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Thread: My concerns and questions about 14.2 plz read!!

  1. #1

    My concerns and questions about 14.2 plz read!!

    My concerns and questions about 14.2

    1. True Invisibilitie (Concealment fix)

    1.1 Perception check. Will this be done manual or will it be done auto? If we are forced to use "Search" button we will be forced to break our own concealment. New changes made in 14.0 also gave u more information when u are in sneak mode, for example:

    2 people is inside 2ho. Both are sneaking. 1 of the people detects the other guy through perception check. Guy that gets detected recieves message "You have been detected by JohnDoe" thus making concealment useless again.

    1.2 Show all names. Will u be able to see names when they are in sneak mode?

    1.3 Targeted. If u target a person and doesnt change target, will he show up as target when he gets in range (line of sight) even if he is sneaking?


    2. MA crit buff self only.

    2.1 People been complaining for a long time about crit buff. 1 thread Cosmik responded with:

    Originally posted by Cosmik
    The Martial Artist crit buff won't be changed at the moment. The reason is that everybody has the chance of getting such a buff, so even though it makes PvP more deadly, it is equal for everybody.
    what made u descide that it aint equal for everyone?

    2.2 With a less effective crit buff Hunting will hurt. Right now we are all dependant on crit buff to do more damage, how will this effect 14.2 hunting? I have read some stuff about mobs AC/HP getting reduced but i dont think it will be enough.

    2.3 This will make healing classes even better in pvp. Without crits people will not be able to outdamage a healer (its hard as it is now).


    3. OE "fix".

    3.1 Over Equipping will make Traders even better. A Trader can always have better buffs running then other people to get their skills up, will Traders get nerfed now?

    3.2 Traders best income was giving people wrangles. 14.2 Patch so far makes wrangle completely useless except wrangling to get buffs. Ive read that wrangle timer would get increased, that change will only make wrangles even more useless. Me as a Trader dont want to be debuffed longer then 3 min.

    3.3 OE "fix" seems to be directed towards low lvl Twinks. After lvl 125 green and blue skills (with implants) are all within 20% of most QL 200 items that exist in game (except special items perhaps). All this for those low lvl twinks? Wouldnt it be better to implement level requirement on Items like special items? For example DeCranum's Corona MK II: Body Armor.

    3.4 OE patch will also make Traders even more unbalanced in pvp. 1 drain and most people (except perhaps soldiers) will have a 25% reduction on their weapons. Drains hurt already so my question once again is, will my fellow Traders be nerfed after this patch?


    4. Item Changes.

    Quoting from AO Vault

    whole lot of unique items have been added as drops of the Team Mission bosses only.
    Wont this change create an overflow of Unique items?

    Updated battlesuits and tank armor. The battlesuits and tank armor had several flaws with them which now are fixed. We have drastically reduced the additional cost on executing nano formulas, when using the tank armor and the battlesuits. This scale down with level so that high-level ones cost lest.
    If it will make it so they make nanos cost less that will make everyone use Tank armor instead of Coat = same problem as it is now, everyone will look thesame.


    5. Nano Changes.

    Quoting from AO Vault

    Enforcer's Rage line now works
    Will it actually try to remove hostile nanos like it says in description?

    Doctor's Epsilon Purge line now works.
    Will there be any changes made to this nano? Right now it looks like this Epsilon Purge, that means insta casting of a nano that will or will not remove all hostile nanos on you. That means no nanos will ever stick to a doc thus making it more unbalanced in pvp.


    6. IP Reallocation

    6.1 What will be made to stop people from raising a skill then resetting base abilities for that skill.
    Example: Raising Comp Lit/nanos to max then resetting Intelligence


    7. Still no news on Dimension travel

    7.1 Quoting from the back of my Anarchy Online box:
    An epic story-arc spanning the four year lifecycle of the game, shaped by individual player actions
    This does not exist on Rubi-Ka 2. I play on rk1 also and seen lots of this. Ive also seen people been mentioned in news (Example is events that have been posted on website where people ingame on rk1 where there and got to make descicions). So give us a chance to be part of this and move those who want it to Rubi-Ka 1

    7.2 It has been done before (Illuvatar) how come it takes so long to make it possible for the rest of us?


    This was pretty much all i had to say right now. Please excuse any poor spelling made in this post.
    Last edited by Coc^-^; Apr 20th, 2002 at 21:52:29.

  2. #2
    Id love some official reply on this.

  3. #3

    Re: My concerns and questions about 14.2 plz read!!

