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Thread: Neutral Target Practise

  1. #1

    Neutral Target Practise

    Im a neutral fixer.

    I was out hunting, and dropped into the Lush Fields Omni OP
    to sell my loot , and as soon as i walked out the door ( I yal'd in)
    The guards blew me away, and I lost 50 k Xp. Luckily i had recently levelled or it would have been a LOT more.

    Why did they shoot me? I'm neutral. This seems ridiculous to me.
    My character was neutral precisely in order to be able to travel everywhere, without being sucked into the conflict.

    If i but my Agg bar on full def, will they still attack me?

    I need answers, and I need this ridiculous situation changed!

    Respect Neutrality!
    JimmySav , Neutral Fixer RK-2
    "Jim'll Fix it for you...."

    CEO Rubika Asset Management
    "Jimmy's back, and this time, its personal!"

  2. #2
    Neutrals get capped every where.

    Defensive Cannons.

    Neutral in this game is a really bad choice. I changed to clan cause i just got sick of being in everyones sights! Now at least i can get high level gear.
    I was one of the people who believe that FC had a "secret" 12.0 patch just before launch....he he.

    You start to think that the Shrooms are wearing off and then you look at the ceiling and realize you got a few hours.

  3. #3


    Do clan guards shoot at Neutrals?
    -Omnitek is your fiend
    Claybats the Sane
    Idahoe | Kalderon | Claybats | Meyna

  4. #4
    they didnt at me in west athen... but someone else said they had done on another post like this.
    JimmySav , Neutral Fixer RK-2
    "Jim'll Fix it for you...."

    CEO Rubika Asset Management
    "Jimmy's back, and this time, its personal!"

  5. #5
    I have never been shot by Clan guards, but was killed by Omni Guards twice.

  6. #6


    Originally posted by Claybats
    Do clan guards shoot at Neutrals?
    The guards don't KoS, admitted.
    But affiliated (and i have experienced it form both clan and omni) NPCs attack us (for no appparent reason) and then the guards rush to "aid" them :-/

    I can accept that neutrals lack the advantages a merrit board offers. I can accept that certain equipment has an affiliation requirement. Those are logical and fitting to the role we (neutrals) play in this world (=no backup from a big organization).

    But I dont see any reason for the aforementioned bahaviour nor for affiliated shops not selliing to us.
    (it is especially paradox that clan weapon stores are open to neutrals, whereas medical stores are not)
    I want this changed OR explained !

  7. #7
    The NPC behavior makes no sense. A guard just lets you walk right by them. Then some stupid NPC OT Crook shoots you in the head. What does the guard do? He caps your ass. This could all be fixed if the NPC's followed gas level with regard to their aggression.

    100% gas = no fighting possible.
    75% gas = NPC's only attack players of the 'opposite' faction. Clan vs. Omni.
    25% gas = NPC's attack anyone who is not of their same faction.
    0% = mayhem.

    Above lvl70 the life of a Neutral settles down to what would be expected. You are free to roam most of the planet in safety. This is only because most of the NPC's are grey in areas where you would be traveling during everyday play. The only NPC's who start agro'ing you are in 'sensitive' areas like outposts and the like where they are still red to you.

    It's just a shame that the life of the low level Neutral is not as such. Maybe it's something you have to 'earn' to prove your distaste for the political squabbling.

    As for the mission terminals, I'm afraid they screwed that situation up by basing base item cost on the terminal instead of the shopper. Neutrals used to be able to shop anywhere. FunCom was terrified that Neutral traders would head to Omni-Trade and buy armor cheap and sell it to the Clanners at a huge profit. The other horrifying fear was that Neutrals would go get Omni-Pol armor and give it to the clanners.

    They then shut down Neutral shopping in Clan/Omni stores. Problem is they never opened them back up again after they fixed the side check on Omni Armor.

    This has led to such unfortunate situations as Neutral players not having a single Superior Nanocrystal shop in the entire game. The Neutral player is forced to trust a Clan or Omni player to buy nanoformulas for them.

    If they modified the item cost based on the player's Comp Lit or Psychology AND added in cost multipliers for non-affiliated faction, we'd be rid of this nonsense. As a neutral, I'd be willing to pay 110% of standard rate to be able to shop in Omni-Trade or Athen. As long as the rate the Neutral paid at an Omni terminal were at least 5% more than a clanner pays at their stores, the situation could not be exploited.

    But, as I said, (aside from the Nanocrystal oversight) the life of a Neutral is fine post lvl70 or so. The disadvantages are fine (no Merit board, limited shopping) and the benefits are what would be expected (safe visits to Athen, Tir, Omni-T, Omni-E, etc.).

    There are even a fair amount of enlightened players who respect Neutrality and go so far as to point out I'm safe in their presence while I'm missioning in 25% zones. (Just so you who do this know, you really make my day knowing there are those who are willing to role play despite the game's limitations. Thank you.)

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