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Thread: Mission terminal bug

  1. #1

    Mission terminal bug

    When getting missions from the terminals, I generally get my first mission I select and hit accept for.

    While browsing for the 2nd or 3rd mission, when you hit accept sometimes you actually get the mission you chose, othertimes nothing happens. (Terminal window goes away just as if you had cancelled it instead of hitting accept). No mission in missions window, and no confirmation message about receiving a new mission.

    Has been occurring since 14.1


  2. #2

    I knew I was'nt seeing things. Glad to see I'm not the only one having this happen. It does'nt happen all the time, but always seems to happen when trying to pick up the second mission (for me anyway).

  3. #3
    It ALWAYS happen to me when the 2nd mission I pick is of the same type as the one I had picked earlier.

    Prior to the server patch, this only happens is the rewards are the same. Now it happenes even if just the mission types are the same.

    Sigh... I honestly hope that this is a BUG.

  4. #4
    Happens to me too. I've petitioned several times about the "non-accepting" missions, but have yet to recieve a reply.
    Verdeloth - Treefolk Legend

  5. #5


    yep, getting frustrated by this

    also, have problem where pick up item, and location of mission changes

    e.g. i chose mission in SAV with reward some nano, and pick up was omni-pol elite sleeves

    press 'Accept'

    now, mission says it is at Longest Road, reward is same useless nano, but pick-up item is no longer sleeves, but some useless cluster i dont want!!

    if you're like me and u camp missions forever to get a battlesuit mission, or some piece of armor you really need, it pisses me off to hell when either a) i press accept and dont get the mission, or b) press accept and mission i receive (location, reward, or pick-up item) has changed from what it originally said in description

    my gut feeling is funcom has been trying to prevent us from using AOMD to make our lives easier, and has instead added some bugs to the mission generating process

    rant off

  6. #6
    This has been happening to me too.

    Very frustrating - I don't use AOMD and have to search manually to find a mission in the right place/with right reward (especially hard as I have no Yalm, so some zones are certain death) only to have the mission disappear completely.


    Makes my wrists hurt with all that clicking!

    Level 63 Enforcer, RK1
    Proud Member of The Honored Maidens!

  7. #7
    Aye,this annoying bug happens to me at elast once per day, if not several times. Last visit to the mission booth, it happened 3 times in one sitting.


    TFC coup co-conspirator
    Member of The Mocker's Naked, Co-ed, Full contact, Drunken, Synchronized Blitzing Team

    -=The Mockers=-

  8. #8
    I -may- have a work around.

    When you accept a mission and you plan to grab another from the same terminal, same type, and to the same destination... put the key into a backpack.

    So far, I've been doing this and I have not seen this bug again. That's not to say it cant happen, it just has'nt happened for me yet, whereas before I could make this bug happen everytime.

    Of course, make sure you put the key into your main inventory when you go -to- the mission. There has been trouble in the past about keys held in packs not letting you into the mission until they were placed in the main inventory.

    Hope this works as well for the rest of you.

  9. #9
    Thanks for the possible workaround, Inhibit. We'll be looking into the bug itself and resolving it. Thanks.
    Earn free game time and play with your friends[/b]

    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Inhibit
    I -may- have a work around.

    When you accept a mission and you plan to grab another from the same terminal, same type, and to the same destination... put the key into a backpack.

    So far, I've been doing this and I have not seen this bug again. That's not to say it cant happen, it just has'nt happened for me yet, whereas before I could make this bug happen everytime.

    Of course, make sure you put the key into your main inventory when you go -to- the mission. There has been trouble in the past about keys held in packs not letting you into the mission until they were placed in the main inventory.

    Hope this works as well for the rest of you.
    I get this bug frequently too. Unfortunately, the key in the backpack trick has never worked for me. Seems to be random as to whether or not I'll get 2nd or 3rd mission on 1st, 2nd, 3rd try, etc. Really frustrating when I try to pull a mission for a rare item that I need and the terminal window vanishes with giving me the mission.

  11. #11
    This started happening to me after 14.0, I noticed it the second day after the patch. At first I thought it was me being stupid (not a rare thing) and hitting 'Cancel' instead of 'Accept'. But after the second or third time of not getting my mission I started watching where I was clicking, and for sure, it WAS happening. Many times it happened on the first mission I was trying to pick up, so the key idea wouldn't work. I petitioned about it, and the ARK who answered was as flabbergasted as I was. He got all the info about what was happening, asked if it happened at more than one location (which it did, from Avalon to Tir), etc.

    Get this one fixed!
    Originally posted by Whaambulance

    This is singlehandedly the stupidest post I have EVER read on these forums. Congradulations.
    'Balancing' Nanos Will Remain Imbalanced Vs. Old Nanos - Because We Said So!

    O Gaute, Gaute! Wherefore art thou Gaute?
    Deny thy nerfs and refuse thy lame design decisions;
    Or, if thou wilt not, be but on the forums,
    And I'll no longer be a whiner.

  12. #12
    This bug just keeps getting worse and worse...

    Tonight, I blitzed upwards of 25 missions... and this bug occurred over 10 times while I was choosing missions... Imagine rolling missions for an hour, trying to get a super-rare item... then having the mission go *poof* (Gee, that reminds me of several other things about this game... ) For that exact reason, this bug has got to be stopped asap. (Well, one work-around would be to put those rare items in shops instead of making us roll missions mindlessly, endlessly for them I guess. )

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