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Thread: Item Loss glitch...

  1. #1

    Angry Item Loss glitch...

    I'm sure people have seen this in the past, I just noticed it about a week ago...

    When you trade with another player... If you have a full inventory and then take things out of a backpack you are carrying, and put the items into the Trade...

    This means there's not enough space in your Inv to put things back if someone cancels the Trade. Therefore each time I tried this, I lost whatever items I was trading and the overflow box that's supposed to show up never did.

    This has happened a few times, I've lost entire suits of armor because of this glitch.
    ~ Rubi-Ka 2 ~
    Lokbiph - 63 NT
    Lokchi - 49 Enf
    Gnuyan - 33 Doc

  2. #2
    That sucks... a lot. I'm new to AO, but I've already seen my fair share of bugs. Dev team needs to get in gear and do some squashing. That's why I liked the UO dev team, they talked directly with players on the Test Center to help fix bugs. Perhaps funcom could take a hint and do the same...

  3. #3
    So looking in ur Inv before trading from a backpack takes so much time u rather want to lose a item ?

    Yeah it should be fixed.. but apparently not even trying to avoid a bug that u obviusly have tried more than once is imho plain stupid. maybe not plain maybe very.

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