My org established itself in late August last year, and we quickly decided to be a be a little different and adopt the "Omni Grey Suit" uniform as our org uniform. We are a very heavily RP based OT org, so things like a uniform are very important to us.

Therefore, we immediately acquired all the "Omni Grey Suit" boots, pants, skirts, sleeves, and female shirts we needed. No problem there.

However... to this day, some six months later we've still not seen one single "Omni Grey Suit Shirt", i.e. the male suit shirt, in any shop we've visited.

EVERY time any of us pass any shop, we dive in and check out the OT clothes machine on the off chance there will be one. We have a standing order that the first to find it buys 30 or so.

Trust me when I say after six months we have been into a LOT of clothes machines

However, it is now getting extremely tedious, and after six months is actually starting to get us a bit pissed.

I know the "Omni Grey Suit Shirt" exists as I see it worn by LOTS of OT NPCs walking around, I've seen it on a player character about a month ago, and found it in about 5-6 online item databases on the WWW.

Therefore, I know it exists.

It does not add to any stats, it does not "do" anything. It is just an item of OT uniform clothing.

Why is the female one available freely, yet the male one is missing/not available? Sexism?

I think it is probably just a bug that prevents the shirt from appearing in the shops. Can you look into it?

Can someone "who knows" from FC feed something back to me?

I have asked ARKs about 5-6 times now, each time I get a different answer why it is not available, each time it sounds like their guessing or fabricating an answer impulsively.

I could understand all this if it was an item that did something. However, it is just a piece of dumb clothing man...

Please help us poor RPers enjoy the game a bit more? Fix/enable "Omni Grey Suit Shirts.”

Equality for male shirt wearers!!

Thanks for any feedback in advance.

Garret "Bonefish" Silvestrini
Director - Department S1 (SPARTA)
The Omni-Tek Corporation of Rubi-Ka