    1.2 Show all names. Will u be able to see names when they are in sneak mode?

    1.3 Targeted. If u target a person and doesnt change target, will he show up as target when he gets in range (line of sight) even if he is sneaking?

    We'll see all of this on test soon, I hope.

    2.1 People been complaining for a long time about crit buff. 1 thread Cosmik responded with:

    They added in a less potent buff for others. I think it was a good balance.

    2.2 With a less effective crit buff Hunting will hurt. Right now we are all dependant on crit buff to do more damage, how will this effect 14.2 hunting? I have read some stuff about mobs AC/HP getting reduced but i dont think it will be enough.

    Erm, people survived for months without 40% crit chance. You'll survive with 20% crit chance, I'm sure.

    3.2 Traders best income was giving people wrangles. 14.2 Patch so far makes wrangle completely useless except wrangling to get buffs. Ive read that wrangle timer would get increased, that change will only make wrangles even more useless. Me as a Trader dont want to be debuffed longer then 3 min.

    Well, I think FC viewed Traders as using their wrangles etc more in combat than in backyards.

    3.4 OE patch will also make Traders even more unbalanced in pvp. 1 drain and most people (except perhaps soldiers) will have a 25% reduction on their weapons. Drains hurt already so my question once again is, will my fellow Traders be nerfed after this patch?

    Try playing a completely nano-based prof... we've ALWAYS had this problem.

    If it will make it so they make nanos cost less that will make everyone use Tank armor instead of Coat = same problem as it is now, everyone will look thesame.

    Kinda unfair to criticize a new item before you know what the stats are.

    Will there be any changes made to this nano? Right now it looks like this Epsilon Purge, that means insta casting of a nano that will or will not remove all hostile nanos on you. That means no nanos will ever stick to a doc thus making it more unbalanced in pvp.

    It has a 700 req in SI and T&S... any debuff at all makes it impossible to cast, and it probably has a pretty good chance to fail. I don't know, I'm not a PvP Doc. I am a healer, not a fighter.

    6.1 What will be made to stop people from raising a skill then resetting base abilities for that skill.
    Example: Raising Comp Lit/nanos to max then resetting Intelligence

    Yep. FC admitted this, and said they wouldn't do anything about it.

    7.2 It has been done before (Illuvatar) how come it takes so long to make it possible for the rest of us?

    FC CAN do it. They haven't automated it. It takes manual input (I imagine via a database). One of the bigger problems is unique names, and probably a lot of database issues.

    Frankly, RK2 should just be closed. It was opened when RK's population was growing exponentially... it isn't, anymore. It has stabilized.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  4. #4
    Im pretty sure that tank armor wont have a nano reduction component, but that the extra cost (the + 200%) will be reduced.

    Sooooo, professions who use nanos a lot still wont use it, but some professions, such as enforcers or soldiers, might consider them.
    Last edited by Bizzaro; Apr 21st, 2002 at 00:05:13.
    Pause life, play games.

  5. #5

    Re: My concerns and questions about 14.2 plz read!!

    Originally posted by Kiaiii
    3. OE "fix".
    3.3 OE "fix" seems to be directed towards low lvl Twinks. After lvl 125 green and blue skills (with implants) are all within 20% of most QL 200 items that exist in game (except special items perhaps). All this for those low lvl twinks? Wouldnt it be better to implement level requirement on Items like special items? For example DeCranum's Corona MK II: Body Armor.

    I have been thinking the exact same thing. Wouldn't for instance a rule where your level had to be at least 60% of the QL of the item to use it be easier and more reasonable? Maybe exclude tradeskills from this. Everyone who plays the game normally are probably more or less within this 60% limitation already.

  6. #6

    Re: Re: My concerns and questions about 14.2 plz read!!

    Originally posted by Vrach
    Erm, people survived for months without 40% crit chance. You'll survive with 20% crit chance, I'm sure.
    Yeah.. Back in the days before mobs started buffing themself, before mobs could heal eachother, before mobs had their AC "fixed" etc..

    Mobs needs to be rebalanced if they are to remove the crit buffs.

  7. #7
    Mobs are far too easy for teams to handle as is.
    The arguement is that they are single player missions, so a single selfbuffed player should be able to do a 50% mission. I agree.

    So simply tone down single player mission mobs strength (not much, it is possible to solo a 50% mission if you know what you are doing - pending class issues which should be addressed)

    And make single missions single only.

  8. #8
    I can do a single 50% mission self buffed. I've never even had the need to buff crit chances. Trust me, my damage sucks. Badly. It is horrible. Can't be OEed, no crit buffs or items.

