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Thread: Secondary profession??

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Secondary profession??

    Just an idea I had a little while ago, thought I'd suggest it and see how ya feel about it.

    How about if sometime at the higher end of the game you could go on a quest for a "secondary" profession? It wouldn't actually make you another profession, but it could give you access to a few new things.

    For example, I know that a few people on the Adventurer boards have suggested giving us pets. Now I don't particularly agree that we need pets, but it'd be nice if we could do a quest for a secondary profession of MP and then use nanos with an Adventurer/MP profession restriction.

    And it might not even be too unbalancing... After all, everyone would have a chance to do it. And it would give all the level 200 people something to do... ^_^

    So... whatcha think?

    (And please try to keep this a nice kind of post... no need to yell at people. If you disagree, just argue calmly...)

  2. #2
    sounds cool except that what I'd do is start an Engie, level it up, then do a secondary class as agent... then BAMMO! Access to every nano in the game except MP weapon summons and beuro droids. Ah... imagine me with my slayerdroid, demon, heal pet and mez pet! MUHAHAHHAHAHAH!

    First Order S.S.S.C.

  3. #3


    Well, I think ya just killed that idea. heh

    They could make it so that you don't have access to your secondary profession's nanos... only the combined ones. They could make it so current class-specific nanos require that profession as your primary one or something...

    Bleh... I dunno, its just an idea.

  4. #4
    ah... combined nanos...

    that would be cool.

    but then, there would be one UBER class-cross that everyone would do. I don't trust FC to make class-cross nanos for all class-crosses...

    First Order S.S.S.C.

  5. #5


    I'm sure they could do it pretty well... with help from the players, if you're not comfortable with them doing it on their own.

    I'd like to get some other people's opinions too... You've got to have an opinion if ya read this far. ^_^

  6. #6
    Would be great if there were fewer classes...

    the problem is, simple math says there are 12*11 (132) possible combinations...

    So, Funcom would have to develop at least 132 new nanos, IF you only wanted 1 nano per combo...

    Would be really cool if you could "Dual-class" Ad&d style.
    i.e. level an NT up to 50, then dual class to Fixer. Start as a lvl1 fixer, but you can't use the NT nanos again until you hit lvl51 with fixer...

    that would be fun.

    First Order S.S.S.C.

  7. #7
    Well... They could do it when they run out of things to fix.

    (BTW, nice response time

  8. #8

    I assume you're joking...

    good one!

    First Order S.S.S.C.

  9. #9


    Come on, people, lets get some more responses! heh...

  10. #10


    C'mon, nobody has ANYthing else to add?

  11. #11

    its a bad idea

    sorry, but there it is. far too hard to make it work, plus, i think we should let them fix the classes first
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  12. #12
    Eh, I guess you're right... But I still think it would be cool.

  13. #13

    I think it sounds like a good idea...

    The problem as noted above would be implementing it. 132 nanos just to make 1 for each cross is alot of time and I also think that the way people already whine about unbalanced play that it would open all new cans of worms. I do know that I am on my first and only character and I do sometimes wish I could experience a flavor of the other classes.

    Mid Night Sons
    Lvl 23 adventurer

  14. #14


    Maybe they could make it so certain classes don't mix with others? So you can't have a Soldier-Enforcer or something like that... That would help to bring the amount of class-crosses down quite a bit.

    I'm sure someone will find something else wrong with this though. lol

    I'll do my best to come up with a solution when ya do though... but it probably won't be too good ^.^

  15. #15


    ...Nobody wants to respond? Awww... ;P

  16. #16
    Why make it with all the normal classes? Have like 3-5 sub-classes, that have nothing to do with the originals and the originals could pick which of the 3-5 they wanted, could work a lot better.

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