I am really starting to worry about Omni-Mining and Miss Moscardelli's intentions as of late! Her we are, on the eve of NLF's rally for awareness of the Notum situation, which is to be followed up by a more ceative demonstration tomorrow....and Omni-Mining and Miss Moscardelli, who claims to posess the evidence for notum ad infinitum, has not yet produced even a shred of evidence to calm the millions of worried souls out there.
Is Miss Moscardelli and Omni-Mining not aware of the gravity of the situation? Are they in fact willfully holding information back, in order to instigate violence and demonstrations? Or is she simply bluffing....if so, it is a cruel and heartless bluff, as the answers she claims to have, would be the single most important item that would once and for all lay the NLF's and other nanomages concerns at rest. Instead..what we see, is due to lack of this evidence, violence escalates, and the conflict continues.
I will put it this harshly: Knowing and withholding this information, is equal to being responsible for the deaths and violence that will no doubt occur. If you have this info, Miss Moscardelli, you can end the conflict pre-birth.......if you dont, I will have no choice but to call you a bluffmaker, and......at worst, guilty of mass-murder.
Is this in fact, another evil plan, cooked up in the halls of Omni-Tek?
Only time will tell.........