    But I can still 50%.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  9. #9

    Re: Re: Re: My concerns and questions about 14.2 plz read!!

    Originally posted by Coldstrike

    Yeah.. Back in the days before mobs started buffing themself, before mobs could heal eachother, before mobs had their AC "fixed" etc..

    Mobs needs to be rebalanced if they are to remove the crit buffs.
    What the hell are all thinking it is removed it will only be reduced for others than MA´s.
    ---Raquel "Dwbureaucrat" Laurence CLvl 214 Omni Crat --- [Eqp]
    ---Charles "Dwmeta" Thompon CLvl 177 Omni MP ---
    ---"Amanefo" CLvl 183 Soldier ---
    ---Ayanna "Dwvip1912" Peak CLvl 37 Clan Fixer (Permanent Death RIP) ---

    "when I was a lowbie us fixers were so gimped we had to throw the bullets at the mobs" -Ekasel-

  10. #10

    Re: My concerns and questions about 14.2 plz read!!

    Originally posted by Kiaiii

    3.2 Traders best income was giving people wrangles. 14.2 Patch so far makes wrangle completely useless except wrangling to get buffs. Ive read that wrangle timer would get increased, that change will only make wrangles even more useless. Me as a Trader dont want to be debuffed longer then 3 min.
    I don't know about this if I want money fast I do missions. If FC gave me the option to uninstall the 132 wrangle I would do it in a heart beat the thing is more trouble than it's worth.

    wrangleme: can you wrangle me 132 will pay 200k
    trader: (macroed) sorry I do not have any wrangle nanos installed.

    selling wrangles is not worth the hassle to me anyhow

    Originally posted by Kiaiii

    3.4 OE patch will also make Traders even more unbalanced in pvp. 1 drain and most people (except perhaps soldiers) will have a 25% reduction on their weapons. Drains hurt already so my question once again is, will my fellow Traders be nerfed after this patch?

    PvP is so uber broken I would not consider any changes to character balance on how they go in PvP. Although I suppose Funcom will

  11. #11
    3.2 Traders best income was giving people wrangles. 14.2 Patch so far makes wrangle completely useless except wrangling to get buffs. Ive read that wrangle timer would get increased, that change will only make wrangles even more useless. Me as a Trader dont want to be debuffed longer then 3 min.
    20% 20% 20% 20%!!!

    Wrangles can STILL be used to equip weapons! To make full use of the 132 wrangle (the HIGHEST wrangle in game), you need a self-buffed skill of 528. Then you are within 20%. That's a lot of leeway.

    Will there be any changes made to this nano? Right now it looks like this Epsilon Purge, that means insta casting of a nano that will or will not remove all hostile nanos on you. That means no nanos will ever stick to a doc thus making it more unbalanced in pvp.
    The earlier poster is right. One 'Sense Imp Incompetence' and you've probably lost use of Purge . It'll be useful for removing roots, and init debuffs, but anything resembling a plunder/divest will be impossible to remove from yourself.

    .1 What will be made to stop people from raising a skill then resetting base abilities for that skill.
    Example: Raising Comp Lit/nanos to max then resetting Intelligence
    That might seem like a good idea at the time, but I can guarantee you that anyone who doesn't keep Intelligence maxed, or at least sufficiently high, will be at a severe disadvantage with their Nano skills. 5 points of Intelligence = 1 point to every Nanoskill. Even for an attribute-capped Atrox that's 80 points to every skill.

    And when the big 162-190 skill cap hits, many people max all their attributes anyway to give them the highest skills possible for that time.

  12. #12

    6. IP Reallocation

    6.1 What will be made to stop people from raising a skill then resetting base abilities for that skill.
    Example: Raising Comp Lit/nanos to max then resetting Intelligence

    Ok I did a little test on this:
    I raised a skill - shotgun on a n00b until the base required was too low to increase shotty anymore.
    I buffed that base skill. then added the IP until I again got the same message.
    Then I removed the buff.
    The Shotgun skill was removed and IP wasn't refunded back into the IP Pool before the buff.

  13. #13
    Yeah, people have reported that quite a lot of times. They can always raise the skill for free up to the point they have spent IP for, after they raise the base abilities.

    And if you want to max out comp literacy, why would you want to lower intelligence?

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Will there be any changes made to this nano? Right now it looks like this Epsilon Purge, that means insta casting of a nano that will or will not remove all hostile nanos on you. That means no nanos will ever stick to a doc thus making it more unbalanced in pvp.

