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Thread: Chat bug

  1. #1

    Chat bug

    Every time I zone, my chat settings get reset to something I don't want. Please make it so that if I want a channel off, it stays off. That means every channel, including Vicinity.

    Also, could you provide an "/ignore all" command (or equivalent) that rejects attempts to "tell" me things? You could make it give some polite automatic response like "I'm sorry. I'm not accepting 'tells' right now" or something like that. I know you can use "afk" to accomplish basically the same thing, but it seems kind of ridiculous telling people you're away from the keyboard when you're obviously not.


  2. #2
    Also, and I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but why do you "forget" the map of your mission if you zone out and back in? The maps should be persistent once they're uncovered.

  3. #3
    I'd be happy to be able to /ignore someone without having to have them targeted.

    Having some begger spam you with tells as you're running through a zone or two is annoying enough. Not being able to shut him up is even worse.

    /ignore (charname) !!!

  4. #4
    you can do that.. type /ignore (name)

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