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Thread: Mission location

  1. #1

    Mission location

    I'm level 43 now. Unlike what most people say about mission terminals, they all seem to give me missions for the same places. If I go to Ent, Trade, Galway, Rome, 2ho, etc...they all say "Go deep into Greater Omni Forest." or "Go deep into Clon****" or "Go deep into Pleasant Meadows" or "Go deep into Lush Fields" (not Harry's) or "Go deep into Mutant Domain" or "Go deep into Andromeda" or "Go deep into 4 Holes". I use helpbot to measure my distance to the mission and often I have to go 5-10 km as the crow flies to get there. Considering obstacles like randomly placed fences and walls and the fact that I don't have a Yalm yet, it takes me FOREVER to get to these missions. When I do. Most of the time some horrible creature with a red con takes me out before I can get halfway to the mission. Other times I just turn around. Most of the time I just don't take the mission. The problem is, ALL of my missions are like that. I haven't had a Trade or Harry's mission since about lvl 20 and I stopped getting Ent missions at 40. I've never ever had a mission that says that I need to go to a city; rather I am sent to the vast country surrounding the city.

    How do I get a mission that sends me to a place that I can actually get to? I don't want to have to run halfway from Galway to Harry's to get a mission. It's not cool when I spend more time running to a mission than I spend inside it. It's not like I have a handy little grid terminal at every mission location.

    I'm all for exploration, but enough is enough. How am I supposed to do any missions if I spend a half hour running through Clon**** to get only part of the way to the location and then I get sent back to where I started when some monster kills me?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Interesting comment. Will try to answer.
    Sorry pal, that's life. Such things are done on purpose to:
    1) let you run around and see more things than brontos in Harrys
    2) increase your adventure; xp is easy in this game - to get to save terminal and not to loose it is much more challenging
    3) The more you travel the bigger is cash reward
    With mys first serious char I had to run tons of missions throughout Clon**** and Galway before finding yalmaha in a chest (lvl 52, mission from OP in Lush, had to run to Clon**** from there and 10 minutes more deep into it).
    Yes, I was circlyng around fences just to find a way through and hit into angry panther. That was fun as well.
    So, biggest advice is - relax and enjoy those trips.

    If you want a better life - this is the advice. Do not take mission in trade and run to nowhere. Do the opposite. Grid or wompa to nowhere and get mission into the easy location.
    At your level if you whompa to Galway Castle or even Rome you will be getting decent percent of missions to Galway Shire. You are 100% safe there at your level.
    Learn also some coordinates. Decent percent of 20k missions are in the 20k outpost or at eye camp - it is safe 2 min run to the north of 20k camp. Take those and you are fine.
    When you grow a little your choices are wompa to BSh - missions from there to same safe locations or wompa to Newland and missions in 20k or BSh City of Lag (sorry City of Home)
    Both these locations are great to ask for essence and/or crit buff
    Hope it helps

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