    Not really, it's a very hard nano to use, SI and PSY MOD are the lowest nano skills we raise (Only 4 Nano Programs use SI, about 8 Use Psy Mod)

    If we are debuffed, we can't cast it.
    If we are shutdown, we can't cast it.
    Sure, maybe be a good root breaker?

  16. #16

    Re: My concerns and questions about 14.2 plz read!!

    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Kiaiii
    [B]My concerns and questions about 14.2
    Originally posted by Kiaiii

    2. MA crit buff self only.

    2.1 People been complaining for a long time about crit buff. 1 thread Cosmik responded with:

    what made u descide that it aint equal for everyone?

    2.2 With a less effective crit buff Hunting will hurt. Right now we are all dependant on crit buff to do more damage, how will this effect 14.2 hunting? I have read some stuff about mobs AC/HP getting reduced but i dont think it will be enough.

    2.3 This will make healing classes even better in pvp. Without crits people will not be able to outdamage a healer (its hard as it is now).
    2.1 All the whining from the players did change their mind.

    2.2 Not true, I have been in a team without crit buffs many times, the mobs dont go down so fast, thats all, less xp in same time.

    2.3 Agree here, this will be a big problem. Dmg must be 100% again.

    Originally posted by Kiaiii

    3. OE "fix".

    3.1 Over Equipping will make Traders even better. A Trader can always have better buffs running then other people to get their skills up, will Traders get nerfed now?

    3.4 OE patch will also make Traders even more unbalanced in pvp. 1 drain and most people (except perhaps soldiers) will have a 25% reduction on their weapons. Drains hurt already so my question once again is, will my fellow Traders be nerfed after this patch?
    3.1 Hope so

    3.4 Hope so , specially their debuffs.

    Originally posted by Kiaiii

    4. Item Changes.

    Quoting from AO Vault


    Wont this change create an overflow of Unique items?


    If it will make it so they make nanos cost less that will make everyone use Tank armor instead of Coat = same problem as it is now, everyone will look thesame.
    I doubt the bosses will drop items such as Professors vest and tarasque swords etc.... I think it will be new items that only the team mission bosses drops.

    Originally posted by Kiaiii

    5. Nano Changes.


    Will there be any changes made to this nano? Right now it looks like this Epsilon Purge, that means insta casting of a nano that will or will not remove all hostile nanos on you. That means no nanos will ever stick to a doc thus making it more unbalanced in pvp.
    5.2 Yeah, its a reason to worry about that.

    Originally posted by Kiaiii

    6. IP Reallocation

    6.1 What will be made to stop people from raising a skill then resetting base abilities for that skill.
    Example: Raising Comp Lit/nanos to max then resetting Intelligence
    Wont be possible, im 100% sure of that.

    Originally posted by Kiaiii

    7. Still no news on Dimension travel

    7.1 Quoting from the back of my Anarchy Online box:

    This does not exist on Rubi-Ka 2. I play on rk1 also and seen lots of this. Ive also seen people been mentioned in news (Example is events that have been posted on website where people ingame on rk1 where there and got to make descicions). So give us a chance to be part of this and move those who want it to Rubi-Ka 1

    7.2 It has been done before (Illuvatar) how come it takes so long to make it possible for the rest of us?
    Well, I am sure you want this to work without bugs... would suck to have your char deleted by a bug wouldnt it?
    NT phone HOME!!

  17. #17
    Originally posted by Vrach
    I can do a single 50% mission self buffed. I've never even had the need to buff crit chances. Trust me, my damage sucks. Badly. It is horrible. Can't be OEed, no crit buffs or items.

    But I can still 50%.

    yah, well its all meaningless unless you post your level....
    sub 80 it was easy to solo missions.

    You try solo a lvl 200(50%) mission without a crit buff,
    well i could if i was lucky enough not to get one with Real Means and aces.
    Last edited by Zerosignal; Apr 21st, 2002 at 14:26:31.

  18. #18
    Just want to add to all that want traders nerfed (Garzu for example) our drains are the only thing we have. Without them we are nothing. Should we destroy a working prof because its unbalanced in pvp atm?

  19. #19
    Originally posted by Zerosignal

    yah, well its all meaningless unless you post your level....
    sub 80 it was easy to solo missions.

    You try solo a lvl 200(50%) mission without a crit buff,
    well i could if i was lucky enough not to get one with Real Means and aces.
    Also want to add to this that if u cant heal u cant do 50% missions after 140 or so.

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