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Thread: RPG-session!

  1. #21
    I actually try to reactive the french Clan Alliance , so we have an association of 4 guildes , with more than 200 menbers total , with work and a little luck i hope we can make great and intersting events .
    Tirean on Rubika 1 and 2

    Proud fixer of the Clan Org AiR.

  2. #22

    Exclamation Final Reminder

    The planned Rubi-Ka 1 Roleplayer's Conference will be held Sunday 10th of February at Reets Retreat at 20:00 GMT.


    South Rubi-Ka Society

  3. #23

    Question Next Conference?

    So when we keep next conference?
    Next month?

  4. #24

    Talking Hazaa

    This is great,

    Its awesome to see so many people interested in the RPG aspect of AO, and to see that everyone has ideas to get it started. We need a person (preferably funcom staff-they get paid to be online too long) organize and kick it off. Maybe something huge at first. Something to promote the idea. Give away door prizes like credits / weaps/ nanos/ bots..etc etc. have a 50/50 where we could buy tickets and raffle off that money. Then every week have get togethers to share the experiences of the week. Each Guild/group can share its ideas..maybe have a spokesperson from each guild have 5 minutes at a podium to share. or whatnot. Just some ideas. Lemme know what u think.

    Also, I'm looking for some people to group with. /tell falloutpang for details!

  5. #25

    Smile Afterword

    First of all I'd like to thank all those who attended yesterday's Roleplayer's Conference. The level of attendance and participation was tremendous. I appreciate due to time restrictions we did not get to discuss all the things we might have wanted, but it was a first, important step.

    Below is a list of attending guilds. I hope this list might prove a useful starting point should we stage another conference in the future. I do apologise if I have missed out or misrepresented any of these guilds.

    I will post on a separate thread some of the more interesting (in my opinion) ideas discussed at the conference in order that we can continue building on them.

    Finally a special thanks to Tappert who chaired the 3 hour meeting with his skill, humour and charm and to Vener, Figgsy Jdaug and the ark team who graciously gatecrashed the event.


    South Rubi-Ka Society

    Guilds Represented (* indicate guilds which gave a presentation)

    First Order
    Aquitaine Corporation
    Friendleet Foundation *
    Eden Corp *
    Great Paladine Code
    South Rubi-Ka Soceity
    The Honored Maidens
    Omni Exotica

    Blade Corp

    Rubi-Ka Reform *
    Unity of the Rose *
    Fist of Chronos *
    La Confrerie
    Psychedelic Freedom Fighters *
    First Light
    Sisters of Freedom
    Consortium Sofratus
    The Journeymen
    Bronto Hunters

  6. #26
    Please have a look at the new thread (RPG-session pt2: Scenarios) regarding a matter that could'nt be presented at the conference, thanks...

    // David, SWE (Savath RK-1)

  7. #27

    Introduction speeches from log

    Here comes introduction speeches from session.

    I think that missed Rubi-Ka Reform's speech, because I came little late to session. If you think that these shouldn't be here, let me know and I will remove them.

    Remember that, all intructions are strictly OOC!

    Tatjaana - FriendLeet Foundation
    "Hi everyone, I m Tatjaana from FriendLeet Foundation! Our RP mission is to protect the leet. We are not political group. We are omni, but have some friends in clans and neutrals too. We have couple of people roleplaying leets, most are just playing human. We are not strict roleplaying guild everyone decides how they want to roleplay and if they want to roleplay all the time or at all.Roleplaying is encouraged anyway.

    Leetfighting is one thing we have been roleplaying. The idea came from Savoy who organized a leet fighting debate. We were debating with a leet fighting organisation: World Leet Fight Federation and after that we agreed about co-operating with a

    Rollerrat clan who were worried about leet fights turning into rrat fights.We have plans to go to demonstrate in leetfights, but actual leet fights has not been yet organized. That would be one thing we would like to see happen. OOC of course :) Its good to have an enemy for RPing purposes :)

    We are a small guild - we have about 10 members of which about 5 are active at the moment. Our active people are from level 20ish up to 90. We have no plans to grow big, rather be small warm guild with nice people. Nevertheless, we are recruiting all the time.For more information, please visit :) Thank you!"

    Szentasha - Unity of the Rose
    "Hello. I am Szentasha of Unity of the Rose. Our guild was founded on the premise that hunting and missions grow stale and boring if it were not for the company of good people you meet along the way.

    Unity of the Rose would be a roleplaying guild if it were not for the lack of good roleplaying content in this game .. for the time being I like to think of the guild as having a social mission. I do have an interest in roleplaying issues, and feel strongly that the best roleplaying in this game happens at the grassroots level (not at the story level).

    With that in mind, I would like to see Funcom add more content and features that help players create their own roleplaying scenarios. I will be talking briefly later about an idea I have for improved roleplaying content.

    If you are interested in Unity of the Rose, our website can be found at It is my pleasure meeting you all."

    Corvain - Council of Chronos
    "Greetings All, I am Corvain and I represent the Council of Chronos, Founded in August 29475. We are the only bi-partisan Metaphysicist organization on Rubi-ka. Our first endeavours as a Council were to organize the Metaphysicist Conventions held in Newland. Through our research and input, we helped to implement some of the things that now make the Metaphysicist's life so much more enjoyable here on Rubi-ka.

