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Thread: Skill system, funcom Please read

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Skill system, funcom Please read

    I have played this game now since the beginning. I am not a very active player, I playe when I'm bored and need something to day, or maybe after a new patch. But I do pay my 13$ a month, even though I don't play that much.

    So, when I was a low lvl, I was a newbie, like many else. I raised the skills with the nice names or generally green skills, wasting all my ip into now useless things. I'm very sry of that now, my soldier is kinda lousy, with maany points into useless things.

    I could start over, but I don't see that as an option, considering it took me 4 months to be lvl 40!

    I have talked som ARK's about this, and they told me to post here, with my idea posted cleary. So this is what I have to say

    How about the chance of releasing ip from skills, maybe only one time, and it's permanantly. Or how about only beeing allowed to release a certain ammount of ip per lvl. Or maybe having one hour to use your "release gift" having only one time to release thing. Or how about a total black-out of your ip clearing it back to default. Or just ANYTHING that can make me a normal soldier without having to start over and use another 4months to raise my char.

    Please Funcom, post your thoughts of why this should/shouldn't be implemented. It's in other games. I know it might not be realistic, but you have found up soo many good explanations on things, I'm sry you can find an explenation to this too!

    Thanks if you read the whole message, I hope you will be positive to a frustrated soldiers oppinion!

  2. #2

    sounds familiar

    this is not a new idea. its been discussed many times, and the feedback from Fc is that this is not going to happen, ever.

    sorry to say it, but if you've messed up that bad, make a new character.
    Most people have done this a few times, ive done it myself about 5 times. its the only way that its going to improve.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  3. #3
    When u get to lvl 50 u will have 20000ip/lvl to distribute, so that should get you a chance to balance up your character a little..

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