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Thread: What was your funniest death?

  1. #41
    >>I don't mean to sound amused, fightened or surprised, but my assumption was that devs didn't exactly play this game...
    or at least not higher level to see what it's really like <<

    Of course we do! There are just a few of us (not me) that have beat the 100 mark so far, most of our normal playtime goes towards working on the game. There are quite a few level 50-100 Funcom characters running around the world, though for obvious reasons you won't hear us broadcast (or even /whisper) that fact.

    And that's NOT using any GM help or GM commands. I actually had a GM-powered character I used for testing dungeons nerfed by the exploit team because I wasn't on the list of registered GMs... :P

  2. #42
    Opened a back pack in a yalm flying to save, back in the day when they were buggy as hell. Lost and entire level of xp.
    Fausto Biggfoo Clyburn

    Are you some kind of robot? And if so what kind of powers do you have? Do you use them for Good? or for Awesome?

  3. #43
    Cranium - could you do us a favor then? could you get the team that makes some of these decisions to game changes actually in the game playing? they apparently are not as you are.

  4. #44

    Red face Ooops...

    Hmm, after a big fight, the team was a bit scattered and some were back at reclaim. Ah, a chest! Pick it open and *bang* - one rat... Goody! XP! Set bot on rat (hey, its red, but only a rat...), start to nuke and shoot... suddenly bot drops dead, rat aggro's me... hello reclaim...

    Reminder to self - never attack chest rats in missions 15QLs above your own level, and if you do, don't do it with a bot on 10% health...

  5. #45


    >>could you get the team that makes some of these decisions to game changes actually in the game playing? they apparently are not <<

    Sure, as soon as you gimme the cash to pay them hefty overtime! Everyone's working hard already, not everyone has time to play. Rest assure that the Lead Designer & Lead World Designer both do, and loads of other FC'ers besides. Even the cleaning lady asks me what level I am these days...

  6. #46

    DoT Death

    Well, i crashed in a mission, had a dot on, relogged then bam, 10 poision damage injected into me, next stop, reclaim!

  7. #47
    Originally posted by Cranium
    [B Even the cleaning lady asks me what level I am these days... [/B]
    hmmm, is she cute?

  8. #48

    Talking never volunteer.

    i'd just got back from doing some misions and was selling items on the shopping channel and chatting to some guild mates when i noticed someone asking for help on clan OOC as they were stuck. Noone else appeared to be listening so i spoke with them aout it while trying to conduct other business. They put a petiton in but found they were in for a long wait, i explained that if you say your stuck , it is rumoured you get priority but if you don't want to wait you can kill yourself, they inquired how. unfortuntely as i was holding 4 other conversations at the same time i simply typed in /terminate and was momentarily confused when everything went white all of a sudden. lost stacks of xp too but was v funny, well everyone else thought so anyway

  9. #49

    Smile yes, the good old terminate mistake

    -> Boffski: The all time classic.

    Newland backyard.
    New player: How do I get out, when I am stuck
    Maximilian: Petition and wait.
    New player: No other way?
    Maximilian: Well, you could commit suicide
    New player: How is it done?
    Maximilian: /terminate

    White screen. Major yelling to the screen.

    Tell from the New player: Where are you? ...

    Always a good laugh at parties.

    -> DoctorEarl: The question would be, what dimension does she play on and what is her ingame name?

    So long,

    100% curious

  10. #50


    my twink enf...not really funny...but here goes...

    close to level, in a high mission with a very good team...

    get 1 vet on me (enf is 80-90), hitting me hard...also get a "You were for 350 dmg" crap that FUNcom introduced to f*ck us even, I decide with 700 hp left that maybe zoning would be a good idea...I hit zone (was at entrance by then, cuz of that) thinking that 700 hp and zoning would be cool, could hit a fast heal out there and come back in. Well guess what...since FUNcom said they fixed the zone deaths, I wasn't very surprised to see that I died while zoning, cuz I don't believe a word they say.

    FUNcom...what a joke...the biggest joke is me for paying them to f*ck me over.


    Guess what, 1 good game and that will change...oh, star wars accepting beta testers? Wow, a game in beta...WHAT DOES THAT REMIND ME OF?!?!!

    A misgruntled f*cked over ao beta tester signing off...

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