace Decus armor at this point? Hell, if you're not a nanomage breed, intel/psy armor makes no sense. Just compare a nano cloak with a primus coat:

    q200 Augmented Nano Armor Cloak

    Intelligence 551
    Psychic 501

    Chemical 156
    Projectile 546
    Energy 625
    Melee 625
    Fire 546
    Cold 546
    Poison 625
    Radiation 546

    q200 Hanshi Primus Decus Armor Coat

    Agility 546
    Strength 496

    Poison 875
    Chemical 625
    Fire 875
    Cold 875
    Melee 1000
    Energy 1000
    Projectile 1000
    Radiation 250

    The primus coat looks head over heals better than the nano cloak. Indeed, even a q120 primus coat is much better than a q150 nano cloak.

    So is intel/psy armor destined to become second rate armor compared to overequipped agil/str and str/stam armor?

    With Decus bathrobes falling out of the mission terminals, are we all going to look like clones soon?

    Some free advice
    Don't beg. It makes you look like a beggar.

  2. #2
    the biggest reason to use a nano cloak is it saves you from having to max a blue ability like agility...not like a nano user can stop maxin int if you switch, you need the bonus nano skills you get from int.

    if you got plenty of IPs to spare or are willin to cut IP usage in other areas though go for it, you get a lil more AC, but its gonna cost ya in some skill somewhere IP wise until you are high enough level that the IPs flow like water

    oh BTW agi is not exactly an uber buffable skill for everquippin like you imply...ya its buffable 25 which is more than Int is (unless yer an MP)...but compared to stam/str armor buffs it aint much

    heck for that matter you *could* ask why cyber/nano armors exist at all...eveyone can equip str/sta armor if they keep thoose 2 stats maxed at a much higher QL than they could wear any int/psy dependent stuff (due to buffs). The reason they exist though is that not every nano-user really wants to fight that IP battle to keep up with it, but in theory if you really want to make the highest AC nano class possible, you could. Just remember the more you focus on the AC stats though, the more you sacrifice somewhere else
    Last edited by cman; Dec 3rd, 2001 at 02:14:55.

  3. #3

    Str/Stam vs. Str/Agi

    Back when I made my MA, I geared that character toward str/agi armor because I think Flowers offers superior protection compared to anything else. So with my implants plus the proper buffs, I can manage 40 QLs higher than my level, and it will be more when my treatment is maxed and I can install new implants.

    Now that these Senpai coats are available and plentiful, I'm glad I chose str/agi and will probably continue to do so. There's a small chance I may go to Omni Elite, but I hate the low chemical protection with that armor. At any rate, everybody is going to resort to coats now that tank armor has reached its final state, and yep, unless we get some new styles in, we're all going to look alike.

    Anyway, Str/Stam may be easier to (over)equip, but I prefer the protection of the high-end str/agi armors, including Primus and Flowers. Chem. protection is important. I'd rather lose out on poison/disease than chemical.

    As for nanomage players and int/psych, well, that's honestly an easy route to take in terms of IP. Though if you're a nanomage whatever using a shotgun, you'll want to be raising agi/str a bit, and stamina is a given. So... I don't really think anybody is limited to int/psych. For a solitus, I definitely would NOT go int/psych, even though it looks cool. I had enough of that with my nanomage NT. Atrox? Str/Stam, I guess. Personally, with my opifex MA, str/agi has worked out great.
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  4. #4
    Originally posted by cman

    oh BTW agi is not exactly an uber buffable skill for everquippin like you imply...ya its buffable 25 which is more than Int is (unless yer an MP)...but compared to stam/str armor buffs it aint much

    There is also at least one rifle that has a +20 agi buff.

    Not a huge gain but again far far better than Int. The MP buff is self only from what I can tell.

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