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Thread: 14.2 Battle Suit cost changes

  1. #1

    14.2 Battle Suit cost changes

    14.2 Item Changes:

    • Updated battlesuits and tank armor. The battlesuits and tank armor had several flaws with them which now are fixed. We have drastically reduced the additional cost on executing nano formulas, when using the tank armor and the battlesuits. This scale down with level so that high-level ones cost less. Also we have reduced the price on these items so that people hopefully can afford them.
    I am praying that the reduced cost of the battlesuits will not effect the kind prices the shops currently give to us.

    If so, I am not going to read the boards for a few weeks after the fallout
    Clan Archdeacon

    "Nothing worth while is ever easy"

  2. #2
    where did you get that quote from?
    NT phone HOME!!

  3. #3

  4. #4
    They had better not nerf the prices from the vendors. hard enough to have enough cash up to level 100ish with them worth as much as they are.,
    Member of the "I tried SWG and I am still kicking myself for it" club

  5. #5
    I used to think so, too... then I made 3 million credits in one afternoon.

    The real problem is that up to 80-100ish, you struggle, and can't afford everything (which, BTW, is how it SHOULD be - I think it is fairly well balanced). After that, money is literally FUNNY. I make 200k on loot from a mission with a team EASY - and that is when they were just solo missions, without splitting the reward, and splitting the loot. I usually pull in 300-500k a day standing around waiting for people, because of donations for buffs.

    And y'know what?

    I'm not even nearly rich.

    But I had no problem dumping 2 million on implants. If someone offered me a Bracer of Growing Flesh +6% for 2 million, I'd take it in a second and consider it a good deal. Yea, I go around to backyards and donate buffs and startup money to new arrivals. It isn't even a drop in the bucket. Someone wanted to repay me 10k... I had to stop from laughing.

    So yea, the economy is insane. It is fine up until the high levels, when you run out of things to buy (I have ql200 implants and a ql31 Yalm. i don't need weapons, and my armor is perfectly fine for now. My guild has a huge bank of nanos, and the few I needed to buy (up to ql125) I could easily afford.

    Perhaps that is one of the other problems - after level 100, shops are useless, especially now that you get more nano rechargers. Well, maybe for the implant clusters... that is the only reason I go into shops nowadays. It is all in missions.

    We really have nothing to spend money on, other than the people who need the absolute best, and are willing to pay 3 million credits for +65 AC or +10 max damage.
    Last edited by Zagadka; Apr 20th, 2002 at 22:29:02.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

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