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Thread: 14.2 and the economy

  1. #1

    14.2 and the economy

    I have quit for a few months and come back twice since launch and found the economy differen't after each time.

    Obviously stat changes to items make them more or less valuable after a patch.

    For instance the rings of power went down after it was discovered they were not a % and patched to reflect that change.

    I was just wondering what all this would do to the value of different items.
    Atrox Enforcer


  2. #2
    Well, rings of power mostly went down due to screwup with loot system. In one grand sweep, all weapons/armor/nanos disappeared from misison chests, and stuff that was rare (like rings, vehicles and NCU gear) got much less rare. After that patch, I found more rings in one week than I found during previous 7 months of playing.

    Things I predict about economy:
    Nanoprogrammers will get more work - people are likely to upgrade their implants more often, and go for custom-built stuff.
    Doctors will benefit too, cause Treatment buffs will be VERY much in demand. Basic implants over ql125 will definitely go up.

    People with skill buffs (traders/mp) will still get lots of work, but now lower guys will find a market for wrangles less than 132. Skill buffers will also get more invited to groups. People are likely to carry several weapon sets - one for groups that have a wrangler, one for groups that don't.

    Post-140 scene is not likely to change at all. These guys can still go 200 and remain well under 20%

    Gear: I don't think there will be increased gear demand, other than maybe NCU memory - so that if group has a trader, there's space to hold a wrangle in addition to all regular combat stuff.

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