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Thread: Omnibot Sell / Bid

  1. #1

    Question Omnibot Sell / Bid

    Could someone be as gentle to explain to me what I should do to get to sell my stuff right, and to buy my stuff right?

    For Example, yesterday several nice items where for sale via Omnibot in an auction. I bid for them, and currently have the highest bids.

    Suppose I am the only highest bidder. When do I get my item / pay?

    Same goes for the Instruction Disc I want to sell, I set a price to 1500 (high? No idea!). Suppose someone bids 1501 (fine by me) and when is the auction for that item over?

    In short:
    - How long do auctions take
    - Can I have any influence on that?
    - Help!


  2. #2
    Okay, first of all, remember that omnibot/neutbot/shopbot are NOT part of the game, they are player created and maintained.

    Now, if you are the highest bidder, then the auctioner, if he is responsible, will periodically check his auction (through the "/tell omnibot list" command) and close the auction ("/tell omnibot close AuctionID")

    You will then be informed that "Auctioner has closed auction number AuctionID and you are the highest bidder"

    Then you or the bidder will have to contact each other and arrange delivery.

    Now, if the auctioner is taking too long to close the auction, do the info command ("/tell omnibot info AuctionID") and it will tell you who the auctioner is. Then you can contact him and ask him whats taking so long
    Basher Tarr, Engineer, and damn proud of it!


  3. #3


    Thanks a lot, this clears a lot of things up!


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