    Currently though, we have issues with the purity of our guild causing problems with our acquisition of better equipment. We
    have sought to forge alliances with others to help alleviate this problem, but have found few that do not hold strong feelings towards the opposition and therefore are unwilling to participate in a non-partisan alliance such as our own. I'm hoping to find more allies for the Fist of Chronos and the Hand of Chronos as well and to help increase the roleplaying between all organizations here on Rubi-ka.

    Thank you for your time, I'll be happy to answer any questions. Most of time guild members/leaders was used to introduce guilds"

    Qwertzuiop - Psychedelic FReedom Fighters
    "hello all! so.. the Psychedelic FReedom Fighters are a new born guild... we try to restore a lost tradition from 50 years

    ago inspired by the children of 3 omni scientits who were tired of the agissement of the big corpèoration
    and tried to show truth to omni people by parties where they could at last find their own selves, outtside of all propaganda this by RUbi-trance, a music with powerful abilities
    of introspection...

    dunno if i'm clear:) anyway, that was just fpor the background.... we are currently recruiting on the short term, and on the long term... we'd like to find omni guuilds to organize some hide-and seek psychedelic parties...i know i'm not clear now:) can find more info on our website(you''l fiind it cleare then) at"

    Istalenio - Eden Corp

    "thank u all, very glad to meet u all tonight :)

    i represent the guild eden corp we are a 2 months old guild, but we have started to recruit 1 month ago only ill try to be short and OOC :)

    our Role play line is : defending peace, by all manners we want to regrout people that think that war has an ending and this ending should be as fast as possible :) we want to solve the problem at the political level but we are fighting against anyone who can lead to war too terrorism, etc,

    any side terrorisme will be we think we will be able to restore peace on rubi ka, by regrouping peoples and guilds to the cause so we want more contacts from anyguild, any side of the conflict they are we are young, and are willing to be involved

    in the story line but i think there is a problem from officials that don t give us enough infos on theses official events i d like to get contacts with other leaders, to get informed of these official event but to coordinate our own RP events to

    we are a few peoples now, recruiting for quality of members more than the number (and we are french also)
    and we do fight for peace, even if we are omnis

    so if u are intersted by our movement, please don t hesitate to take contacts we would be pleased to have omni as clan and neutral contacts sorry id i m long :) "

    Hexan (not currently aligned)

    "Hallo everyone.

    For those of you who dont know me...Im Hexan and Im British.
    I just wanted to say a few things. I believe that out of all the online RPG games, AO has the best RPing environment around.

    Good roleplaying is just waiting to happen here.

    If the characters are good RPers, you could be RPing in a wooden shack and you would have excellent
    roleplaying. It is the characters that make story lines and not environment or conditions.

    Ive been RPing ofr 10years...6 of which have been spent doing Live Action Roleplaying down in Devon. I can see the potential with all the groups that have turned out here today.

    Roleplaying doesnt have to be based around the main story line either. In any conflict there are smaller conflicts that go on behind the scenes. Political and military. That is where the wars are won and lost. Or where peace is made.

    Id like to establish a guild for serious RPGing. Not that none of you arent serious. Id like to have branches in Omni, ,clan and neutreal territories. If you would like to join or help in setting up such a guild...please see me afterwards."


    "My name is Lance Tarryk Kozar. As you can see, I am a non-guilded clansman.

    I'd like to start by saying that I hold the highest regards for the guilds and their purposes. I am a mercenary, and we are becoming an endangered breed.

    I'd like to say that the mercenary trade is still a respected one, and no-one should feel obligated to join a guild simply for the sake of doing so.

    The enjoyment of this world comes from the roleplaying, and too many times I see guilds becoming ove overly captured by inter-guild wars and relations.

    I am not pointing fingers, just saying that people should free themselves of feeling over-obligated ...and instead focus on their own intentions to roleplay. Anyone is a potential ally, and does not need to be in a guild to be regarded so."


    "I am here not to plug some kind of organisation to you, but to speak about neutrality.

    This is not only 2 sides, like a black and while chessboard. That kind of simplistic viewpoint can be bad.

    Neutrals are people. We have no token boards. No special items. A LOT less shoping choices. No possibility to pvp except to defend ourselves (AFTER the alpha strike is completed against us, of course ). And now whenever i go anywhere i get shot at.

    Yet we persist.

    You see folks, being a neutral is like having a badge of honor EVERY day. It shows you got character. It shows you can survive AND prosper without fancy toys like rings of powers. You want to see someone hardy? Talk to a neutral over level 100.

    Including Neutrals, and neutral guilds can be easy. We have a tendency to stick together in times of adversity. Ask us to deliver messages. Organise meetings on neutral territory. Ask us If you would like official duels! We goddamn know EXACTLY where there's 25% zones around here.

    Also a word : Neutrals are organising. Maybe not now, but soon we will be a political force to deal with. So approach us. Talk to us about your problems. You will be surprised how resourseful we are.

    In conclusion, remember this: When the gas fails, burst of speed stims are a noot's best friend."

  8. #28

    I do

    I role play alot even if nobody wants to role play with me.


  9. #29
    If anything like this gets up to speed on RK2, let us know. Clan Vox Populi and Division 3: Omni Reclamation are members opf Project Revenant and we are trying to gain allies to build larger events than just a conflict between the two of us.
    Chang "Nortsrum" Brockmeyer,
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation] -- RK2

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