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Thread: Games to empty...

  1. #1

    Post Games to empty...

    Such a great game in my opinion. So much to do, so much to explore, so many great areas to socialize in. I love this game but it doesnt have enough people to fill it up. It would be great to walk into a bar or what not and see it filled up. People sharing stories, having fun, etc. Perhaps if Funcom merged the two servers. I dont think the game is over populated for two servers. It would rock though.

  2. #2
    I think the problem is that 99% of the players use only 1% of the total playfield. Places like Broken Shore and Pleasant Meadows are very packed. But try to go to Rome Shire and its empty - I still remember Rome Shire from around release, it was packed with people. I guess its because noone is "born" in Rome anymore.

  3. #3
    Problem in not that people don't socialise. Problem is they don't do it in bar's.

    When theres is no "need" to relax in bar, people dont want to go there. You socialize to make connections and to meet people, so when you want ti do that in the game ypou dont go to the bars.

    You go to a place where you are certain to meet orthers. Good places to look for socialsing is around ......

    Grid and Whompa entrances.
    Spawn points (for the rare spawns)
    Omni-Trade (outside, where all the sales men shout)
    Omni-E (Burger Bar, aperantly the only Bar on RK that sells anything)
    Events, mainly guild events. Look out for events.
    Recruting areas (tjeck out Broken Shores or 20K)

    Theres a lot of Socialising around, but just like in real life, it only happens where something "Happens". If traders, nano-programmers started to be in Baboon or Reet Retreat, then there would be a lot more peeps there.

    I thyink socialising works good in AO, just not in places where we are used to in Real life.

    NOTE: Due to the overload dimension bug, no more than 20-25 peeps can be in the same indoor playfield, which totally ruin chances that i would set a Shop up, if i was trader.
    Last edited by Kryos; Apr 3rd, 2002 at 10:34:22.
    Minister Randal Moscadelli
    Callsign: Kryos
    Office closed down, for an unknown time

  4. #4
    If you want to find people, go here the whompa's are, or the grid entrances are.

    people are inherently lazy and if there's an area that's really cool but is a long way away from an insurance terminal or a whompa or a grid point, then they won't go there.

    Case in point: Last Ditch. A great place, and until the whompa was installed, it was empty. You would occasionally get groups of people passing through, but that was about it.

    Another: Bliss. Still essentially empty except when people are passing to get to the TLR dungeon. And there's no whompa.

    It really does seem that actually having to run from one place to another is too much like hard work for the vast majority of players - so they camp the grid and whompa's and areas around them.

    right, gotta, go - the horizon's calling

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