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Thread: the PvP Rank ladder.. Proffesion listed

  1. #21

    Cool well......

    Well Yazule...if u think u can smack up soldiers that easy ill love to take a few rounds in arena

    just to do a quick sum up on high not sure if pushin them down to rank 8-9 is fair....MK still owns, and atm a coat is better then any tank use a coat and get a high at 137 and dont even use alpha going with my ql 200 nova and 4,4k acs, which is workin out fine..1on1 i have yet too meet someone who totally owns me...yes i can lose tho it happens rarely and mostly when being ganked...losin 1on1 big has yet to usin a 41 secs MK btw...and the 1 more hit healin nano that lets me break any root instantly...

    so imo rank 3-4 is more true to the soldiers pvp abilty in higher lvls then 8-9

  2. #22
    . Pets do the same amount of damage in PvP, their damage is not halfed. This is fine for me, the people with pets that I beat before the patch, I beat after the patch.
    Pet damage is halved in PvP.
    Metas cannot buff thier pets in PvP areas so they do even less damage.

  3. #23

    Re: well......

    Originally posted by Tindish
    Well Yazule...if u think u can smack up soldiers that easy ill love to take a few rounds in arena

    just to do a quick sum up on high not sure if pushin them down to rank 8-9 is fair....MK still owns, and atm a coat is better then any tank use a coat and get a high at 137 and dont even use alpha going with my ql 200 nova and 4,4k acs, which is workin out fine..1on1 i have yet too meet someone who totally owns me...yes i can lose tho it happens rarely and mostly when being ganked...losin 1on1 big has yet to usin a 41 secs MK btw...and the 1 more hit healin nano that lets me break any root instantly...

    so imo rank 3-4 is more true to the soldiers pvp abilty in higher lvls then 8-9
    You on RK2?

    what level?

    what ingame name?

    Maybe I been fighting gimped soldiers, lemme know, would love to duel.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  4. #24


    1. yes rk2
    2. 138
    3 Tindstar

    Glad to take a duel..since omni supplies is getting short these days []

  5. #25
    MA's suxxOR in PvP, but you don't hear me whining. Oh wait, yeah you do, all the freakin time! But you know what? Advents REAAAALLLY suck in PvP. I mean..I beat them. Nobody PvP's anymore on Rk2 and it makes me sad.

    I'd love to see more fighting going on. The peace/amnesty crap needs to go. Amnesty? Who's forgiving who? I say let's light up the skies. NO GAS. 25% to mayhem everywhere! chaos!

  6. #26

    Re: :D

    Originally posted by Tindish
    1. yes rk2
    2. 138
    3 Tindstar

    Glad to take a duel..since omni supplies is getting short these days []
    Hey tindsar! Good to see you. I know you *points finger*.

    Ill send you a tell some time, even though you have 27 levels on me

    Will probably wait til after I do all my 112 mission running though, mmmmm 200 gear...
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  7. #27

    I want to watch

    Let me know when the scheduled battle is,... I'd definately like to see the outcome of that one.

  8. #28
    Originally posted by Sohjiro

    Why is every adventurer I see who complains about being gimped in PVP, use pistols? Yes its a green skill, that DOES NOT mean you have to follow that path. Use 1-Handed Edged or at least try every combination possible before you complain.

    Well, see, some of us pistol-wielding Advs started playing the day the game came out...Advs were pushed as being the best dual-wielding fighters...and once you get to, say, level 50 or so, it's too late to go back....I am a 101 Adv and still struggling with pistols- sure, if I knew Funcom was going to kill the best weaps we had (freedom arms) by the time I was 50, I'd have gone with melee weaps instead. But once you get so far, it's too late to go back unless they do an IP wipe- simple as that. Besides, as an Adv if you want to be able to use your nanos, there are about 5 nano skills you need to invest IPs into, in addition to the general stat skills, inits, speed, etc....let me put it this way- I have NEVER had extra IPs laying around- never.....

  9. #29

    Cool friendly reply

    Ariana, this is not a flame and I hope you don't take it the wrong way.

    But I think it is time you reroll your character. Your first character was never meant to be your main, just a learning tool.

    Now that you know what your doing you can start a new character and pass along equip/money and all the knowledge from your old one.

    This new character will be twice as strong and effective. Noone likes to start from the begining again, but it will be worth it believe me.

  10. #30


    suggesting someone reroll because pistols are bad is silly.

    pistols are screwed up and should be fixed.

    as it is right now they are barely useable...why the heck is there an entire class of weapons that are virutally useless?

    no...instead of forcing pistol users to reroll, funcom should just fix the pistol problems.

    once that is done...things will be fair again.

    keep your character!

  11. #31

    Wink my appologies

    Borrace, If it is just the pistol problem I agree. I just know that with your first character you tend to make a lot of learning mistakes. I agree with you, the pistols are a problem that needs to be fixed.

    Ariana stated that Funcoms intent was for the Adventurer to be the best duel wielding of any class. Many took that to mean pistols because it is a green skill...but most of the adventurers I've seen are more effective with 1HE Duel Wield.

    I merely meant that maybe Ariana start another character with what she now knows, not completely trash her old Advent. Besides, admitantly, I know very little about the adventurer class and noone should take my comments too seriously when addressed to the adventurer class, it's just my personal opinion.

    Take care and good luck

  12. #32

    Re: friendly reply

    Originally posted by Eiroshima
    Ariana, this is not a flame and I hope you don't take it the wrong way.

    But I think it is time you reroll your character. Your first character was never meant to be your main, just a learning tool.

    Now that you know what your doing you can start a new character and pass along equip/money and all the knowledge from your old one.

    This new character will be twice as strong and effective. Noone likes to start from the begining again, but it will be worth it believe me.
    You are assuming an awful lot here....I have not yet heard FC state that the nerfing and balancing is over.

    Would be a shame to reroll and spend a great deal of time leveling up another character and then have it gimped by new nerfs.

    Also I think you assume this player has alot of time to play and level up a character. The only people that can stay on most of the day every day are kids and the unemployed.

    I am also a casual player and I team with Ariana often and our characters are post 100 so I believe rerolling is not an option. We both have jobs and other interests.

    She plays ADV which had one of their main strengths (FA) nerfed to crap because of whiners.

    I play an Agent which we all know is the most nerfed profession in the game.

    Last edited by Dealingdeath; Dec 14th, 2001 at 20:47:00.

  13. #33

    Question Re: Re: friendly reply


  14. #34

    missed my last post


    You missed my last post right above yours..... check it out. Again, I don't know the specific information, was just giving my opinion.

    Again, never said to delete the character,.. maybe just start a new one.. I have 5 characters that i switch between when I get bored of one or the other.

    And, I too work during the day and have a girlfriend also... I consider myself a casual gamer as well. I get up in the morning at 6am, go to work.. get off at 5pm have dinner with girlfriend and usually get home at 9 or 10pm and play for 2 to 3 hours a night if i'm lucky... hence none of my characters are over lvl 50, have a few in the 40s..... but leveling has never been my main concern either.

    Take care, good luck and sorry for any misunderstanding

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